The author analises lexical and semantical archaisms, taken from Śpiewnik kościelny [Church Songbook] by reverend J. Siedlecki (see abbreviation Sdl). The words have been chosen on the basis of Słownik języka polskiego [Polish Language Dictionary] edited by W. Doroszewski (see abbreviation SJP). In the mentioned Dictionary words that appear in the songs and the words’ explanations are qualified as old-fashioned meaning that a contemporary Pole of average education would not understand them or archaic meaning known only to the eldest generation. The author takes into consideration words that are not mentioned in the Polish Language Dictionary, he also indicates if the word has been mentioned in Słownik języka polskiego [Polish Language Dictionary] edited by S. B. Linde (abbreviation L)
The author presents epithets describing God’s Son, Jesus Christ in “Church Hymns” published by Instytut Wydawniczy “Pax” in 1978, translated by priest Tadeusz Karylowski. In the introduction the author informs about the studied and partly published epithets of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Holy Spirit, God the Father, the Holy Trinity and saints in the mentioned “Church Hymns” and in “Church Songs” printed in “Church Songbook” by priest Jan Siedlecki. The author gives reasons why it is essential to publish those epithets and then presents quite extensive material, giving Latin titles and as far as the hymns are concerned, he locates the discussed names according to pages, strophes and lines.
The author discusses Polish surnames derived from words naming the clergy in alphabetical order. There are representatives of the highest ranks and functions such as: Papież and Papierz (←papież ‘pope’), Kardynał (←kardynał ‘cardinal’), Metropolita (←metropolita ‘metropolitan bishop’), Patriarcha (←patriarcha “Patriarch”) and the representatives of the lowest ranks, such as: Wikary, Wikariusz (←wikary, wikariusz “curate”); function clergy such as: Proboszcz (←proboszcz ‘parish priest’), in German version Probst; honorary priests such as: Kanonik (← kanonik ‘canon’), Prałat (←prałat ‘prelate’); representatives of diocesan clergy such: Biskup, German Bischof (←biskup ‘bishop’) and monastic: Monach, Mnich (←monach, mnich ‘monk’), Opat (←opat ‘abbot’), Przeor (←przeor ‘pior’). Mostly they are Roman Catholic clergy, however, sometimes there are orthodox clergy, too: Władyka (←władyka ‘orthodox bishop’), Czerniec (←czerniec ‘orthodox monk’) and evangelical: Predigier (←predigier ‘preacher’). There is also one surname derived from a female rank: Ksieni (←ksieni ‘prioress’). Finally, the author shows which words naming clergy were not used to form Polish surnames. The choice of names is based on Dictionary of names currently used in Poland (Słownik imion współcześnie w Polsce używanych), vol. I-X, published by K. Rymut in Kraków, 1992-1994.
Der Verfasser knüpft an einen Aufsatz von W. Taszycki über christliche Elemente in polnischen Ortsnamen an. Kultnamen stehen hier im Mittelpunkt und werden als eine Subklasse der Kulturnamen angesehen. Es wurden Namen analysiert, die mit Gott Boże Pole, Christus (Christburg, heute Dzierzgoń), Mutter Gottes (Malbork, Frombork u.a.) sowie mit Heiligen (Matarnia, Święty Wojciech) Zusammenhängen. Hierher gehören auch Namen, die von kościół (Kirche), kaplica (Kapelle). cerkiew (russisch-orthodoxe Kirche) abgeleitet wurden. Getrennt wurden Namen wie Dziewcza Góra analysiert, die auf dziewczyna (Mädchen) bzw. seine Synonyme zurückgehen.
In the introduction the author presents some Pomeranian surnames described earlier in various works. The present paper includes 77 surnames derived from lexical dialectisms. There are among them names obtained from uniquely Pomeranian соошюп words (e.g. Bela from ap. béla ’blondhaired’), from words occurring also in other dialects (e.g. Mania : ap. mama ’left-handed’), from appelatives borrowed from German (e.g. Szpek : ap. szpek ’bacon’ - Germ. Speck), from lexicaliced variants of common Polish words (e.g. Dura : ap. dura ’dziura - a hole’) etc. The described surnames exhibit a close connection between anthroponymy and dialectology, especially historical dialectology.
Old Polish two-word names were described by Witold Taszycki (see abb RiSP I 32 – 138) and his student Maria Malec (see abb Mal I). Having the popular names and the names registered in historical sources as examples, language users have been creating analogical names, which are often inappropriate. Those inappropriate names have been noted down and discussed in the following article. Some of the mentioned names are creations with failed infixes, eg. Bogimił, Radinir instead of Bogumił, Radomir; misspelt such as: Badzimierz, Bisław, Bochdan instead of correct Będzimir, Bysław, Bogdan or Bohdan, they convey some ideas like: Chlebosław: chleb ‘bread, basic groceries’, they are forms used by Slavs and other nations, eg. German Kasimir. They are usually not frequently used.
The author explains the origin of the name Elohim and subsequently the theophorical names of people that were derived from this name of God in the Old Testament in the postposition such as Daniel and in preposition such as Elżbieta and in preposition with postposition such as: Eliasz. The article entry is composed in the following way: names given in The Dictionary of Names Contemporarily Used in Poland, versions of the names in 29 languages, records of the names in the Old Polish and their origin, and finally, the names of distinguished people by the described name.