W artykule poruszono kwestię sytuacji mieszkaniowej we Wrocławiu i jej wpływu na rozwój gruźlicy płuc w okresie Republiki Weimarskiej. Ukazano działania władz miasta na rzecz walki z gruźlicą poprzez poprawę warunków życia jego mieszkańców. Tekst opiera się w głównej mierze na źródłach z epoki. Wrocław ukazano jako miasto, w którym walczono o poprawę zdrowia oraz jakości życia ludności.
The article aims at showing the housing situation of Breslauers (Wrocław inhabitants) against the backdrop of incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis in the period of Weimar Republic. Amongst the issues discussed are those related to reasons for contracting tuberculosis, the city authoriries’ attemps to fight the disease, protection of Wrocław inhabitants against tuberculosis, and the hoausing conditions of Breslauers.In the period of Weimar Republic, Wrocław was an industrial city serving a vital function of administrative, commarcial, and trade centre. The proletariat, factory workers were often housed in cramped, crowded appartments with no access to light. Especially high incidence of tuberculosis appeared in overcrowded districts, where rooms were usually occupied by several people. One may conclude that the larger a given district’s population and overcroding of apartments, the higher the risk of contracting tubercles (tuberculosis nodules).The city hall tried to handle the complex housing situation, and that is why in the period of Weimar Republic the city authorities’ policy was aimed at the city sprawl. Thanks to inclusing within the city borders some of the suburban villages, in the years 1928 new housing estates could have erected, where housing for many Breslauers was provided. Due to the foregoing, the overpopulation of Wrocław’s inner city was decreased and the expence of adjecent areas.
The publication From the History of Social Welfare in Interwar Poland. Summer Semicolonies in Łódź combines two perspectives: history and pedagogy. Joanna Sosnowska presents in it the main assumptions of social welfare, including childcare, adopted by the Łódź authorities in the interwar period. She based her research on the source material found, among other places, in the State Archives in Łódź and the Archives of the Department of Ethnology of the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology of the University of Lodz. On the example of summer semicolonies organized in this city, she discusses the methods of organizing holidays in the city’s parks, sources of their funding, as well as participants and staff. The scholar also addresses some general issues related to the care, upbringing and education of children and teenagers. The book may therefore be of interest to historians of education, educators, sociologists, as well as planners and organizers in the area of childcare.
Przedmiotem recenzji jest publikacja Joanny Sosnowskiej Z dziejów opieki społecznej w Polsce międzywojennej. Półkolonie letnie w Łodzi. W książce - na przykładzie półkolonii letnich w Łodzi - przybliżono problematykę opieki społecznej w Polsce międzywojennej.
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