Metody numeryczne stanowią ważne narzędzie w pracy inżyniera. Dla w pełni świadomego wykorzystania możliwości obliczeniowych oferowanych przez te metody ważne jest ich poznanie i dlatego rośnie coraz bardziej znaczenie nauczania metod numerycznych. Nauczanie jednak nie może się odbywać bez pokazania implantacji metod numerycznych w komputerze i do tego celu bardzo przydatne są programy matematyczne oferowane na rynku. Program, który wspomaga nauczanie powinien umożliwiać przeprowadzenie badań wybranych metod numerycznych, wizualizację wyników oraz zawierać opis algorytmu. Możliwości takie stwarza pakiet MathCad. W pracy przedstawiono przykłady zastosowania pakietu MathCad w nauczaniu metod numerycznych.
Numeric Methods are an important tool in engineer's work. However, for the conscious use of the computations possibilities offered by these methods, the importance of teaching them increases. It is crucial for the study of numeric methods to show their implementations on the computer. Many computer programmes, which are available on the market, are very useful in the study of numeric methods. The computer programme, which helps the study, should allow to test chosen methods, to visualise calculation results and to include the description of algorithms. These possibilities are given by the MathCad System. There are several examples of applying MathCad System in the study of numeric methods presented in this paper.
There are electrochemical processes occurring on a metal object surface in seawater. As the result of these processes, one can observe an electric field in the object vicinity. The paper presents the method and measurement system that allows to locate the detected object and to identify parameters of its simplified model in form of a current dipole. The identify method is based on the matrix norm minimization. The matrix contains results of measurements and parameters of the object in request taken as the current dipole. The results of simulation and experimental detection of sea mines are given. The research results confirmed the effectiveness of the developed method.
A ferromagnetic object, located in the Earth’s magnetic field, changes its distribution. Through measuring such disturbances, one can locate the object and destroy it. To conceal the object, a special winding is placed inside its ferromagnetic shell, and its task is to eliminate the disturbances in the distribution of the Earth’s magnetic field. A thin walled elliptical shell, made of ferromagnetic material, is examined as the object model. There are coils, placed inside the shell, and their task is to generate a magnetic field, which is eliminating the effect, the shell is making on the distribution of the Earth’s magnetic field in the surrounding area. Such a procedure is called magnetic masking and the winding used for this purpose is called the masking winding. The possibility of building the masking windings for the ferromagnetic elliptical shell, situated in a transverse magnetic field respectively to its major axis, is also examined. The solution of Maxwell’s equations, which are describing the magnetic field distribution caused by the ferromagnetic shell presence in the Earth’s magnetic field, is found. Furthermore, the ability of selecting coils, which are eliminating the perturbations of the magnetic field outside the shell completely, is proven.
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