W prezentowanej pracy oceniano skuteczność biologicznej dekontaminacji gleby skażonej olejem napędowym w stężeniu 5% wagowych oraz zmiany w mikrobiocenozie zanieczyszczonego środowiska. Biodegradację prowadzono w Warunkach kontrolowanych (metoda ex situ). Przygotowano 4 obiekty badawcze, które - poza obiektem kontrolnym - modyfikowano poprzez nawożenie, napowietrzanie oraz wprowadzanie mieszaniny kultur bakteryjnych aktywnych w biologicznym rozkładzie produktów ropopochodnych. Doświadczenie prowadzono przez 6 miesięcy - co 30 dni wykonywano analizy chemiczne oraz mikrobiologiczne. Stwierdzono, że zastosowane zabiegi bioremediacyjne w istotny sposób przyspieszały biodegradację oleju napędowego w glebie. Wprowadzenie wyspecjalizowanych szczepów mikroorganizmów (bioaugmentacja) zwiększyło ubytek oleju o ponad 40% w stosunku do obiektów, w których zastosowano tylko podstawowe zabiegi agrotechniczne. Olej napędowy spowodował zwiększenie liczby mikroorganizmów uczestniczących w procesie rozkładu oleju napędowego oraz wzrost ilości biomasy żywych organizmów utrzymujący się do 60 dnia doświadczenia. Analiza statystyczna potwierdziła istotny wpływ stosowanych zabiegów na efektywność rozkładu oleju napędowego (współczynnik korelacji - r = 0,6).
The effectiveness of biological decontamination of soil polluted with diesel fuel (in concentration 5% by weight) and changes in microbiocenosis of polluted environment were investigated. Biodegradation was realized under controlled conditions („ex situ” method). 4 investigation objects were prepared, which - except of control object - were modified by fertilization, aeration and introduction of bacterial cultures active in biodegradation of oil products. During 6 months of investigation, chemical and microbiological analyses were done every month. It was found that the bioremediation measures significantly intensified process of diesel fuel biodegradation in the soil. Introducing specialized microbial strains (bioaugmentation) increased oil losses by above 40% in relation to object where only basic agrotechnical measures were applied. Diesel fuel increased the number of microorganisms participating in its decomposition as well as the quantity of alive microorganism biomass lasting till the 60th day of experiment. It was also found that the effectiveness of biological decontamination increased adequately to modification used. Significant correlation between applied modification and decrease of diesel fuel concentration in soil was statistically confirmed (correlation factor - r = 0.6).
Results of bioassays performed in Department of Microbiology and Environmental Biotechnology as well as statistical analysis point out to significant interdependence among decreasing amounts of diesel fuel in a soil and a germination level of spring barley (Ortega cv.) seeds, length of above ground parts of seedlings and their root system length. Calculated values of resistance indices (RI) express high susceptibility of spring barley towards diesel fuel presence in a soil and potential possibility to utilize the plant as a bio-indicator of changes occurring during remediation of soil polluted with diesel fuel.
The effect of soil modification on diesel fuel removal from soil in field conditions was studied. The experiment was established in the form of microplots. Diesel fuel was introduced into the soil at the concentration of 5% (ww. - in count on layer 15 cm depth of plot 1x1 m size). Particular experimental variants were modified by means of fertilization, stirring and inoculation with microorganisms active in the process of biodegradation of petroleum-derived pollutions. Diesel fuel content of soil was determined with the method of ether extraction, i.e. by assaying the concentration of total hydrocarbons. The results obtained were elaborated statistically using analysis of variance. The research carried out demonstrated that the efficiency of diesel fuel biodegradation increased with respect to the modifications applied. The greatest changes of extractable hydrocarbons were observed after the introduction of select microorganisms into fertilized and stirred soil - to 89% biodegradation of diesel fuel.
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