The author undertakes the philosophical problem of the role that should be performed in human life by material goods (means of subsistence), which are produced by human beings, and by which a person is able to live and perfect herself or himself. This phenomenon is extremely important considering the many transformations that are occurring before our eyes in the domain of economic production. All of these events are symbolized by the replacement of classical economics with a contemporary understanding of the economy. These changes are accompanied by many important transformations in culture, the life of family, society, and the state and these changes are affecting the global world as well. But above all, these changes affect usually with negative results human life itself. The existence of the so-called ‘civilization of death: is a proof of this. Therefore, a concern for a proper understanding and running of the sphere of the human production of material goods becomes indispensable. A particular task in this domain belongs to realistic philosophy, which has at its disposal the appropriate means to recognize and explain reality, and is able to supply the contemporary man with an integral conception of the human life, including how life is connected with producing material goods, i.e. the means of living.
The author considers the problem of civilization. He defines civilization as a determinate form of man’s group life, or man’s culture in its social dimension. According to the author, a plurality of civilizations is generally accepted; in civilization, one can see the foundations for the functioning of law, politics, social life, and family life; civilization also plays an essential role in the religious life of man, just as religion plays a role in civilization. The author discusses the following topics: the biological theory of civilization, the historical theory of civilization, the sociological theory of civilization, the political-science theory of civilization, the civilization of death and the civilization of love, and the historical-philosophical theory of civilization.
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