The article deals with construction technique and materials, especially mudbricks and their composition, vis-a-vis specific situation in Tell el-Retaba. Bridging over a thousand years, the construction recommendations of Vitruvius are compared with the current situation in Tell. This article briefly describes three defence walls so far unearthed in Tell el-Retaba and focuses on the research of local ancient mudbricks. It presents results from the examinations of several samples of mudbrick and soil done during recent archaeological seasons. The samples were examined mainly by sieve analysis, testing density, dimensions, walling technique, etc., what also indirectly helps to determine approximate strength of mud bricks and their usage in single structures. The main result, grain-size curves, describing mudbrick composition and their relationship and potential reusing in constructions, are presented. Basic dimensions of the fortress’s gate – Migdol, and defence walls, based on preliminary static calculations of the bearing capacity of the subsoil are also estimated from the point of view of construction engineering.
In Part 1 the article brings the main results of the field excavations at Tell el-Retaba undertaken by Hans Goedicke´s team in 1977 and 1978, their comparison to the results of the joint Polish – Slovak mission and some revisions wherever possible. In 1977 the survey denoted the site as a garrison town extensively used in the New Kingdom. In 1978 Petrie´s work was re-examined; the Central Test Pit was excavated and eleven major stratigraphic levels were identified and tested. Some conclusions concern chronology of temenos, rebuilds of temple(s), and its dismantling. The dating of levels in the Central Test Pit is reconsidered in compliance with recent researches. The finds and the season 1981 will be released in Part 2.
The fragment of a cream white limestone stela was found by accident at Tell el-Retaba during the season 2014. Its preserved shape is 22.5 cm x 25 cm. The frontal side of the stela is bordered by a rounded line framing the area decorated in sunken relief. The decoration features an almost completely preserved sun disc with the protruding head of a uraeus oriented rightwards, apparently the crown of a deity. An inscription identifies the figure as the god Re-Harakhty. Opposite the crown, there are remains of a cartouche whose right half is lost; the signs wsr, stp and n makes it obvious that the name of a Ramesside ruler was written in the cartouche. The stela JE 72307, kept in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, provides important parallels for interpretation of the Tell el-Retabaʼs fragment. The decoration and the workmanship show crucial similarities. It may be assumed that the stela from Tell el-Retaba also bore the representation of Ramesses II offering flowers to Re-Harakhty. Both stelae clearly belong to the corpus of so-called ‘Horbeit stelae’, which were probably exhibited in houses. Probably they were most made at Qantir/Piramesse. It can only be assumed that the transfer to Tell el-Retaba took place in the Third Intermediate Period. A fragment of another ‘Horbeit stela’ was found at Tell el-Retaba in 1978 by Hans Goedickeʼs mission.
This article reports on the surveys of “the Slovak research at the Sudanese site of Duweym Wad Haj,” a joint project of the Institute of Oriental Studies and the Archaeological Institute, both of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS). A short survey was carried out at the site in November 2017. Two mosques, qubba and a tell were identified; the tell rises about 5 to 6 m above the alluvial terrain. The western entrance to the older mosque is flanked by hard black stone blocks. Nearby is a worked stone block of the same material. Non-diagnostic pot-sherds were found mainly concentrated on the northern side of the tell. A geophysical survey, documentation of the older mosque and archaeological prospecting were carried out in February 2018; fragments of alabaster, black and red granite and stone industry were identified at the site. The geophysical survey was carried out by a georadar RAMAC X3M system with 500 MHz antenna and processed by ReflexW software. The site was divided up into 8 areas and the individual areas were measured out by GPS Trimble R2. Overall, 11 structures were discovered.
The article briefly outlines historical situation and structure of Nomes in the north-eastern periphery of the Nile Delta in the Old and Middle Kingdom. In relation to literary sources, such as the Instruction for king Merikare, the Prophecies of Neferti and the Tale of Sinuhe, the article evaluates the defensive potential of Wadi Tumilat and the Isthmus of Suez. It concludes that one of the Walls of the Ruler could have been in Wadi Tumilat, starting at Tell el-Retaba. The article also presents new military related finds of the 2017 season of the Polish-Slovak mission to Tell el-Retaba into a context of recent research of fortification structures at Tell el-Retaba: new discovered moats, Wall 1, Wall 2 and their gates.
This contribution reports on results of multidisciplinary research in Duweym Wad Haj in January and February 2022. The archaeological excavations focused on the internal structures and architecture of the old mosque and discovered eleven residuals of bases of pillars and/or columns of a riwaq. These results indicate the existence of the riwaq along all the perimeter walls, with a different number of arcades along each wall, which enclosed an open internal yard. The soil survey confirmed a ca 7 metres high eolian dune below the old mosque, without traces of any significant settlement down to a depth of ca 5.5 m. The research on the mudbricks and construction of the old mosque confirmed its irregular plan, due to the orientation of the qibla wall and the making of mudbricks sourced from both local and imported material. The analysis of ceramics indicated the presence of pottery largely from the Funj period. Samples taken during the season will be subject to further research.
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