The problem was resolved taking into account the results of engine’s investigations at work according to the propeller characteristic on laboratory position without injection of water as well as on simulating computer programme with injection of water. Maximum of quality coefficient was searched for, that was function of elementary fuel consumption and elementary emission of nitrogen oxides. In result it turned out, that quality coefficient grows monotonically with increasing of injected water quantity and is the largest, when quantity of injected water is equal to quantity of injected fuel that is on the limit of considered amount of injected water quantity.
W artykule przedstawiono matematyczny model rozpylania paliwa w silniku ZS oraz wyniki badań symulacyjnych. Model uwzględnia właściwości wtryskiwanego paliwa, parametry konstrukcyjne otworków rozpylacza, przebieg ciśnienia wtrysku, ciśnienia i temperatury czynnika roboczego w cylindrze. Badania symulacyjne przeprowadzono dla różnych temperatur wtryskiwanego paliwa przy ciśnieniu wtrysku uzyskanym podczas rzeczywistych pomiarów na silniku okrętowym oraz dla różnych wartości ciśnienia wtrysku i stałej temperatury paliwa.
The work presents a mathematical model of fuel spray in a CI engine and the results of simulation research on spraying. The model takes into consideration the properties of the fuel injected, construction parameters of the nozzles, the course of injection pressure and the pressure and temperature course of the working medium. Simulation research was conducted in the function of temperature of the fuel injected, with the course of injection pressure according to measurement on an engine, for an assigned injection pressure and for a fixed fuel temperature.
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