The present work investigated the properties of rubber vulcanizates containing different nanoparticles (Cloisite 20A and Cloisite Na+) and prepared using different sonication amplitudes. The results showed that a maximum improvement in tensile strength of more than 60% over the reference sample was obtained by the nanocomposites containing 2 wt.% Cloisite 20A and 1 wt.% Cloisite Na+ and mixed with a maximum amplitude of 270 µm. The modulus at 300% elongation increased by approximately 18% and 25% with the addition of 2 wt.% Cloisite 20A and 3 wt.% Cloisite Na+, respectively. The shape retention coefficient of rubber samples was not significantly affected by the mixing amplitude, while the values of the softness measured at the highest amplitude (270 µm) were higher compared to those of mixtures homogenized with lower amplitudes. The loading-unloading and loading-reloading processes showed similar trends for all tested nanocomposites. However, they increased with increasing levels of sample stretching but were not significantly affected by filler content at a given elongation. More energy was dissipated during the loading-unloading process than during the loading-reloading. SEM micrographs of rubber samples before and after cycling loading showed rough, stratified, and elongated morphologies. XRD results showed that elastomeric chains were intercalated in the MMT nanosheets, confirming the improvement of mechanical properties. The difference between the hydrophilic pristine nanoclay (Cloisite Na+) and organomodified MMT (Cloisite 20A) was also highlighted, while the peaks of the stretched rubber samples were smaller, regardless of the rubber composition, due most probably to the decrease of interlayer spacing.
Opracowanie ma na celu optymalizację właściwości użytkowych nanokompozytów elastomerowych powstałych na bazie kauczuku Chloropren S-40na podstawie autorskiego zgłoszenia patentowego. Przygotowano kompozycje zawierające: 1, 2 i 3 %nanocząstek typu Cloisite 20. Nanocząstki wprowadzono do matrycy elastomerowej w postaci dyspersji w plastyfikatorze. Proces dyspergowania przeprowadzano przy różnej amplitudzie homogenizowania. Następnie dla tak przygotowanych kompozycji określono kluczowe właściwości fizykomechaniczne. Dla kompozytów elastomerów określono twardość metodą Shore’a, wytrzymałość na rozciąganie i wydłużenie względne przy zerwaniu, moduł Younga, energię potrzebną do zerwania oraz wytrzymałość na rozdzieranie i krytyczny współczynnik intensywności naprężeń przy zerwaniu. Badania wykazały istotny wpływ glinokrzemianów warstwowych na właściwości mechaniczne wytworzonych elastomerów. Dodatek nanonapełniacza montmorylonitu (MMT) typu Closite 20 do mieszanek gumowych wpływa na wzrost wydłużenia względnego, naprężenia przy rozciąganiu oraz energii potrzebnej do zerwania wytworzonych nanokompozytów.
The purpose of the present study was the optimization of the performance properties of elastomeric nanocomposites based on S-40 chloroprene rubber. Compositions containing: 1, 2 and 3% of Cloisite 20 nanoparticles were prepared and tested for their mechanical properties, were introduced into the elastomer matrix in the form of a dispersion in a plasticizer. The dispersion process was carried out at different homogenization amplitudes. Then, selected physical and mechanical properties were determined for the prepared mixtures. For elastomer composites, Shore hardness, tensile strength and elongation at break, Young's modulus, energy needed for break and tear strength and critical stress intensity at break were determined. Studies have shown a significant effect of layered aluminosilicates on the mechanical properties of produced elastomers. The addition of Closite 20 type Montmorillonite (MMT) nanofiller to rubber compounds increases the relative elongation, tensile stress and energy needed to break the produced nanocomposites.
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