The article presents methodology and selected results of simulation tests of diesel and electric dive system for drilling rig. Research in this field were conducted under the project no. POIR.01.01.01-00-D011/16 entitled „New generation of modular rigs, drilling and bolting, with battery drives, designated to work in underground cooper ore and raw rock material mines”. The project is funded by the National Center of Research and Development (NCBiR). The aim of the project is to design and implementation of innovation drilling and bolting rig with electric drive system. Due to the complexity of the structure of the drive system (mechanical, hydraulic and electrical elements), it was necessary to use advanced simulation software dedicated to multiphysics analysis. Data presented in the article can be used as guidelines in design process of drilling and bolting rigs as well as in optimization their driving system and mechanical construction.
Przeróbka mechaniczna surowców skalnych to główna operacja w procesie ich przetwarzania, w celu pozyskania kruszyw. Kruszywa są podstawowym materiałem stosowanym w budownictwie i drogownictwie, a ich rosnący zbyt wymusza na producentach systematyczne zwiększanie wydajności. W tym celu niezbędne staje się stosowanie nowych rozwiązań technicznych, pozwalających na mniej awaryjną pracę urządzeń stosowanych do przerobu kruszyw. Podstawowe urządzenia, stosowane w zakładach mechanicznego przerobu kruszyw, to kruszarki szczękowe, stożkowe, walcowe i udarowe młotkowe. Przebieg procesu kruszenia zależy głównie od właściwości surowca oraz od konstrukcji maszyny i jej sposobu działania oraz stosowanych elementów roboczych, tj. płyt kruszących, stożków, młotków, bijaków, płyt pancernych oraz wykładzin. Autorzy skupili się na sposobach zabezpieczania w przedsiębiorstwie PW TSA w Stalowej Woli powierzchni roboczych płyt pancernych i wykładzin w kruszarkach młotkowych metodą napawania materiałami CAPILLA. Przeprowadzono badania laboratoryjne i przemysłowe wytypowanych elementów w celu potwierdzenia skuteczności proponowanych rozwiązań.
Mechanical processing of rock raw materials is a main stage of processing them in order to win aggregates. Aggregates are basic materials using in building and road industry, their growing demand force on the manufactures systematic increasing of efficiency. For this purpose, it becomes necessary to use new technical solutions which allow less emergency operation of equipment used for processing aggregates. Basic devices using in aggregates processing plants are jaw, tapered, cylindrical, impact and hammer crushers. Crushing process depends on raw materials property, machine construction and its way of working and working parts: crushing plates, cones, hammers, wises, armour plates and linos. Authors were focused on methods of protecting in an enterprise PW TSA located in Stalowa Wola on surfaces of working elements and linos in hammer crushers by using welding Capilla goods and technologies. There were conducted laboratory and industrial tests of selected elements carried out to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed solutions.
Underground salt mining accounts for about 16 percent of the total salt production worldwide. When excavating salt rock, the cutters of the road header come into contact with the rock. This produces friction and, consequently, a rise in temperature. Generally, as temperature increases, salt gradually loses its plasticity. The extent of these alterations depends on the presence of other minerals in the rock. This paper presents the results of laboratory tests on regularly shaped samples of salt. An analysis was performed of the results of compressive, tensile and induced-shear strength, and of Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, cuttability index and side chipping angle. The testing was conducted on samples with a temperature of about 20°C and samples heated to 50°C and 80°C. The tests showed that as temperature increased, so did compressive and tensile strength, and longitudinal and transverse strain of salt. The temperature increase caused, however, a decrease in shear strength. The cuttability index and the side chipping angle also decreased when the heated samples were being cut. The percentage changes in the parameters within the 60-degree temperature range were as high as several dozen percent.
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