The applicability of indium(III) hydroxide coprecipitation method for the separation and preconcentration of some heavy metals, such as Cd(II), Co(II), Cr(III), Cu(II) and Pb(II) in water samples for their determination by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) has been studied. Experimental conditions influencing the recovery of the investigated metals, such as the amount of carrier, sample volume, pH of the synthetic model solution (artificial sea water), and matrix composition parameters, were optimized. Relative standard deviation (RSD) was in the range of 0.75-4.2% for artificial sea water samples, at the concentration level from 0.5 to 5 mg L-1. Detection limits (DL) ranged from 0.60 to 8.6 μ.g L-1. The recoveries of the investigated elements in spiked wastewater and river water samples equalled to 94.0-103.5 %, and in the standard reference material, NIST SRM 2711 Montana Soil II ranged from 82.4 and 107%. These results were regarded as satisfactory. The proposed method has been successfully applied to the determination of heavy metals in seawater, wastewater and springwater samples.
Zbadano przydatność wspófstrącania z wodorotlenkiem indu(IIT) jako metody wydzielania i zatężania z próbek wody niektórych ciężkich metali takich jak: Cd(II), Co(II), Cr(III), Cu(II) i Pb(II) w celu ich oznaczania za pomocą płomieniowej absorpcyjnej spektrometrii atomowej (FAAS). Zoptymalizowano następujące warunki doświadczalne, wpływające na odzysk badanych metali: ilość nośnika, objętość próbki i pH syntetycznego roztworu modelowego (sztuczna woda morska) oraz parametry związane ze składem matrycy. W próbkach sztucznej wody, przy stężeniach oznaczanych pierwiastków w granicach 0.5-5 mg L-1, względne odchylenia standardowe wynosiły od 0,75 do 4,2% , a granice detekcji (DL) - od 0,6 do 8,6 μg L-1. Odzyski badanych pierwiastków w dotowanych próbkach ścieku i wody rzecznej były w granicach 94,0-103,5%, a w certyfikowanym materiale odniesienia NIST SRM 2711 (Montana Soil II) - w granicach 82,4-107 %, co pozwala uznać iż metoda daje zadawalające wyniki. Proponowaną metodę zastosowano do oznaczania metali ciężkich w próbkach wody morskiej, wody mineralnej oraz w ściekach.
This study evaluated the development of above and under ground parts of strawberry plants cvs. 'Fern' and 'Camarosa1 in a glasshouse using perlite, forest soil, finpeat, peat, finpeat+perlite (1:1) and peat+perlite (1:1) as substrates. The effects of different growing media on development of above and under ground parts of plant were statistically significant. The highest number of primary roots per plant, length of the most developed roots and number of crowns per runner were obtained from perlite, finpeat+perlite and peat medium, respectively, in both cultivars. The runner length, number of runners per plant, leaf area, fresh root weight and dry root weight varied between cultivars according to growth medium. In general peat, finpeat or finpeat+perlite gave the best results in terms of above and under ground parts of plants in both cultivars. Some important properties such as water retention capacity, cation exchangeable capacity, pH, porosity etc. of growing media using in this study were also determined.
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