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Appearance, apart from traditional market forms, of the new market dimension, so called „infospace", is mainly caused by new information technologies and Internet in particular. Emergence of Internet originated the real electronic market. Article is an attempt to explain the idea of electronic markets. It presents existing in literature, different approaches to that concept. Article points out the basic differences between electronic and traditional markets. Moreover it indicates various classification of electronic markets and concentrates on the public and private marketplaces specification.
There generally prevails a conviction, which is supported by results of empirical studies, about a smaller Influence - than might be expected - of the sphere of industrial services for agriculture on its overall development. The main cause of this situation seems to be undercapitalization of service centers. On the other hand, some other circumstances - equally important in our opinion - seem to pass unnoticed. They include not always spatially effective location of productive capacities at the disposal of agricultural service centers, lack of adaptation of servicing organization and its forms to differentiated conditions of the Polish agriculture and ineffectiveness of economic instrumental employed in steering service operations for agriculture. Any improvement in functioning of the agricultural services network call, first of all, for familiarity with a growing numbers of variables in the environment affecting the conditions in which institutions providing agricultural services operate. Only then will it be possible to increase adaptability degree of service units to changes taking place in agriculture. The article presents an attempt at analysis of endo- and exogenous factors determining conditions in whioh the sphere of agricultural servioefl operates. Against this background, the author evaluated the state of industrial services for agriculture mainly from the point of view of adjusting them to the spatially differentiated socio-economic structure of villages. The analysis was based on extensive Information coming both from primary and secondary data sources. Especially valuable proved to be results of questionnaire survey carried out among 1,114 agricultural farms located in 11 villages in three administrative provinces of Czestochowa, Opole, and Sieredz in summer 1976. The performed analysis allowed to formulate many generalizations both of cognitive and pragmatic character. The sphere of production services for agriculture - in its present form - represents along with industries manufacturing goods for agricultural production the main obstacle to development of Poland’s food economy. The capacities possessed by services centers are already quite big today but they are only partly oriented at provision of services for agriculture. The previous policy of their spatial location gives rise to many doubts as it led to deepening of territorial disproportions in equipment of agriculture with capital goods. In the market for agricultural aorviues there prevails an oligopsonistio situation which assumes a form of virtual monopoly in the case of the macrosegment of private,b (as buyers of services). The danger of this situation for the private farmer is further intensified by accelerated process of spatial concentration of services The performed studies revealed existence of many vnrlnbles (quantitative and qualitative, economic and non-economics) differentiating demand of private farms for agricultural services. There variables should constitute criteria in market segmentation, which would allow service enterprises to adopt a strategy of their operation based on market segmentation.
Content available Wstęp
Wstęp do Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica nr 179 cz. 1
Content available Internet - nowy wymiar działalności marketingowej
he purpose of the article is the essence of Internet and its capabilities of use in organization’s activities. It mainly concentrates on employment of Internet into contacts of firms with market, marketing is responsible for. Revolt of Internet creates, beside traditional form of market, the new dimension, so called “info sphere” (infospace). E-business, new form of economic activity run beyond time and place is born. Organizations have to function in completely new, previously unknown environment. It is possible to single out two different business models of online economic activity. These are information and transaction models. The potential possibilities of online marketing are enormous. In article we discuss two problems: role of Internet in building relations between company and customers and efficiency of online distribution channel.
Content available Multi-level marketing as a business model
Multi-level marketing is a very popular business model in the Western countries. It is a kind of hybrid of the method of distribution of goods and the method of building a sales network. It is one of the safest (carries a very low risk) ways of conducting a business activity. The knowledge about functioning of this business model, both among theoreticians (scanty literature on the subject) and practitioners, is still insufficient in Poland. Thus, the presented paper has been prepared as — in the Authors’ opinion — it, at least infinitesimally, bridges the gap in the recognition of Multi-Level Marketing issues. The aim of the study was, first of all, to describe Multi-Level Marketing, to indicate practical benefits of this business model as well as to present basic systems of calculating a commission, which are used in marketing plans of companies. The discussion was based on the study of literature and the knowledge gained in the course of free-form interviews with the leaders of the sector.
Multi-level marketing jest popularnym w krajach zachodnich modelem biznesu. Model ten jest swoistą hybrydą sposobu dystrybucji towarów oraz metodą budowania sieci sprzedaży. Jest jednym z najbardziej bezpiecznych (z uwagi na niskie ryzyko) sposobów prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej. Wiedza o funkcjonowaniu tego modelu biznesu, zarówno wśród teoretyków (uboga literatura przedmiotu) jak i praktyków, jest w Polsce ciągle niewystarczająca. Stąd też niniejsze opracowanie — w przeświadczeniu autorów – chociaż w minimalnym stopniu wypełnia istniejącą lukę w rozpoznaniu problematyki multi-level marketingu. Jego celem jest przede wszystkim przybliżenie istoty multi-level marketingu, wskazanie na praktyczne korzyści tego modelu biznesu oraz zaprezentowanie podstawowych systemów naliczania prowizji jakie występują w planach marketingowych firm. Rozważania oparto na studiach literaturowych oraz na wiedzy pozyskanej w trakcie przeprowadzonych wywiadów swobodnych z liderami firm tej branży.
Content available Measurement of social media Web 1.0 and Web 2.0.
nr 2(8)
Nowadays social media gather millions of users and virtual communities have become the core of the Internet. Thanks to various forms of communications (both the standard and more invasive ones) the function of social media undergoes changes. What initially was meant to make new virtual friends, now more and more often is implemented in enterprises’ activities, thus opening new opportunities to build a dialogue with buyers, to strengthen a positive image of science and to boost sales. The key to conduct effective actions in the social media are the measurements of what is happening in them. The application of these measurements allows to make better adjustments in the strategies of companies’ presence in the social portals. The aim of the article is to define the most important areas/subjects of the measurements used in this regard and the tools that are used to monitor the Internet.
Media społecznościowe skupiają dziś ogromne rzesze użytkowników, a społeczności wirtualne stanowią współczesny trzon internetu. Dzięki różnym formom komunikacji (zarówno standardowym jak i bardziej inwazyjnym) zmienia się funkcja mediów społecznościowych. Służące pierwotnie nawiązaniu wirtualnych przyjaźni, coraz częściej są implementowane w działaniach przedsiębiorstw, otwierając nowe szanse budowy ich dialogu z nabywcami, wzmocnienia korzystnego wizerunku nauki, pobudzenia sprzedaży. Kluczem do prowadzenia skutecznych działań w social media są pomiary tego, co się w nich dzieje. Wykorzystanie pomiarów pozwala na lepsze dostosowywanie strategii obecności firm na portalach społecznościowych. Celem artykułu jest wskazanie najważniejszych obszarów/tematyki pomiarów, stosowanych w tym względzie wskaźników oraz narzędzi służących monitoringowi internetu.
nr 4(14)
Social media are not losing their popularity. Despite their long (sometimes a few years long) presence on the Internet, portals from this category are gradually strengthening their position with regard to the number of registered users. In July 2014 the biggest social media portal – Facebook – had 1,320,000,000 active accounts around the whole world. In Poland in July 2014 the number of active users of the portal reached 12,000,000. In the period from April 12 to May 25, 2014, the Department of Marketing of the Faculty of Management of University of Lodz conducted a research aimed at the assessment of activities conducted by companies in social media. The goal of the research was to reach people using social media and investigate how particular measures taken by companies in social media are assessed by them, as well as to identify which of these actions boost engagement and influence making a purchasing decision. In course of the research the method of Internet questionnaire was applied. 302 respondents took part in the survey and almost 90% of them declared that they use social media portals. The most popular social network among the respondents is Facebook. YouTube also plays a major role. This may be seen as evidence that the marketing potential of video contents published on the Internet is huge. The conducted research shows that among the biggest benefits associated with having an account on a social media portal is the possibility of fast communication, chance to find and follow friends, as well as accumulation of the most important information in one place. Over 70% of the surveyed follows well-known companies and brands in social media. Fashion brands and brands associated with the food and electronics branches are followed most often. What the respondents most often named as one of the advantages of following brands in social media is the possibility of continuously following novelties, opportunity to receive discount coupons, as well as a chance to win prizes in contests organized on brand profiles. Users also drew attention to the fact that the utilization of social media as a channel serving the purpose of solving the problems of current clients and resolving doubts of future clients. Arguments encouraging people to follow brands in social media – according to the surveyed – are among others, actually using a product, interest in the subject (branch) represented by the producer and potential intention to make a purchase of an observed product. Respondents also pointed to such factors as additional information concerning the application of a product, as well as association with their work. According to the respondents, among many activities conducted in social media the following have the biggest impact on making a purchasing decision: receiving a discount coupon, publication of information about a special offer, publication of information about novelty in an offer. The activity which, turned out to be least effective in attracting the attention of the Users are contests organized by the producers.
Media społecznościowe nadal nie tracą na swojej popularności. Pomimo swojej długiej (najczęściej już kilkuletniej) obecności w Internecie, portale z tej kategorii stopniowo umacniają swoją pozycję w odniesieniu do liczby zarejestrowanych użytkowników. W lipcu 2014 roku, największy portal social media – Facebook – mógł poszczycić się liczbą 1 320 000 000 aktywnych kont na całym świecie. W Polsce, w lipcu 2014 roku, liczba aktywnie korzystających użytkowników tego portalu wyniosła 12 000 000 osób. W okresie od 12 kwietnia do 25 maja 2014 roku, Katedra Marketingu Wydziału Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego przeprowadziła badanie mające na celu ocenę działań prowadzonych przez firmy w mediach społecznościowych. Celem badania było dotarcie do osób korzystających z mediów społecznościowych i zbadanie jak poszczególne działania prowadzone przez firmy w social media są przez nich ocenianie, a także które z tych działań zwiększają zaangażowanie i wpływają na podjęcie decyzji zakupowej. W badaniu zastosowano technikę ankiety internetowej. Wzięło w nim udział 302 respondentów, a blisko 90% deklarowało, że korzysta z portali społecznościowych. Najpopularniejszym wśród przebadanych osób portalem społecznościowym jest Facebook. Dużą rolę odgrywa również serwis YouTube, co może świadczyć o ogromnym potencjale marketingowym treści wideo zamieszczanych w Internecie. Z przeprowadzonego badania wynika że do największych korzyści związanych z posiadaniem konta w portalu społecznościowym należy zaliczyć możliwość błyskawicznej komunikacji, szansę na odnalezienie i obserwowanie znajomych oraz skumulowanie najważniejszych informacji w jednym miejscu. Ponad 70% badanych śledzi znane firmy i marki w mediach społecznościowych. Obserwowane są marki modowe, związane z branżami żywności i elektroniki. Do zalet związanych z obserwowaniem marek w social media respondenci najczęściej zaliczali możliwość bieżącego śledzenia nowości, okazję do otrzymania kuponu rabatowego, a także szansę na wygranie nagród w konkursach prowadzonych na profilach marek. Użytkownicy zwracali również uwagę wykorzystanie mediów społecznościowych jako kanału służącego rozwiązywaniu problemów obecnych klientów jak i rozwiewaniu wątpliwości tych przyszłych. Argumentami zachęcającymi do obserwowania marek w social media – według badanych – są między innymi faktyczne korzystanie z produktu, zainteresowanie tematyką (branżą) jaką reprezentuje producent oraz potencjalna chęć zakupu obserwowanego produktu. Respondenci wskazywali również na takie czynniki jak dodatkowe informacje na temat stosowania produktu, a także powiązanie z wykonywanym zawodem. Zdaniem respondentów, wśród wielu działań prowadzonych w mediach społecznościowych, największy wpływ na podjęcie decyzji zakupowej, mają: otrzymanie kuponu rabatowego, publikacja informacji o promocji, opublikowania informacji o nowości w ofercie. Najmniej przykuwającym uwagę Użytkowników działaniem okazały się organizowane przez producentów konkursy.
Main aim of the paper is to present the idea of e-commerce specialisation programme. E-commerce is one of eight programmes chosen by the fourth year students of Faculty of Management and Marketing. This specialisation is offered for students since academic year 2002/2003. It has been created to meet students' developing requirements and expectations. Its aim is to indicate the possibilities of practical use of new information technologies in business - mainly the Internet. Special emphasis is placed on the Internet usage in business communication with the market audience. This study shows courses description, students comments and also more important changes, which were accomplished after first year of class.
This article discusses the new phenomenon of e-economy called collaborative cornu» recognized and defined in 1999 by Gartner Group. In order to sustain a competitive advantage, electronic markets have to evolve toward a new business model based a collaboration and knowledge sharing across supply chains of its incumbents. This pap characterizes the concept of c-commerce, its main solutions and potential benefits such faster cycle times, improved planning and forecasting through better ecosystem visibility and increased customer satisfaction.
Article concentrates on explanation of essence of electronic commerce, its current condition and prospects of development. The aim of the article is to explain basic notions such as e-commerce, e-business, e-economy. It analyses e-commerce conditions and evolution in B2C and B2B sectors. Forecast of development of e-commerce in Poland does not seem to be comforting. 2006-2008 is expected to become an era of e-commerce. Electronic business will go out from phase of experiment and it will proceed for period of maturity.
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