Badania nad odkształcalnością gruntów spoistych poddanych obciążeniom cyklicznym. Badania wykonane na próbkach gruntu zagęszczonych w wilgotności zbliżonej do wilgotności optymalnej zgodnie z metodą Proctora i skonsolidowanych izotropowo i anizotropowo. Zjawisko spadku wartości odkształcenia plastycznego wraz z wzrostem liczby cykli obserwowane zarówno w przypadku gruntu skonsolidowanego izotropowo, jak i anizotropowo.
Research on the deformability of cohesive soils subjected to cyclic loading. Tests carried out on soil samples concentrated in humidity close to optimal humidity by the Proctor method and consolidated isotropically and anisotropically. A phenomenon of a decrease in the value of plastic deformation with an increase in the number of cycles observed both in the case of isotropically and anisotropically consolidated soil.
University campuses, as important elements of urban greenery, are related with a positive impact on student health and well-being. They provide unique possibilities for estimating biodiversity change. This study focused on the biodiversity in the Campus. The study aimed at: assessing the plant biodiversity occurring in the park; assessing the representation of native species and determining the frequency at which invasive species occur; as well as recommending an adaptation of the park management. The Park was sub-divided into biotopes and a phytocoenological relevé was recorded. Park projects create biodiversity islands that may contribute to improve urban space. A species composition that is close to natural vegetation creates a space for native species, which thus better adapt to living in urban conditions. Localities created by humans, which imitate natural ecosystems, increase the biodiversity and are valuable natural islands in cities. The semi-natural phytocoenoses however, do not resist the occurrence of invasive plant species. Regarding the small size of the studied park, manual elimination or cutting of invasive plant species is sufficient.
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