High energy radiation fields exist in space, in the atmosphere at the height of commercial flights and in the vicinity of some accelerators. The characteristic features of these fields are their complex composition and broad energy spectrum. Estimation of the absorbed dose in such fields cannot be performed by consideration of the doses from all the radiation field components. The physically possible way to solve the problem is to determine the operational quantity-ambient dose equivalent H* (10). The radiation detector used for the determination of H* (10) should be large enough in order to simulate the ICRU sphere. Its effective wall thickness should not be very different than 10 mm of tissue. The REM-2 type recombination chamber is an example of such a detector. The review paper presents specific challenges of high energy radiation field dosimetry and discusses a number of examples of measurements at high energy accelerators, including some international intercomparisons. We show that the REM-2 chamber is especially suitable for radiation monitoring in the vicinity of high energy accelerators.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów czułości neutronowej cylindrycznej komory jonizacyjnej, wypełnionej gazem ¹⁰ BF ₃ przy ciśnieniu kilkuset kPa, pracującej w reżimie impulsowym. Pomiary przeprowadzono w polach promieniowania źródeł ²³⁹ Pu-Be i ²⁵²Cf Komora ma długość 85 mm i średnicę 19 mm. Aluminiowa obudowa komory o grubości 0,3 mm stanowiła jedną z elektrod (na potencjale zerowym). Drugą, centralną, elektrodę wykonano z pręta miedzianego o średnicy 1,5 mm. Wykazano, że komora w moderatorze może spełniać rolę wysokoczułego detektora neutronów termicznych, a noszona przy pasku człowieka - również detektora przenośnego do detekcji małych strumieni neutronów termicznych. Czułość neutronowa pracującej w takich warunkach komory, napełnionej do ciśnienia 150 kPa dest rzędu 1 impulsu/neutron cm₃² w polu promieniowania źródła ²⁵²Cf.
The paper presents neutron sensitivity values of a cylindrical ionization chamber, filled with ¹⁰ BF ₃ measurements were performed in radiation fields of neutron sources. The chamber is 85 mm long and 19 mm in diameter. The 0.3 mm thick aluminum housing of the chamber was connected as one of the electrodes (at zero potential). The second, central electrode was made of copper rod, with diameter of 1.5 mm. It was shown that the chamber in a moderator can serve as a sensitive neutron detector, and also as a pocket detector for detection of neutrons at low flux densities, if it is placed near the human body (by the belt). Neutron sensitivity of the chamber with gas pressure of 150 kPa and placed at the body was of order of 1 pulse/n cm₃² in the radiation field of ²⁵²Cf.
Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) is an experimental therapy of selected tumours, based on a nuclear reaction initiated by the capture of thermal neutron by the 10B nucleus. After 10B had been delivered selectively to tumour cells, it can be activated by neutrons to deliver locally lethal high-LET radiation. BNCT beams are complex mixed radiation fields, because of broad neutron energy range, presence of gamma contamination and necessity of precise determination of several dose components. The paper presents some results of the research project on BNCT dosimetry with activation foils, recombination chambers and TL detectors.
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