Fragment of a larger essay: Łeś Kurbas, dziewięć obrazów, from the book by Małgorzata Dziewulska, to be published in the “Odzyskana awangarda” series of the Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute as Awangarda podkarpacka. Dziewieć reportaży historycznych (Łeś Kurbas, Pawło Kowżun, Bohdan Ihor Antonycz, Stowarzyszenia Artystyczne, Leopold Lewicki, Teatr malarzy Cricot, Henryk Wiciński, Tadeusz Kantor, Józef Chrobak). Successive images portray Łeś Kurbas leaving Galicia; Kyiv and the poets’ republic at the home of Heorhiy Narbut; Christmas Vertep; a soldiers’ audience of Haydamaky; the poet Mykola Bazhan among the audience of the Kyidramte Theatre; the agitprop theatre – the vertep in the service of propaganda; Osip Mandelstam among the Berezil Theatre audience; Kurbas’ stagings of Shakespeare’s Macbeth, theatre and gallows.
Fragment obszerniejszego eseju pt. Łeś Kurbas, dziewięć obrazów z książki Małgorzaty Dziewulskiej, która ukaże się w serii „Odzyskana awangarda” Instytutu Teatralnego im. Zbigniewa Raszewskiego pt. Awangarda podkarpacka. Dziewięć reportaży historycznych (Łeś Kurbas, Pawło Kowżun, Bohdan Ihor Antonycz, Stowarzyszenia Artystyczne, Leopold Lewicki, Teatr malarzy Cricot, Henryk Wiciński, Tadeusz Kantor, Józef Chrobak). W kolejnych obrazach: Łeś Kurbas opuszcza Galicję; Kijów i republika poetów w domu Heorhija Narbuta; Wertep Bożonarodzeniowy; żołnierska widownia Hajdamaków; poeta Mykoła Bażan na widowni teatru Kyidramte; teatr agitpropu - wertep w służbie propagandy; Osip Mandelsztam na widowni Berezilu; Kurbasa inscenizacje Makbeta Szekspira, Teatr i szafot.
Sister B. Żulińska (1882-1962), although she is not very well-known, owing to her broad experiences acquired during her long and varied work as a teacher; and being the author of many treatises, books and articles on education and religion, appears to be an expert on the state of pedagogical knowledge of her time. She reflected independently on the complex problems of education. The present article shows the variety of her thoughts concerned with understanding the essence, aim, ideal, principles, methods and means of Catholic education. In Sister Żulińska’s works these problems as well as ones connected with the knowledge of the child or with the tasksfacing the teacher and educator are so thoroughly discussed that it authorizes us to speak about her own conception of education. The fundamental feature of this conception is the integrality of approach and competence resulting from practical verification of the postulates concerning education, the pupil, and the causative element in the persons of the parents, teachers and educators.
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