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Research background: The first business support organizations (BSO) appeared in Poland in the 90s of the last century. They were transferred from Western Europe and the United States, where they provided system solutions and played an important role in stimulating innovation activity. However, the latter regions are economically developed, while Poland is playing catch-up. The important question is whether business support organizations will significantly increase the innovative potential of  Polish enterprises. Purpose of the article: The purpose of this paper is to probe the impact of business support organizations on innovation activity in Polish industrial companies. It remains to be determined whether enterprises which use BSO services are more likely to engage in innovation activities than enterprises which do not use such services. Methods: To carry out the study, a multi-factor logit regression method was used. In this study, the method allows the determination of the odds ratio for the likely occurrence of innovation activity in companies that used the services of BSOs compared to enterprises that did not do so. The attributes of innovation activity have been singled out in accordance with the international standards of the Oslo methodology. The study was conducted in 2015 for the years 2012?2014 based on a sample of 951 manufacturing companies in the Masovian Voivodeship. Findings & Value added: In the Masovian Voivodeship it is the technological parks and training and consulting centres which have the most advanced degree of influence on the innovation activity of enterprises. The roles of technology incubators, and loan and guarantee funds are also significant. With regard to cooperation on innovation, there is a much better arrangement in sectoral systems, i.e., with suppliers, customers and competitors, than with scientific institutions.
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Research Background: The development of fledgling enterprises, especially those associated with medium-high and high technology is not easy. They often need to develop from inception a born global strategy, which is a great challenge at the beginning of a new business. Therefore, there is a global phenomenon of incubation, which supports young enterprises in the early stages of development. In Poland, the institutional dimension of incubation (especially for enterprises associated with modern technologies) consists of technology incubators and university business incubators. Yet, scientific research con-ducted in the area of entrepreneurship incubation gives contradictory results - some assess their activity positively, others negatively. Purpose of the article: Enterprises located in an incubator should allocate funds for R&D activities and create innovations to develop and gain market advantage. With this in mind, the purpose of the article is to check whether technology incubators and university business incubators contribute to an increase in the likelihood of conducting R&D activities and introducing product and process innovations. Methods: The study was conducted on a sample of 1058 industrial enterprises distributed across 2 Polish NUTS level 2 regions: Pomeranian and Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodships. It concerned innovative activity that enterprises conducted in 2014-2016. Thanks to the use of probit modeling determination was made for the probability of introducing new products and conducting R&D works in entities that used the services of incubators in relation to those that did not belong to them. Findings & Value added: Econometric modeling revealed that in the studied regions incubators contribute to an increase in the introduction of product innovations by enterprises and in conducting R&D activities. Support for the process of implementing innovation occurred significantly more often only in the case where technology incubators were involved. At the same time, it was noticed that only academic incubators increased the chances of introducing product innovations on a global scale. This means that tenants of technology incubators are more innovative than entities outside them, but their innovations in terms of the level of novelty do not differ from innovations implemented in entities outside incubators. The conducted study indicated that the transfer of systemic solutions related to stimulating innovation from developed countries to catching-up countries may be successful. This is a guideline for local authorities to create incubators that allow for an increase in the level of innovation of the incubated enterprises.
Celem badania było określenie przy wykorzystaniu modelowania probitowego istotności oraz oddziaływania źródeł i barier na aktywność innowacyjną oraz określenie jej efektów, w szczególności w obszarze nakładów na innowacje i implementację nowych rozwiązań. Podstawową hipotezą niniejszej pracy jest twierdzenie, że aktywność innowacyjna przedsiębiorstw jest zależna od zróżnico-wania czynników wpływających na podmioty, przy czym zarówno źródła, jak i bariery mogą na nie wpływać różnokierunkowo. Zebrany materiał badawczy (545 ankiet) przeanalizowano za pomocą rachunku prawdopodobieństwa. Przyczyną wyboru tej metody jest fakt, iż w przypadku zmiennych dychotomicznych (tzn. przyjmujących wartości 0-nie, 1-tak) zastosowanie regresji wielorakiej jest pozbawione sensu. Wartości takiej funkcji mogą być bowiem ujemne, co pozbawia je interpretacyjnego sensu. Alternatywną metodą badawczą w takiej sytuacji jest regresja probitowa. Sfera nauki jest silną stymulantą implementacji nowych rozwiązań. W regionie lubuskim zauważa się transfer wiedzy z zagranicznych jednostek badawczych. Może to w przyszłości zaowocować osiągnięciem przewagi konkurencyjnej regionu. Wysoki koszt prowadzenia aktywności innowacyjnej nie jest czynnikiem, który w znacznym stopniu działa na nią ograniczająco. Pomimo wysokiej kapitałochłonności przedsiębiorstwa wdrażają nowe produkty i procesy. Fakt ten może wynikać z tego, iż wysokie nakłady związane z innowacjami wymuszają na przedsiębiorcach dokładne przygotowani się do procesów innowacyjnych. W ten sposób ogranicza się do minimum ryzyko związane z niepowodzeniem wdrażania nowego rozwiązania. Tezę tą potwierdza ponad połowa badanych przedsiębiorstw (tyle podmiotów wskazało bowiem na barierę kosztową), a więc zjawisko to zauważono w znacznej części próby badawczej.
Research background: Innovative economy and the business environment are important factors in the socio-economic development of a country. In a knowledge-based society, economic processes (especially innovation activity) require a specific stimulus. This stimulus can be provided by business support organization, which have been present in the Polish economy since the 1990s. Purpose of the article: The main goal of the article is to assess the system impact of business support organizations on cooperation in the area of new solutions (product and process innovations) in industry in Poland. Methods: The research method which was used in the analysis was logit modelling. Cooperation in the area of new solutions with the supplier, recipient and competitor was established as a dependent variable and business support organizations as independent variable. The analysis using logistic regression was based on comparison two groups of enterprises: those that were service recipients of support organizations and those that did not belong to this group. In this way, it was possible to determine if the use of BSO services increased the chances for innovative cooperation in industry. The survey was conducted in 2013?2017 among 6284 industrial enterprises. Findings & Value added: The survey showed that business support organizations significantly and systematically influence the establishment of innovative cooperation. Recipients of support organizations twice more often cooperated with suppliers and recipients than entities that did not. Stimulation of cooperation with competitors by BSO was weaker than it was in the case of suppliers and recipients. The conducted study provided information on the level of development of the national innovation system in catching-up countries on the example of Poland. It was pointed out that in economically weak territories, one should focus on stimulating innovative activity as such, while in the developed ones should be transferred to more advanced forms, i.e. innovative cooperation.
Przedmiotem artykułu jest problem oceny wpływu strukturalnego zróżnicowania przemysłowego przedsiębiorstw na ich aktywność innowacyjną w Polsce. Autorzy starają się odpowiedzieć na trzy zasadnicze pytania: po pierwsze, czy agregacja krajowa jest wystarczająca dla zróżnicowania aktywności innowacyjnej w polskim przemyśle; po drugie, czy przedsiębiorstwa z różnych przemysłów zachowują się odmiennie w zakresie prowadzonej działalności innowacyjnej i po trzecie, czy oraz w jakim stopniu przemysły zaawansowane technologicznie są częściej zainteresowane aktywnym kreowaniem wiedzy lub pasywnym jej transferem do krajowego przemysłu? Głównym celem badania była próba poszukiwania kierunków i siły oddziaływania różnych przemysłów na aktywność innowacyjną przedsiębiorstw w Polsce. Cześć metodyczna opracowania została przygotowana na podstawie modelowania logitowego bazującego na rachunku prawdopodobieństwa. Prowadzone badania wskazały, że kluczem do akceleracji badań i rozwoju w Polsce jest stymulowanie tej aktywności głównie w podmiotach zaliczanych do wysokich i średnio-wysokich technologii. Sektor niskich technologii istotnie ciąży i ogranicza możliwość aktywnego kreowania nowych rozwiązań w Polsce. Pasywny transfer wiedzy powinien być tylko w ograniczonym zakresie wspomagany w przedsiębiorstwach zaliczanych do tych technologii. W pozostałych przemysłach transfer wiedzy cieszy się wysokim zainteresowaniem, bez względu na typ działalności. Na tym etapie rozwoju gospodarczego zaangażowanie w procesy badawczorozwojowe ewoluuje w kierunku wysokich technologii, inwestycje zaś pozostają domeną szerokiej grupy przedsiębiorstw, o ile nie dotyczą technologii tradycyjnych.
The subject of this paper is the question of assessing the impact of structural industrial diversification of companies in terms of their innovative activities in Poland. The authors attempt to answer three basic questions: Firstly, is the domestic aggregation sufficient for diversifying innovation in Polish industry? Secondly, do companies in various industries behave differently in terms of their innovative efforts? Thirdly, are technologically advanced industries more interested in the active creation of knowledge or its passive transfer to domestic industry and to what extent? The main goal of the study was an attempt to seek out the directions and influence of various industries on the innovative activities of companies in Poland. The methodological section was developed using logit modeling based on probability theory. The study has shown that the key to accelerating research and development in Poland is the stimulation of such activities, primarily in the case of entities in the high and medium- high technology sectors. The low technology sector is a significant burden and limits possibilities for the active creation of new solutions in Poland. The passive transfer of knowledge should only be supported by companies included in these technologies to a limited extent. In other industries, the transfer of knowledge generated significant interest regardless of type of activity. At this stage of economic development, research and development processes are evolving in the direction of high technologies, while investments remain the domain of a broad group of companies unless they relate to traditional technologies.
Research background: Contemporary research on industry concentrates on the relations between enterprises and their environment. Research on industrial structures conducted throughout the world, including Poland, are not extensive and limited due to the confidentiality of statistics. K. Pavitt (1984) was the first researcher who evaluated the relationship between industry structure and innovation activity. According to Pavitt, innovation dynamics and trajectory depend on the structure of domestic industry and is unique. In Poland T. Rachwal (2010) determined that over the studied years, changes in the indicator defining diversification in industrial divisions were minimal, but at the same time there was an observable fall in the importance of traditional divisions, such as the production of clothing, textiles, and the leather. In contrast, divisions as the production of metal, rubber, and plastic goods increased their share in terms of employees, as did furniture and vehicle manufacturing. Purpose of the article: The purpose of the paper is to identify sectoral patterns of innovation cooperation as revealed by data on about 5209 Polish enterprises. The authors attempt to find the answer to the following three questions: (1) Is the domestic aggregation sufficient for stimulating innovation cooperation in the Polish industry? (2) Is there any sectoral heterogeneity in innovation cooperation? (3) Are enterprises representing high technology industries the most involved in innovation cooperation? The main goal of the study was an attempt to seek out the directions and influence of various industries on the innovation cooperation of enterprises in Poland. Methods: Empirical data that served as the basis for conducting calculations were collected with the help of a questionnaire survey sent to industrial companies throughout Poland. A total of 5,209 properly completed forms were collected. The average rate of return was 11,6%. The collection was held over the years 2008?2013. The methodological part of the study was developed using the logistic regression method based on probability theory of the study. Findings & Value added: The study has shown that the higher the technology, the more often enterprises cooperate in the area of innovation. The research has not only shown the specifics of the domestic industrial system as well its level of technological advancement, but it has also taken into account the significance and input into the analyzed system.
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