More and more waste is being generated in the world. One form of waste processing is the composting process. This work aims to study the morphological composition of selected composts to determine the amounts of the various fractions contained therein. In the present work, four types of composts are presented to study their morphological composition. Composted grass, backyard compost, soil improver formed after composting green waste, and stabiliser – waste formed due to mechanical-biological processing of municipal waste taken from the Municipal Waste Mechanical-Biological Treatment Facility – were studied successively. Fifty samples of 2 kilograms each were taken from each group of composts, respectively. Each sample was divided into seven fractions: organic waste, plastics, ceramics, paper and cardboard, glass, metal and others. After analysis, it can be concluded that it is very difficult to obtain homogeneous compost due to the heterogeneity of the raw material. The results are accurately presented in tables with the distinction of the different fractions. It was found that mowed grass contained the most organic matter, while stabiliser contained the least. The least amount of plastic was found in backyard compost, and the most in stabiliser.
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The philosophy of sustainable development imposes on waste management systems solutions that are technically correct, economically effective and socially acceptable. One of the elements of these systems is the management of organic waste in two streams: municipal organic waste and the so-called green waste. Their composition is different, but some properties and technological processing possibilities are identical. The possibilities of using organic recycling products are also completely different. However, in both cases, such treatment is necessary, regardless of the type of waste, to either use it as much as possible or to store only bio-stable waste. A big problem all over the world, not only for cities, is nano- and microplastics. It is estimated that 2-5% of all plastics produced are discharged into the oceans. High-density polymers settle to the bottom of water bodies, imitating food for bottom invertebrates. Conversely, low-density microplastics floating on the surface of the water pose a threat to zooplankton and smaller fish. However, the conducted research indicates that the pollution of terrestrial environments may be even 4 to 23 times greater than that of the ocean. While flowing through the sewage treatment plant, microplastics are accumulated in sewage sludge, and in the case of natural use of the sludge, they can end up in the soil and in the food chain of animals and humans. Composts are another source of soil contamination, especially from municipal organic waste and green waste. On January 16, 2018, the European Commission published the European Strategy for Plastics in a Circular Economy, which outlines how plastic products are designed, manufactured, used and recycled. The aim of the paper is to present the initial results of preliminary tests on organic waste in terms of the possibility of identifying microplastics in them [1-3].
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań mających na celu określenie stopnia upakowania struktur niskowymiarowych w postaci kropek kwantowych (QDs) dla podłoży mezoporowatych. Wykorzystanie kropek kwantowych w fotowoltaice pozwala na poprawę efektywności konwersji oraz poszerzenie spektrum absorpcyjnego. Wyzwaniem technologicznym jest zarówno proces depozycji QDs, jak i znalezienie odpowiedniej metody określenia kluczowych parametrów, w tym stopnia upakowania, jednorodności rozmieszczenia QDs czy ich parametrów przestrzennych. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań z wykorzystaniem skaningowej mikroskopii elektronowej oraz pomiarów przy użyciu spektroskopii Ramana.
This paper presents the results of a study to determine the packing of low-dimensional structures in the form of quantum dots (QDs) for mesoporous substrates. The use of quantum dots in photovoltaics allows for improved conversion efficiency and broadening of the absorption spectrum. The technological challenge is both the deposition process of the QDs and finding a suitable method to determine key parameters including the degree of packing, homogeneity of QDs distribution or their spatial parameters. In this paper, results from scanning electron microscopy and measurements using Raman spectroscopy are presented.
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Zwrócono uwagę na jeden z najpoważniejszych problemów zanieczyszczeń wód, a mianowicie na obecność zanieczyszczeń niedostrzegalnych gołym okiem, mikro- i nanocząstek plastików. Badania przeprowadzono z zastosowaniem technologii DLS. Technika ta wykorzystuje działanie wiązki laserowej i można za jej pomocą określić wielkość cząstek. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych pomiarów stwierdzono, że w wybranych wodach powierzchniowych znajdują się mikrocząstki plastików wielkości poniżej 500 nm, a zrzut ścieku oczyszczonego z oczyszczalni ścieków nie wpływa znacząco na ich wielkość.
Water samples taken from the San River were detd. for the presence of plastic nanoparticles using the dynamic light scattering method. Samples taken directly from the river water and after pre-treatment with ultrasound and filtration were analyzed. The presence of particles with a size of 14-500 nm was found and the discharge of treated waste-water did not visibly affect their size.
Gospodarka odpadami jest obecnie zarówno jedną z dziedzin gospodarki, jak i gałęzi przemysłu. Komisja Europejska 16 stycznia 2018 r. opublikowała europejską strategię na rzecz tworzyw sztucznych w gospodarce o obiegu zamkniętym, która kładzie ogromny nacisk na sposób projektowania produktów z tworzyw sztucznych, ich produkowanie, wykorzystywanie oraz poddawanie recyklingowi. Celem pracy jest prezentacja wyników badań kompostów pochodzących z odpadów komunalnych, tzw. stabilizatu, pod kątem identyfikacji w nich mikroplastików oraz składu tlenkowego. Badania składu tlenkowego wykazały, że nadaje się on do produkcji kruszyw lekkich. Następnie podjęto próbę opracowania składu mieszanek utworzonych ze stabilizatów, gliny, odpadów poflotacyjnych i szkła w celu opracowania nowego materiału, a tym samym powtórnego wykorzystania odpadu.
Waste management is now both a business and an industry. The European Commission on January 16, 2018 published the European Strategy for Plastics in a Closed Economy, which places great emphasis on how plastic products are designed, manufactured, used and recycled. The aim of this work is to present the results of testing composts derived from municipal waste so-called stabilizer for the identification of micro plastics in them and oxide composition, which showed that it is suitable for the production of lightweight aggregates. An attempt was then made to develop the composition of mixtures formed from stabilizate, clay, tailings and glass in order to develop a new material and thus reuse the waste.
The massive emergence of plastics has contributed to their widespread use in everyday life. Unfortunately, the lack of appropriate technologies for processing these materials has contributed to environmental pollution by plastic particles. This study investigated the possibility of obtaining nanoparticles from selected plastics such as polyethylene and polyethylene terephthalate. Polyethylene was obtained from plastic bag waste, and polyethylene terephthalate was from crushed plastic bottles of mineral water. The first stage of nanoparticle production was to grind the collected used plastic waste, i.e., plastic bags and plastic bottles, to the smallest possible size using a cutting mill. Next, the waste was ground in a planetary-ball mill and then homogenised in a homogeniser. The particle size distribution of the obtained particles for selected waste plastics was examined using the Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) method. The objective of the work was achieved – as a result of the performed procedures, nanoparticles of waste plastics were obtained. The following average sizes for particular materials were obtained: plastic bottles (PET) 212.81 nm, plastic bags (PE) 208.14 nm, and smaller particles, e.g. 27.74 nm.
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