The Slovak official anthroponymic system consists of two functional members – first name and surname. The choice and registration of the first name in Slovakia is regulated by law. In the past, it was possible to register only the so-called official form of the first name, which respected the pronunciation, spelling and grammar principles valid in standard Slovak. The list of these basic neutral first names contains the book “Vyberte si meno pre svoje dieťa” /Choose a name for your child (1998) by M. Majtán and M. Považaj. However, some of them were used in other forms than codified. In accordance with the applicable laws, foreign language first names and other foreign language equivalents of such first names, which already have a domesticated form, is now possible to register. The paper deals with the analysis of more obvious spelling problems of first names, which caused these changes and which resulted from registry records and language practice. In particular these problems concern the pronunciation of long and short vowels in already domesticated standard first names, the form their notations and the creation of diminutives and possessive adjectives from foreign first names and other foreign language equivalents. The author focuses especially on capitalization in first names.
The article briefly characterizes the printed and digital dictionary The Lexis of Slovak anoikonyms. The dictionary entry baba/Baba and other entries with the base -bab-/-báb- are processed in various Slavic dictionaries of appellative and proprial lexis, including toponymic dictionaries. They will be also dealt with in this Slovak anoikonymic dictionary. In Polish onomastics, special attention to toponyms with the appellative baba and their motivations, semantics and lexicographic processing, has been devoted by E. Wolnicz-Pawłowska, in Czech onomastics by M. Šipková. The author of the present article focused on the meanings and etymology of the substantive baba in appellative lexicon and its occurrence in Slovak anoikonymy. The aim of this paper is also to analyse the Slovak anoikonymic material, to characterize structural types of the names, and to carry out lexical-semantic and language analyses of these names with emphasis on onymic motivations in the context of Slavic anoikonymy. The second part of the article deals with lexical-semantic and word-formation analyses, onymic motivations and structural types of the Slovak anoikonyms containing lexemes derived from the substantive baba/BABA in the context of Slavic anoikonymy, or rather toponymy. In Slovak anoikonyms, the forms of possessive adjectives and the relational adjective babí occur most frequently. Onymic word-formation, or name-formation, is characterized by the specific use of linguistic means in the given class of proper names, which must be taken into account when analysing anoikonyms and anoikonymic lexis. Various possibilities of onymic motivation of the names with the same basis also point to complex issues related to the conception of dictionary entries (especially explanatory parts) and the formation of headwords of the printed and digital dictionary The Lexis of Slovak anoikonyms.
The paper deals with the orthographic rules and principles of writing capital and small initial letters in individual words in multi-word toponyms. The author focuses on the characteristic of toponomastic terms according to the types of objects they name, but especially on the principles and problematic cases of writing capital letters in multi-word anoikonyms (minor place-names) resulting from their adaptation to the literary form in lexicographical processing and from the process of their standardization by the Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Authority of the Slovak Republic. The paper also presents suggestions for changes in the Slovak orthographic rules that could solve these problems and would simplify writing capital letters in toponyms for ordinary language users.
Onomastics as an independent linguistic discipline was also formed and developed through studies, articles and comments on current orthographic problems of proper names by Slovak linguists and onomasticians in the Slovenská reč journal. In this article, we have tried to show this development at least partially. We have focused on the solution of theoretical, methodological, etymological and orthographic issues in the research of proper names. We have characterized the works dealing with analyses of onymic lexis and containing synthesizing results of these analyses within the framework of individual onomastic branches, basic types of proper names and thematic areas. We compared the proposed solutions to the problematic phenomena discussed within the state of the art and its results at present.
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