Every beatification, especially every canonization inevitably entails the absoluteness of the papal primacy, mainly his infallibility. From the early years of the Church, there has been a strong correlation between recognizing the ho-liness of candidates’ life and recognizing the signs of God performed after the candidates’ death. And so it is up to this day. A miracle, consequently, being the evidence in the canonization law, is also the subject of proving. Therefore, before any miracle is announced, it is necessary to first prove it, in order to obtain an absolute moral certainty about the authenticity of the particular phe-nomena, which is alleged to exceed the laws of nature. This is why the expert witnesses are appointed, to analyze an alleged miracle in solely human terms and give the final opinion about its authenticity. Such proving begins on prem-ises of the diocese, where the miracle was alleged, and then the investigation proceeds to the Congregation premises, where further consultations are being held.
Celem opracowania było przedstawienie potrzeby cudu w dowodzeniu kanonizacyjnym. Autor rozpatrywał fakt uzasadniania i aprobaty cudu oraz propozycje Kongregacji Spraw Kanonizacyjnych odnośnie do tego tematu. Przedstawił procedurę kanonizacyjną, która przeżywała ciągłą ewolucję, a zarazem ukazał, jak akcentowano w niej sprawę cudu i jakie stawiano wymagania do jego akceptacji. W końcowym paragrafie została przedstawiona aktualna procedura kanonizacyjna dotycząca diecezji, a także wymogi samej Kongregacji. Na podstawie dokonanej analizy tekstów prawnych wykazano wartość dowodu z cudu w dowodzeniu świętości kanonizowanej.
The aim of the study was to show the need of a miracle in proving a canonization. We considered the subject of a miracle’s approval. Moreover, we studied the suggestions made by the Congregation for the Causes of Saints related to this topic. Then, we went through the procedures of canonization which was under a continuous development. In addition, we showed the miracle’s necessity and the requirements for its approval. The current procedure of canonization in the diocese and the Congregation’s requirements were presented in the final section. The value of the miracle’s evidence of proving the sanctity has been based on the legal text analysis made during the study.
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