The paper presents the circular Hough transform in the process of detecting and counting coins. The issues of linear and circular Hough transform are discussed. An algorithm for counting coins in a three-dimensional image using the discrete Hough space is demonstrated. Moreover, the results of the application for detecting and counting coins in a static image and video stream are presented. Observations of histograms for HSV and RGB color palettes, for different camera resolutions and various parameters of image segmentation, edge detection and smoothing filter have been made.
In the paper, there is presented the comparison of the quality of three-dimensional object measurement by scanning devices using a coherent light beam and a structured light field. Several selected issues from the fringe pattern analysis, as well as the characteristics of terrestrial laser scanning are also presented. The comparative analysis was performed to scan a crankshaft in order to assess the measurement accuracy of both scanners. By applying the appropriate software for the resulting point clouds we created a three-dimensional model of the crankshaft and made adequate comparative measures.
The crystal structure of 1-ethyl-4-(p-methylbenzylidene)-2-methylseleno-5-imidazolinone has been determined by X-ray diffraction methods. The crystals are triclini, space group P1, with a=8.130 (1) A, b=8.888(1) A, c=9.287(1) A, alpha=93.80(1)o, beta=94.86(1)o, gamma=92.67(1)o, Z=2. The molecule is approximately planar with most of the bonds participating in a conjugated system, stabilized by weak intramolecular hydrogen bond, C8-H8 ...N1. Concusions about electron distribution within this system have been drawn from the bond angles and bond lenghts. In the unit cell, molecular pairs can be discrened with antiparallel imidazole rings in the distance of 3.5 A.
The article presents studies which involve the way of perceiving complex scenes in the task of scenery analysis for their usefulness in the artificial intelligence methods. The studies were conducted using the eye-tracker SMI Red 500. A series of experiments was carried out on a group of people registering particular trajectories of attention. Observer’s task was to form a conclusion that would approve or disapprove the thesis that was formulated in the question concerning the presented scene. Next, the analysis of developed series of the scenery components was performed. Observations of the experiments’ results may significantly develop artificial intelligence algorithms used in processing and recognizing of images. The analyses of conducted measurements showed some differences in perception of complex scenes for particular persons that took part in experiment as well as some similarities and differences in same-sex groups.
W artykule przedstawiono badania sposobu postrzegania scen złożonych w zadaniu analizy scenerii pod kątem wykorzystania ich użyteczności dla metod sztucznej inteligencji. Badania przeprowadzono z wykorzystaniem eye-trackera SMI Red 500. Serię eksperymentów przeprowadzono na grupie osób rejestrując poszczególne trajektorie atencji. Zadaniem obserwatora było sformułowanie konkluzji potwierdzającej lub odrzucającej tezę postawioną w pytaniu do przedstawionej sceny. Kolejno analizie poddano powstałe szeregi analizowanych komponentów scenerii. Obserwacje wyników eksperymentów mogą stanowić istotne rozwinięcie algorytmów sztucznej inteligencji wykorzystywanych w przetwarzaniu i rozpoznawaniu obrazów. Na podstawie analiz przeprowadzonych pomiarów stwierdzono różnice postrzegania scen złożonych dla poszczególnych osób biorących udział w eksperymencie, a także pewne podobieństwa i różnice w grupach tej samej płci.
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