W raporcie zostały zaprezentowane wyniki badań eksperymentalnych nad związkiem między wzbudzeniem emocji i zaangażowania a skutecznością polityki historycznej rządu. Przeprowadzone pomiary pozwoliły zespołowi manipulować emocjami inspirowanymi w narracji (neutralne – pozytywne – negatywne) i stopniem zaangażowania uczestników w popularyzację opowieści (brak zaangażowania – niskie zaangażowanie), a także umożliwiły obserwację różnic między warunkami w wynikach dla zmiennych niezależnych: zapamiętywania informacji, zmiany postaw i zachowania. Oprócz przedstawienia zgromadzonych danych raport zawiera zwięzły wstęp teoretyczny do badań (zwłaszcza hipotez teoretycznych weryfikowanych w projekcie) i krótką dyskusję wyników końcowych.
The report presents results of the experimental study on relationships between arousal of emotions and commitment, and an effectiveness of the government’s remembrance policy. In measurements, the team manipulated emotions inspired in a narrative (neutral vs. positive vs. negative) and participants’ commitment to popularization of a narrative (no commitment vs. low commitment), and it observed how different conditions influenced independent variables: memorization of information, attitude change and real-life behavior. Besides presentation of collected data, the report also includes brief introduction to the theoretical background of the study (especially theoretical hypotheses which verification was project’s objective) and a short discussion of final results.
In the present study the impact of need for cognitive closure (NFC) manipulations via time pressure and explicit closure goal activation on executive control was investigated. Although there is some evidence that NFC, measured as an individual variable, is related to better performing in attentional tasks involving executive control, these results have never been validated across different manipulations of NFC. Thus, in the present study we induced NFC via internal and external time pressure and tested the impact of these manipulations on the performance in tasks that measure executive control, i.e., the Stroop and switching tasks. The results revealed that induced high (vs. low) NFC, indeed boosted performance in executive control tasks. Moreover, there was no difference in the effect of both NFC manipulations on task performance. The implications regarding the role of executive control and specific NFC manipulations in social cognition are discussed.
In the present study the impact of need for cognitive closure (NFC) manipulations via time pressure and explicit closure goal activation on executive control was investigated. Although there is some evidence that NFC, measured as an individual variable, is related to better performing in attentional tasks involving executive control, these results have never been validated across different manipulations of NFC. Thus, in the present study we induced NFC via internal and external time pressure and tested the impact of these manipulations on the performance in tasks that measure executive control, i.e., the Stroop and switching tasks. The results revealed that induced high (vs. low) NFC, indeed boosted performance in executive control tasks. Moreover, there was no difference in the effect of both NFC manipulations on task performance. The implications regarding the role of executive control and specific NFC manipulations in social cognition are discussed.
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