This article evaluates the potential of magnetometry to establish the internal structure of three mounds in the barrow cemetery of Bukivna in the Upper Dniester River Basin in Ukraine.We also evaluate the effects of geomorphological processes on the magnetometric results. The three-stage research method we applied comprises the preparation of a digital elevation model of the mounds, conducting geomagnetic surveys and, finally, targeted excavations, the latter enabling the verification of previously detected magnetic anomalies. In effect our studies show exceptionally complex geophysical anomalies, difficult to interpret with any certainty. In the peculiar case of the barrows 6 and 7 in group I, partly connected by an earthen mantle, the overlapping magnetic fields did not allow the two mounds to be distinguished from each other; it was possible to achieve only through subsequent excavations. In both barrows, a series of ritual and sepulchral structures were discovered that provided clear magnetic signals. The arrangement of the anomalies in the mound 1, group II, potentially reflects various aspects of the barrow’s structure and its state of preservation, beginning with postdepositional processes related to erosion or to the run-off of material down the slope, and ending with the mound’s stratigraphy, formed over the course of two phases. In turn, in the case of mounds 6 and 7, it can be assumed that the effects of these processes have been somewhat “suppressed” in the magnetometric image, due to the strong impact of the burnt wooden structures located underneath the features
Upowszechnienie się w archeologii metod nieinwazyjnych umożliwiło w znacznie większej skali badania obszarów leśnych. W badaniach cmentarzysk kurhanowych położonych na Wale Krotoszyńskim (Las Krotoszyn), w celu rozpoznania morfometrycznego cmentarzyska kurhanowego i identyfikacji kopców, które weryfikowano dodatkowo w terenie, zastosowano metody lotniczego skaningu laserowego do wykonania numerycznego modelu terenu. Wykonanie prospekcji magnetometrycznej, na podstawie oceny zróżnicowania anomalii magnetycznych, dało możliwość uchwycenia złożonej struktury wewnętrznej badanych kurhanów. Wyniki magnetometrii weryfikowane były poprzez odwierty geologiczne w miejscach występowania anomalii magnetycznych w obrębie kurhanu, a pobrany z nich materiał poddano badaniom litologicznym oraz analizie podatności magnetycznej.
The spread of non-invasive methods in archaeology made it possible to study forest areas. In the study of barrow cemeteries located on the Krotoszyn Ridge (Krotoszyn Forest), aerial laser scanning methods were used to implement a numerical terrain model for morphometric recognition and identification of burial mounds, which were additionally verified in the field. Magnetometric prospection made it possible to study the complex internal structure of the studied mounds on the basis of the diversity of magnetic anomalies. The verification of the geomagnetic surveys was based on geological drillings in the places with the largest magnetic anomalies within the burial mounds; the material collected from them was subjected to lithological tests and analysis of magnetic susceptibility.
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