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Techniki geoinformacyjne oraz informacja przestrzenna są nieodłącznym narzędziem pracy instytucji zarządzających takimi obszarami jak parki narodowe, obszary Natura 2000, parki krajobrazowe czy rezerwaty przyrody. W parkach narodowych - najcenniej szych ostojach rodzimej przyrody - rola tych narzędzi jest kluczowa w podejmowaniu trafnych decyzji dotyczących przestrzeni, zarówno w odniesieniu do środowiska przyrodniczego i działań na rzecz ochrony przyrody, jak i zadań związanych z interesem społecznym np. udostępnianiem parku. Dane przestrzenne są zatem jednym z najważniejszych narzędzi pracy w strategicznym planowaniu ochrony przyrody oraz zarządzaniu przestrzenią obszaru chronionego, udostępnianego dla nauki i społeczeństwa. Harmonizacja zasobów informacyjnych, a szczególnie danych przestrzennych, będących w posiadaniu instytucji zarządzających transgranicznym obszarem chronionym jakim są Karkonosze, stanowi swoisty obszar testowy dla metod implementacji postanowień ustawy o infrastrukturze informacji przestrzennej (Ustawa, 2010) oraz dyrektywy INSPIRE (Dyrektywa, 2007). Harmonizacja danych przestrzennych jest jednym z naj istotniej szych działań podjętych w ramach projektu Karkonosze w INSPIRE - wspólny GIS dla ochrony przyrody, realizowanego przez oba karkonoskie parki narodowe: Karkonoski Park Narodowy w Polsce i Krkonosski Narodni Park w Republice Czeskiej. Projekt realizowany jest w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Współpracy Transgranicznej Republika Czeska-Rzeczpospolita Polska 20072013 i współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej. Działania podejmowane w ramach projektu mają na celu usprawnienie zarządzania Parkiem zarówno po stronie polskiej, jak i czeskiej, wsparcie współpracy specjalistów badających środowisko przyrodnicze Karkonoszy oraz współużytkowanie posiadanych zasobów z innymi interesariuszami. W artykule przedstawiono kluczowe wyzwania jakie stoją przed zespołem realizującym projekt oraz założenia prac, mających na celu utworzenie spójnej bazy danych przestrzennych dla obszaru Karkonoszy.
Geoinformation techniques and spatial information are indispensable tools for institutions in charge of management of protected areas such as national parks, Natura 2000 sites, or nature reserves. In the national parks - being the most precious sanctuaries of our homeland s nature - these tools play a key role in making sound decisions about space, with respect to both the natural environment and the needs and benefits for the society. Spatial data are therefore important in strategic planning of nature conservation and in management of space within a protected area that needs to be made accessible to scientists and general public. In particular, the tasks associated with effective nature protection, including conservation of biological and landscape diversity and management of particularly precious areas, require suitable geoinformation infrastructure and spatial data of appropriate resolution. In the case of transboundary protected areas, a true challenge for institutions in charge of their management is how to uniformly "describe" nature and its resources by maintaining spatial databases in the way that ensures coherency of decisions made for the sake of nature on both sides of the border. The project implemented jointly by the Polish and Czech Karkonosze national parks addressed this challenge in two dimensions: 1) development of geoinformation infrastructure in both parks; 2) ensuring access to up-to-date data and information on the whole Karkonosze mountains, related to the following themes: current state of natural resources and functioning of respective components of the environment, such as geology, geomorphology, soils, forest and non-forest ecosystems, peatbogs, water bodies and other; threats to this environment, in the form of e.g. tourist pressure, pressure associated with investments and spatial development of cities in proximity of protected areas, occurrence of natural disasters, pest infestations, etc. The key objective of the project entitled Karkonosze in INSPIRE - common GIS for nature protection is harmonisation of spatial data in accordance with the provisions of the INSPIRE Directive, as well as providing geoinformation services enabling the use of these data resources in both parks. Data harmonisation entails, in this particular case, two main aspects related to (1) geoinformation, and (2) thematic subject matter. The geoinformation aspect concerns the structure of spatial databases, their alignment with the standards, exchangeable formats and coordinate systems, uniformity of geometry and topology of data, creation of metadata. The second aspect concerns data harmonisation according to the thematic criteria, which requires involvement of both Polish and Czech experts in various disciplines. The main task will be to conduct analyses of the conformity of systems functioning on both sides of the border, as well as the methodology of creating thematic maps in both countries. The presentation will describe the above-mentioned activities aimed at creation of a uniform spatial database for the Karkonosze area.
W latach 2005-2006 Centrum Informacji o Środowisku UNEP/GRID-Warszawa, we współpracy z Centralnym Ośrodkiem Doskonalenia Nauczycieli, przeprowadziło 3 edycje warsztatów dla nauczycieli i doradców przedmiotowo-metodycznych. Warsztaty nosiły tytuł: Wykorzystanie technologii informacyjnych w nauczaniu przedmiotów przyrodniczych i programach edukacji ekologicznej. W warsztatach wzięło w sumie udział ok. 80 doradców przedmiotowo-metodycznych i nauczycieli przedmiotów przyrodniczych (biologia, geografia, przyroda). Zajęcia prowadzono w trzech modułach tematycznych (w trakcie trzech jednodniowych spotkań). Odbywały się one w pracowni komputerowej, w terenie i na sali wykładowej. Były to moduły tematyczne. Zakres merytoryczny warsztatów bazował na dorobku następujących programów edukacyjnych: Program GLOBE (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment), e-LSEEE, e-Learning in Science and Environmental Education, Scenariusze zajęć lekcyjnych dla nauczycieli gimnazjum – scenariusze zajęć (terenowych i z zastosowaniem komputera), Różnorodność biologiczna w Polsce oraz Elektroniczny Atlas Środowiska Polski – multimedialny programu edukacyjny, Eksperymenty w szkole – scenariusze praktycznych doświadczeń dostosowanych do warunków i programów szkolnych. Warsztaty były przeprowadzone przy udziale specjalistów poszczególnych dziedzin (GIS, teledetekcja, gleboznawstwo, klimat i atmosfera), doświadczonych metodyków (geografia, biologia) oraz przez zespół Centrum UNEP/GRID-Warszawa i przedstawiciela Szkoły Festiwalu Nauki.
In the years 2005-2006, Environmental Information Centre UNEP/GRID-Warsaw, in collaboration with the National In-Service Teacher Training Center, conducted 3 series of training worskhops for teachers and teaching methodology consultants. The workshops were organised under a guiding theme of Using information technologies in teaching science subjects and in environmental education programmes. Altogether, the workshops were attended by approx. 80 participants: teaching methodology consultants and teachers of science subjects (such as biology, geography, natural science). Each workshop was divided into 3 separate training thematic modules, each carried out in sessions within a single day in the form of lectures, computer workshops, and field exercises. Subject matter of the training worskhops was based on the contents, methodology, and results of the following educational programmes: The GLOBE (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment) Programme; e-LSEEE: e-Learning in Science and Environmental Education; Lesson plans for middle-school teachers (lesson plans for computer-assisted field classes); Two multimedia educational packages (on CD): Biodiversity in Poland and Electronic Atlas of the Environment in Poland; Science experiments at school – manual on practical experiments tailored to specific conditions and school curriculum. The training workshops were conducted by a highly qualified team consisting of experts in such fields as GIS, remote sensing, soil science, climate and atmospheric research, experienced methodology consultants (biology, geography), a representative of the Science Festival School, and by staff of the UNEP/GRID-Warsaw Centre.
Content available remote Kompetencje GIS w urzędach gmin
Content available remote Wirtualny Kampinoski Park Narodowy jako narzędzie edukacji ekologicznej
Integrating environmental education with information and communication technologies (ICT) creates a unique opportunity to better convey to the young public the idea of protecting the environment. Great ease with which today's students use modern computer tools and techniques provokes their interest in participation in the activities in which such tools and techniques are widely employed. Environmental education is most frequently pursued through extracurricular activities that involve direct interactions of students with nature. Environmental Information Centre UNEP/GRID-Warsaw has undertaken and carried out a project with the goal to create a multi-functional Internet portal presenting the assets of the Kampinoski National Park. The content of the portal was developed by the Park staff; it also included data and information materials created by appropriately trained students and tourists while visiting the area. The Virtual Kampinoski National Park portal contains three virtual educational trails charted leading through the Park.s areas of particular interest and along which a number of protected nature objects can be seen. Each trail is described in a short text supplemented by multimedia materials such as 360° panoramic pictures, movies, sound, as well as nature-related thematic maps and special data files that, prior to venturing out, can be downloaded to mobile navigation devices such as GPS units or PDA units equipped with GPS modules. While on an Internet virtual hike, the user may visit a number of virtual educational trail stops with information about those particular places, see movies showing spring and summer vegetation as well as pictures shot in four directions (north, south, east and west). On a real hike, tourists equipped with GPS or PDA units and specially designed data entry questionnaires (available on the portal to download and printout) may make field observations regarding such important topics as alien tree species (their presence indicating disturbed ecological balance in a given habitat), tourism infrastructure (availability, condition), tourism pressure evidenced by stray paths created besides marked trails, and, finally, wildlife observations. In all cases, they can take measurements of geographic location of a given observed phenomenon and later transfer such field-collected data into the electronic data questionnaires available on the portal. The data is then processed by a special application and finally visualized on the portal for other users. The map server has been developed based on two software solutions, namely MapServer and Maps- Google. The former is used to display various thematic maps presenting individual components of the Park's environment, while the latter can be used to conduct virtual trips in the Park and is equipped with a number of additional multimedia features. Thus, the three educational trails are visualized on the portal along with thematic layers showing nature-related information such as vegetation or forest habitats - all against the background of the ortophotomap. Attached to each trail stop are their GPSmeasured geographic coordinates as well as illustrative materials such as pictures showing the stop and its immediate vicinity. Additionally, selected trail stops are presented by means of 360° panoramas (both photographic and movie) and archival pictures - all of them can be displayed in a special media presentation window. The Virtual Kampinoski National Park.-portal has already been put to a good use during field educational classes for school teachers and students, entitled .Navigation in the backpack.. During the classes, the participants pursued a number of educational tasks while hiking on the trails in the Kampinoski National Park. Collected data (results of field observations and measurements, their geographic coordinates, photographic documentation) were then uploaded onto the portal, processed and visualized. The students used modern navigation tools and - as an additional fun-task - they were engaged in a navigation-based field game called geocaching which is about finding .treasure boxes.-hidden in places of given coordinates.-.Navigation in the backpack.-project proved a very attractive supplement to the schools.-regular curriculum, the students could learn how to use GPS tools in the field and how to creatively use Internet.
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