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In the Princes Czartoryski Museum in Cracow are kept three funeral vessels from Canosa: one oinochoe and two askoi. Prince Wladyslaw Czartoryski bought the latter from the Collection Janzé in 1866, and the oinochoe, found in 1843 in the chamber tomb Lagrasta I, from the Collection Gréau in 1891. The shape and plastic decoration of the askoi is typical of Daunian vessels, with painted motifs patterned upon Apulian red-figured vases. The polychrome and plastic decoration reflects the beliefs about the dead's fate in the underworld. Winged female figures connote his/her passage to the nether-world. Interpreted as Nikai, they suggest a marriage ceremony, as do also throning young women. As mermaids, they are benevolent, tutelary spirits sweetening the dead's existence in Elysium. Likewise, the representations of Erotes and children are intended to assure happiness of the departed spirits of the dead. They bring to mind the Dionysiac sphere; hence, they grant the dead's request to be admitted to the sacred thiasos and help him/her to conquer his/her fear of the underworld. The mask of Medusa has a similar symbolical meaning. A female figure with a phiale and alabastron is to be interpreted in the context of the offering to the dead on his/her grave. Archeologia vol. 54/2003 (2004), p. 35-41 Key words:
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The roman sculpture of the portrait character dated 50-30 BC. is the object of the contemporary medical diagnostics. The face of the quite old man represents some symptoms which may be due to different disease. The specialists representing surgery, dermatology and anatomy suggest some medical recognition of possible diseases on the basis of the visual characteristics of the face solely.
Rzymska klasyczna rzeźba o charakterze portretu datowana na okres 50-30 p.n.e. jest obiektem współczesnej diagnozy medycznej. Twarz starszego mężczyzny nosi symptomy pewnych procesów chorobowych. Specjaliści reprezentujący chirurgię, dermatologię i anatomię stawiają swoje hipotezy o charakterze diagnozy bazując jedynie na wizualnym oglądzie zmian chorobowych w obrębie twarzy.
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