The article discusses some discursive practices in the current discourse on education in Poland. The research showed that some cognitive and interactive aspects of civil discourse shape axiological, ideological and political contexts. The condition of current public debate in Poland, dominated by ritual chaos strategies, antagonizing social actors and idealizing the debate’s subject, has also got an influence on the bottom-up initiative in discourse. The analysis demonstrated that the new symbolic elites take communicative patterns of the dominating discourse and they create neither their own forms nor strategies of participating in the public discourse that could belong to civil society practices (eg. communicative strategies based on dialogue and agreement, nonreactive forms of social activities).
Category of The Other and its instances are an obligatory element of the world’s visions constructed by social actors within many various discourses present in Polish modern social space. Discursive communities shape an attitude towards The Other that is compatible with worldview line of discourse to which they belong. The Other can be therefore perceived as The Second, coexisting beside The Yours. It can also be presented as The Stranger or even as The Enemy. This rule is valid in the nationalistic discourse where the strangeness is contrasted with hominess and it becomes one of the strategies of building the identity. It is also a strategy that places everything what is different not only beyond the discursive community’s boundaries but also beyond the national community.