W artykule opisano narzędzia wspomagające pracę zespołu programistycznego. Opisano najpopularniejsze rozwiązania, które pomagają wytwarzać oprogramowanie w metodologii Scrum. Wyszczególniono funkcje narzędzi Jira, GitLab, Jenkins i SonarQube, które pozwalają efektywnie i wydajnie realizować projekty z wykorzystaniem metod zwinnych. Opisano sposób instalacji i konfiguracji tych narzędzi.
The article describes tools supporting the work of the programming team. The most popular solutions that help to produce software in the Scrum methodology have been described. The functions of the Jira, GitLab, Jenkins and SonarQube tools are listed, which allow you to effectively and efficiently implement projects using agile methods. The installation and configuration of these tools are described.
Strong aggradational tendencies during the late Pleni-Weichselian have been noted in river valleys in central Europe. Thick series of mineral deposits were laid down, but also organic or mineral-organic horizons were formed under favourable conditions. The study area is located in the central section of the valley of the River Warta within an extraglacial area of the last glaciation. At the Warenka site alluvia, that attain thicknesses of 16 m, were analysed. Lithofacies analysis, OSL dating of mineral sediments and radiocarbon dating of organic and mineral-organic strata were performed. Organic and mineral-organic deposits were also subjected to pollen and Cladocera analyses. Together this set of analyses was used to determine fluvial processes and environmental conditions during the late Pleni-Weichselian. The results obtained allow the conclusion that these levels were deposited in the sedimentary environment of a low-energy, sand-bed braided river, which operated in the period from approximately 30 to 24 cal kBP – the late Pleni- Weichselian. During this time, there were periods when shallow water bodies were formed on the valley bottom, where deposition of organic material was possible. The presence of this type of sediment made it possible to reconstruct the vegetation cover; this had the character of a steppe-tundra, periodically shrubby steppe-tundra. Short-lived reservoirs were characterised by shallow-water settings with weakly developed vegetation and temporary influence of floodwaters as indicated by changes in cladoceran assemblages. Pollen spectra, low concentration of cladocerans, as well as the presence of the cold-tolerant Cladocera taxa are indicative of cold climatic conditions.
Studies on floristic diversity, yielding and calorific value of biomass of communities with a dominance of 10 native grass species were conducted in the years 2013-2018 over an area of 180 ha in the Noteć River valley in the Trzcianka–Wieleń– Krzyż Wielkopolski stretch. The species composition, the percentage shares of the dominant species and the other plant groups were investigated in these plant communities. Moreover, habitat conditions, yielding and fodder value were determined. The calorific value, heat of combustion, ash content and moisture content in a dry biomass were recorded. Results indicate that the investigated communities differ in terms of habitat conditions, floristic composition, as well as yielding and fodder value of the sward. Moreover, harvested plant biomass characterised by high calorific value and heat of combustion as well as low ash content, thus facilitating pellet production for energy generation.
Badania nad różnorodnością florystyczną, plonowaniem oraz wartością energetyczną biomasy zbiorowisk z dominacją 10 gatunków rodzimych traw, przeprowadzono w latach 2013-2018 w dolinie Noteci, na odcinku Trzcianka–Wieleń–Krzyż Wlkp., na obszarze o powierzchni 180 ha. Określono skład botaniczny zbiorowisk, procentowy udział dominanta oraz pozostałych grup roślinnych. Ponadto określono warunki siedliskowe, plonowanie oraz wartość użytkową. Zbadano wartość energetyczną, ciepło spalania, zawartość popiołu i wilgotność w suchej masie. Otrzymane wyniki wskazują, że badane zbiorowiska różnią się uwarunkowaniami siedliskowymi składem florystycznym, a także pod względem plonowania i wartości użytkowej runi. Ponadto, zebraną masę roślinną cechuje wysoka wartość energetyczna i ciepło spalania oraz niska zawartość popiołu, co umożliwia produkcję z niej peletu dla celów energetycznych.
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