The aim of this study was to investigate whether a single bout of core stability exercises improves body balance immediately after the bout of exercise and during a retention test. Methods: The study involved 16 women (age 22–25 years, body weight 60.5 ± 5.2 kg, height 166 ± 5.4 cm). Postural stability was assessed in the mediolateral (ML) and anteroposterior (AP) planes separately on a force plate (Kistler 9286 AA) during quiet standing on a soft support surface with the eyes closed. Subjects were measured 4 times: just before (T0), 1 minutes after (T1 m), 30 minutes after (T30 m), and 24 hours after the workout (T24 h). Postural balance was evaluated by five parameters based on the center of pressure (COP) signal: variability (VAR), mean velocity (VEL), sample entropy (ENT), frequency (FRE), and fractal dimension (FRA). Results: We observed a decrease in VAR and VEL in the ML plane at T30 m and T24 h, compared to T0. The COP entropy significantly increased in the ML plane at T24 h, compared to T0. Conclusions: A single bout of core stability exercises improved the control of the mediolateral body balance. This effect was evident within 30 minutes after exercise, and remained for at least 24 hours. In addition, 24 hours after exercise we observed an increased automaticity in the strategy to maintain a stable upright stance.
W ramach pracy przeprowadzono badania metalowych elementów z XVIII-wiecznego, haftowanego okładu ikony z przedstawieniem św. Paraskiewy ze zbiorów Muzeum Narodowego w Poznaniu: nimbu, rozety oraz detalu z elementem jubilerskim w otoku, wytypowanych do prób czyszczenia laserowego. W Instytucie Optoelektroniki Wojskowej Akademii Technicznej wykonano próby oczyszczenia detali za pomocą impulsowego promieniowania laserowego emitowanego z urządzenia ReNOVALaser 2 z zaadaptowanym na wyjściu lasera światłowodem wielomodowym (energetycznym). Wartość gęstości energii (fluencji) promieniowania laserowego regulowano w zakresie od około 80 mJ/cm2 do 2,2 J/cm2. Celem badań była identyfikacja materiałów, z jakich wykonane zostały elementy metalowe, określenie składu produktów korozji i zanieczyszczeń oraz ocena efektów prób czyszczenia laserowego wytypowanych detali. Przeprowadzone badania pozwoliły określić skład badanych materiałów oraz rodzaj zanieczyszczeń nagromadzonych w trakcie 300-letniej historii okładu ikony. Na podstawie obserwacji mikroskopowych stwierdzono, że zastosowanie promieniowania laserowego skutecznie usuwa zanieczyszczenia i produkty korozji. Jednak wymaga ono ściśle określonych i kontrolowanych parametrów, żeby uniknąć uszkodzenia pierwotnej struktury materiałów.
In the present work, studies of the decorative elements from a 18th century embroidered icon dress of Saint Paraskiewia were undertaken. The icon is a part of the Poznan National Museum collection. The detailed analysis was done on the newer cover decorations such as: the crown, rosette, and jeweled detail, selected for the removal of corrosion products using laser radiation. The details were cleaned at the Optoelectronic Institute of the Military University of Technology using the ReNOVALaser 2 system. The device emitted laser pulse radiation with a front-mounted multimode fiber-optic adapter. The density value of laser energy radiation (fluence) was regulated to the range of around 80 mJ/cm2 to 2.2 J/cm2. The goal of the studies was to identify the materials, the composition of the corrosion products and pollutants, and asses the effectiveness of the laser cleaning. The finished studies let to identify the composition of the above mentioned metal elements and pollutants that have gathered on the icon cover over its 300 year history. Microscopic observations have shown that the laser cleaning was successful in removing corrosion products and pollutants from different kinds of threads and metal elements. However, the cleaning process requires detailed and strictly controlled laser radiation parameters as to avoid melting the surface layer and removing any decorati ve gilding.
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