The use of chemical agents against microorganisms causing damage to the paper of historical objects requires tests of their effectiveness. The evaluation of such effectiveness attaches essential importance to the selection of methods and the employment of objective criteria for the assessment of the outcome of studies. The authors conducted the review of methods used in examining the value of fungicides both on a natural base and in the case of artificial culture.
In the article, a characterization is made of fifteen Japanese tissue papers offered by two firms from the Fed. Rep. of Germany: "Oskar Vangerow" from Munich and "Japico Drissler Feinpapiere” from Frankfurt-am-Main. The characterization is based on the author's own studies, carried out in the Chemistry Institute at the Department of Preservation of Works of Art, the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. In the course of these, the durability of the papers was evaluated through the 'omparison of their whiteness, self-rupture and the number of double bends before and after artificial aging. The durable tissue papers, recommended for preservation work on the most valuable objects with a paper base, are from: Kashmir, Tengujo, Tengujo- Kashmir, Mino-Tengujo, Bib. Tengujo and Gampi. The remaining tissue papers are characterized by excessive acidity and some even by considerable loss of resistance to bending during aging, for which reasons they are not recommended for preservation purposes.
The conducted research concerned the preparation of an instrumental method for the measurement of the fungitoxic value of wood preservatives against mould which could replace the heretofore applied subjective visual method. The measurement of light reflection with Zeiss photometres (Leukometers) and Zeiss Spekol 10 spectrometers with the Rd/0 reflectance adapter was treated as a new criterion of effectiveness. The method was tested on two fungicides: natrium pentochlorophenate and the WR-3 quoternary ammonium compound, used on samples of pine and birch wood. The results obtained with the method were better than those in the case of the visual method, albeit proved to be more time consuming. The proposed method appears to be useful for the elimination of subjective difficulties in the estimation of mould growth on the surface of the given wood, and hence for the estimation of the effectiveness of wood preservatives.
A situdy of much of the palace woodwork and decorative sculpture revealed that many places had been attacked by fungi wood-boring beetle. In some cases the wood fungus had even affected the brick walls. Various degrees of wood deterioration were confirmed — from minor superficial deterioration to a complete decay (smaller elements). Fungusinfected woodwork had appeared throughout the palace. Many technical difficulties arose due to the historical-artistic value and greatness of the palace and sometimes by the fact that some elements could not be demounted for conservation purposes. As regards the wood subframe, in certain cases the deteriorated wood was replaced while in other cases the fungus-infected wood was treated on the spot. The choice of anti-fungi preparations depended on their influence upon the immediate surroundings and the paintings. The wood freed of fungus was covered with an artificial resin. A separate problem concerned the conservation work on the oak sculptures crowning the towers. Here, in addition to fungi and insects, the weather had been a destructive factor. Following much research, most of the damaged parts were removed — the major defects in the sculptures were repaired with glued uniform wood, the smeller ones had the fissures filled with an appriopriate mass. Then all these restored sculptures were impregnated with in vacuum tenk an artificial resin. To prevent the devastation of the rich paintedsculptural works where the ceiling beams and planks of the ceiling lining had to be removed, the beams were fastened and the damaged elements and some reeds were removed from the top. The uncovered mortar was plastered over with 8 cm of gypsum with small amount of poliwinyl alcohol reinforced with a galvanized iron net. This plate was connected with the new steel construction by specially made hoopings.
Инвентарная опись находящихся в здании Дворца многочисленных деревянных элементов консервации и скульптурного наряда обнаружила много очагов, заражённых грибницей и насекомыми. В нескольких случаях грибница перебросилась е деревянных частей на каменную стену. Сконста- тировано различную степень повреждений — от небольшого поверхностного до полного разлада (меньшие элементы). Поражение деревяннных частей выступило на целой территории Дворца. Артистически-историческая стоимость, размер объекта, иногда отсутствие возможности вымонти- рования элементов, создавало ряд технических трудностей во время ведения сохранительных работ. Для деревянных конструкций носких принято в случае необходимости замену разрушенной древесины, в остальных случаях — обеспечивано на месте. При выборе препаратов, употребляемых в борьбе с грибницей и к дезинфекции, принято во внимание их влияние на художественное изображение и на окружающую среду. Очищенную уже древесину следовало покрыть раствором искусственных смол. Особенную проблему составляла консервация дубовой резьбы, находящейся на башнях. (Кроме грибницы и насекомых разрушающее влияние имели тут атмосферные факторы. После проведения ряда исследований, решено удалить наиболее повреждённые места — значительно большую убыль резьбы заполнить то есть вклеить литую древесину, а меньшую убыль и трещины дополнить оконной замазкой. Целость, после возвращения ей первоначального вида, насытить раствором искусственной смолы. Чтобы предохранить от повреждения богатый живописно-скульптурный наряд, в случае, где ноские балки сводов и подпотолочные доски требовали удаления, своды укреплено, а сверху, повреждённые элементы и частично тростник-удалено. Открытую протраву залито 8-ми сентиметровым слоем гипсовой массы, оснащённой железной сеткой, оцинкованной. ПЛиту связано с новой стальной конструкцией ноской при помощи специально разработанных стремён.