The dynamics of the processes taking place in an environment, which is rendered in the altered perception of the character of this environment, induces a need to find answers to the following questions: (1) How do managers perceive an environment in the dimensions of stability/ changeability and friendliness/unfriendliness? (2) Is there a correlation between the stability/changeability and friendliness/unfriendliness of an environment, i.e. if an environment is more stable, is it perceived as more friendly, and if an environment is more changeable is it perceived as unfriendly? (3) Does environmental stability/changeability as well as friendliness/unfriendliness exert any influence on organizational effectiveness? In an attempt to answer the above quoted questions, the article’s objective has been defined as a discussion on the interdependencies perceived by managers between an environment’s dimensions of stability/changeability and friendliness/unfriendliness (analysed in terms of institutional categories) and the organizational effectiveness of Polish enterprises. The managers evaluated the legal environment as the least stable. In their opinion, that milieu was also more intimidating than friendly. Concurrently, a technological environment was perceived by the respondents as the most stable and favourable. The results of the effected research allow forming a conclusion concerning the existing correlation between the friendliness and stability of particular categories of an environment, at the same time pointing out to the occurrence of correlations between stability/changeability and friendliness/unfriendliness of some categories of an environment and the organizational effectiveness of the examined enterprises.
Are regional airports economic effectiveness-oriented? Evidence from Poland Striving for a satisfactory level of effectiveness, managers must take actions aimed at achieving the set objectives and at reacting flexibly to changes that take place in the environment. They can do it by referring to the concept of dynamic capabilities that draw attention to a specific category of competences. Assuming that dynamic capabilities can be developed in any type of organisation, the article attempts to answer the question about the reasons for the differences in economic effectiveness of 13 Polish regional airports and 458 private enterprises. The results suggest that the category of economic effectiveness is important not only for private enterprises but also for regional airports. The findings reveal that the development of dynamic capabilities is conditioned not only by the period of the enterprise’s existence but also by the context of its operation, primarily the industry context.
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Although transport is the largest industrial RandD investor in the European Union (EU), there is little research that relates directly to innovation in the transport sector, especially studies combining the issues of strategy and process innovation. Therefore, the article's novelty is related to the fact that no research on the impact of innovative strategies on the implementation of process innovations in the transport sector has been conducted so far. Moreover, previous studies treated process innovations as one construct without referring to particular types of innovations. Consequently, the article aims to analyse the relationship between six specific innovation strategies and three types of process innovations introduced by transport companies. In the empirical part, investigate a set of microdata is investigated from 14 EU countries derived from the 2016 wave of the Community Innovation Survey. Using the estimation of probit regression models, obtain the following main conclusions were obtained. The EU transport sector needs innovative strategies to support process innovations, although the impact of individual innovative strategies on the implementation of process innovations varies. The following three types of innovation strategies increase transport companies' process innovation: 1) in-house RandD, 2) acquisition of machinery, equipment, software and buildings, and 3) training for innovative activities.
Chociaż transport jest największym przemysłowym inwestorem B+R w Unii Europejskiej (UE), niewiele badań dotyczy bezpośrednio innowacji w sektorze transportu, zwłaszcza tych łączących zagadnienia strategii i innowacji procesowych. Dlatego też niniejszy artykuł ma na celu analizę zależności pomiędzy sześcioma konkretnymi strategiami innowacyjnymi a trzema typami innowacji procesowych wprowadzanych przez przedsiębiorstwa transportowe. W części empirycznej badamy zestaw mikrodanych z 14 krajów UE pochodzących z badania Community Innovation Survey (CIS) z 2016 roku. Korzystając z estymacji modeli regresji probitowej, uzyskujemy następujące kluczowe wnioski. Sektor transportu UE potrzebuje innowacyjnych strategii wspierających innowacje procesowe, chociaż wpływ poszczególnych strategii innowacyjnych na wdrażanie innowacji procesowych jest różny. Następujące trzy rodzaje strategii innowacyjnych zwiększają innowacyjność procesową przedsiębiorstw transportowych: 1) wewnętrzne badania i rozwój, 2) nabywanie maszyn, urządzeń, oprogramowania i budynków oraz 3) szkolenia w zakresie działań innowacyjnych.
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Wskazano potencjalne zagrożenia dotyczące wyrobów porcelanowych przeznaczonych do kontaktu z żywnością. Na podstawie analizy zgłoszeń w Systemie Wczesnego Ostrzegania o Niebezpiecznej Żywności RASFF (Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed) w latach 2000–2019 zanotowano 24 przypadki dotyczące wyrobów z porcelany, w tym 22 dotyczyły migracji metali ciężkich. Najczęściej dotyczyły one przekroczenia limitów migracji ołowiu, kadmu i kobaltu, zaś wyrobem, dla którego obserwowano przekroczenia były talerze z porcelany. Dominującym krajem pochodzenia wyrobów były Chiny. Zanotowano także pojedyncze przypadki wyrobów z Polski, Japonii i Holandii.
The max. allowable amts. of Pb and Cd released from ceramic products used in contact with food were presented. In 2000–2019 based on the anal. of notifications in the European Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF), 24 cases regarding porcelain products (mainly porcelain plates) were recorded as dangerous. Twenty-two of them were related to heavy metals migration. China was the dominant country of origin of the products.
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