In the inter‑war period, a number of press titles appeared in Nowogródek, but chief among them was “Życie Nowogródzkie”. Several dozen issues of this periodical/daily bear witness to the rare phonetic, inflectional, word‑making and syntactic features of Borderland Polish. Much more numerous are Borderland dialect words, words and phrases more frequently used in the Borderlands, and other peculiar words (archaisms, words now obsolete, words rarely used, “neologisms,” idiolectisms and phrasal idioms). 165 such language forms have been recorded. All volumes of “Życie Nowogródzkie” are deserving of detailed study.
The Polish dialect of Novogrudok is one of the variations that make up the North Borderlands Polish language, next to the Vilnius and Kaunas dialects, to name just two. A detailed study of this regional historical Polish dialect is important because of the history of the Polish language spoken in the North Borderland, and primarily due to the possible enrichment of the knowledge of the language used by Adam Mickiewicz. The article contains the names of authors and titles of 16th to 19th century works that might be useful in writing the history of the Polish dialect spoken in Novogrudok.