W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki geoarcheologicznych badań przeprowadzonych w obrębie oraz otoczeniu dwóch wielokulturowych stanowisk archeologicznych w Tominach i Zawadzie (południowo-wschodnia część Przedgórza Iłżeckiego), w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie północnej krawędzi pokrywy lessowej Wyżyny Sandomierskiej. Ich zasadniczych celem była kompleksowa rekonstrukcja osadniczej i gospodarczej aktywności człowieka w analizowanym obszarze w okresie ostatnich około 5 tysięcy lat, wraz z identyfikacją wszelkich jej uwarunkowań, zarówno na poziomie chronologiczno-kulturowym, jak i środowiskowym. Uzyskane wyniki pozwoliły na określenie przebiegu i skali lokalnych zjawisk kulturowych oraz związanych z nimi procesów osadniczych między późnym neolitem a czasami współczesnymi. Na podstawie uchwyconych śladów eksploatacji oraz przekształceń środowiska naturalnego podjęta została również próba określenia charakteru i stopnia lokalnej antropopresji w neoholocenie.
The article presents the results of geoarchaeological research carried out within and around two multicultural archaeological sites in Tominy and Zawada (south-eastern Iłża Foothills), in the immediate vicinity of the northern edge of the loess cover of the Sandomierz Upland. The main objective of the research was to comprehensively reconstruct human settlement and economic activity in the study area in the last ca. 5,000 years, along with identifying its conditions, both at the chronologicalcultural and the environmental level. The results allowed a determination of the course and scale of local cultural phenomena and related settlement processes between the late Neolithic and modern times. On the basis of traces of exploitation and transformation of the natural environment, an attempt was made to determine the nature and extent of local anthropopressure in the Neoholocene.
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Loess areas used for agriculture are susceptible to soil erosion. The intensive process of soil erosion in Polish loess areas began with the onset of the Neolithic and has continued intermittently until today. This work presents the results of soil erosion from simultaneous use of the 137Cs and 210Pbex methods on an agricultural field located on loess slope. Moreover, to establish the age of accumulated sediment connected with water slope erosion, OSL dating, selected physicochemical and micromorphological analyses were applied. The reference values of the 137Cs and 210Pbex fallout for the studied site (Biedrzykowice, the Proszowice Plateau, Małopolska Upland) equal 2627 (45% connected with Chernobyl) and 4835 Bq·m–2, respectively. The results of the 137Cs and 210Pbex inventories measured for the agricultural field range from 730 to 7911 and from 1615 to 11136 Bq·m–2, respectively. The mean soil erosion is about 2.1 kg·m–2·a–1 (about 1.4 mm·a–1). The accumulation of the colluvial sediments started in the Neolithic and drastically increased in the Middle Ages. The examined gully catchment in Biedrzykowice has probably developed quite rapidly as a result of increased erosion. This resulted in the abandonment of this area as farmland and, consequently, in the minimization of water erosion on the slope due to the entrance of woody vegetation in this area. Erosion processes were highly intensified during the last 70 years as a result of deforestation after World War II and intensive agricultural reuse of this area after a break, as indicated by isotope measurements and dendrochronology.
In the stratigraphic division of the Saalian (Middle Pleistocene) in Europe, the Wartanian cold period has the rank of a stadial of the Odranian Glaciation, correlated with MIS 6. The authors demonstrate the higher rank of this cold period, on the basis of an analysis of the sedimentary succession in eastern Poland, at an exposure of the terminal moraine of the Wartanian ice sheet. At the Wólka Zagórna site, three stratigraphic units were distinguished: A (lower glacigenic deposits – glaciofluvial deposits and subglacial till), A/B (fossil soil of lessivé type), B and C (a periglacial horizon with deflation pavement, involutions, frost-wedge structures and upper glaciofluvial deposits and flow till, with ice-wedge casts). Two distinct periods of climatic cooling, associated with the youngest Saalian ice sheets, were recorded in this succession in E Poland: Odranian (unit A, an ice-sheet transgression marked by the deposition of glaciofluvial deposits dated as 365–226 ka, ending with the deposition of subglacial till), and Wartanian (units B and C, an ice sheet transgression marked by development of a periglacial zone, dated as 180–126 ka, and then deposition of glacigenic sediments at the front of the ice sheet and formation of a marginal moraine). Each of these periods of ice-sheet transgression occurred at a different time (in the MIS 8 and MIS 6 positions) and were separated by a warm period. It is documented by unit A/B – a fossil soil with a very well developed Bt horizon – which attests to its formation in an illuviation process beneath a complex of mixed forests during an interstadial warming that occurred in MIS 7. From this palaeoclimatic reconstruction, it is inferred that the Wartanian cold period should be viewed as a separate glaciation in MIS 6 and the Odranian period should be assigned to MIS 8 in the stratigraphic schema of the Quaternary.
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