The Impact of Great Powers on the Structure and Competences of the International Humanitarian Organisation the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA)UNRRA – United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, whose achievements are not sufficiently reflected in the historiography of the post-war period, is an interesting object of research for many reasons. In this article, we have attempted to show the mechanisms which great powers resorted to in order to secure a dominant position not just in terms of prerogatives but also administrative structure. The main task of the UNRRA was to offer aid needed for the economic and moral reconstruction of the countries occupied by the Axis. This was a massive challenge in logistical and theoretical terms. An efficiently functioning aid organisation could serve not just peace building on humanitarian foundations but also be a test for the paradigm of the United Nations the founding of which it preceded. And it was for just those reasons that many countries expressed apprehension as to the US dominance visible in the negotiations while realising that humanitarian assistance without taking account of the economic potential of that power would have been doomed to fail.
Marie Curie-Skłodowska, femme illustre par excellence, autant par ses positions humanitaires et intellectuelles que par ses découvertes scientifiques a fait l'objet de nombreuses biographies. Cette étude jette un regard particulier sur des liens privilégiés et soutenus qui ont existés entre Marie Curie et la Belgique. Trois thèmes y prevalent: ses relations avec la communauté internationale par la voie des Conseils de Physique Solvay, ses contacts avec monde médical belge pendant et après la guerre 1914-18 et enfin ses négociations avec le monde industriel du radium belge et surtout avec l'Union minière du Haut Katanga. L'auteur tente aussi rappeler le climat dans lequel se déroulait la recherche scientifique de haut niveau au début du vingtième siècle.
The article is the first attempt to explain the role and attitude of the Belgian government-in-exile in the discussion on the tasks and functions of international organizations trying to ‘help the people to help themselves’, as announced by the founders of United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA). The full support of the proposal by the Belgians seemed evident due to the action of the Committee for Relief in Belgium during World War I, which was kept in grateful memory. The article reveals why the government’s policy was different this time, what fears drove it, and what solutions were considered more appropriate to the Belgian raison d’état.
Artykuł jest pierwszą próbą wyjaśnienia roli i postawy belgijskiego rządu na emigracji w dyskusji nad zadaniami i funkcjami międzynarodowej organizacji mającej help the people to help themselves, jak zapowiadali twórcy UNRRA. Pełne poparcie propozycji przez Belgów wydawało się oczywiste z racji zachowanej we wdzięcznej pamięci akcji Committee for Relief in Belgium podczas I wojny światowej. Autor pokazuje, dlaczego tym razem polityka rządu była inna, mówi o obawach, jakie rząd podzielał, oraz omawia rozwiązania uznane za odpowiadające belgijskiej racji stanu.
Shaping of the political and militarylliance between France and Poland in the interwar period had a cyclic character. Initially, the relations were close. French companies engaged yhemselvs financially in the development of war industr as well as fuel sector, extraction industry, and light industry. Plans of modernizing the military forces were also developed in unsion. Representatives of French army played an important role in the process of educating the Polish officers. After the May Coup d'Etat, further cooperation was less close. One of the reasions for this situation was fact that the Polish establishent gathered around Józef Piłsudski was searching for ways of liberating the country from the restraining patronage. Further relations were resumed in 1936. Th efinancial and technilogical help of French was invaluable. However, in spite of the effors of Warsaw and Vilnius, it was not able to change the results of the defeat in September 1939.