At present a number of methods of improvement of reservoir recovery are well-known (Reference, 1983; Bourje, 1988; Baibakov & Garushev, 1988; Stimulation, 2004): I) thermal method of effect on productive horizon (Reference, 1983; Bourje, 1988; Baibakov & Garushev, 1988); 2) formation hydro-breakdown and application of combustible gas energy for organizing of blast in a borehole (Stimulation, 2004); 3) acid treatment ofwell bottom zone, etc. (Reference, 1983). The most common is the first method, which maintains not only producing energy, but due to improvement of rheological characteristics increases oil fluidity (Reference, 1983; Bourje, 1988; Baibakov & Garushev, 1988). However, this method is applied with large consumption of facilities at pumping and heating of heat carriers (Bourje, 1988; Baibakov & Garushev, 1988). Hydro-breakdown with application of combustible gas energy reqires delicate management and may lead to uncontrolled process that is fraught with dangerous situations (Stimulation, 2004). The third method generally is suitable for bottornhole formation zone (Reference, 1983). The method of radial drilling, when reservoirs with high permeability are made for of withdrawal from strata with low conductive characteristics and extensive dimensions (of high thickness) - is one of effective methods improvement of reservoir recovery. This task is of large interest due to involving in treatment strata with complicated geological structure and for rehabilitation of deposits with abnormal rheological characteristics of oil. The problem is to determine interaction of low-permeable bank of high thickness with high-permeable reservoir, produced by radial drilling method, and find required of withdrawal for rational exploitation of deposit.
Współcześnie stosuje się wiele różnych metod zwiększania sczerpania złóż węglowodorów (Reference, 1983; Bourje, 1988; Baibakov & Garushev, 1988; Stimulation, 2004), a więc: I) termalne oddziaływanie na złoże, 2) szczelinowanie hydrauliczne oraz wykorzystanie energii gazów palnych do wywołania eksplozji w odwiertach (Stimulation, 2004), 3) kwasowanie odwiertów, i inne (Baibakov & Garushev, 1988). Najczęściej jest stosowana metoda pierwsza, która nie tylko podtrzymuje energię złożową, ale także korzystnie zmienia reologiczne właściwości płynów złożowych (Reference, 1983; Bowje, 1988; Baibakov & Garushev, 1988). Metoda ta wymaga jednak stosowania kosztownych urządzeń doprowadzających ciepło do odwiertów. Druga z metod wymaga precyzyjnego sterowania procesem i może prowadzić do rozwoju niekontrolowanych procesów stwarzających sytuację zagrożeń (Stimulation, 2004). Metoda kasowania jest odpowiednia dla stymulacji dennej strefy przyodwiertowej (Reference, 1983). Stosowanie odwiertów poziomych wówczas, gdy warstwa złożowa o dużej przepuszczalności pozostaje w kontakcie ze złożem o niskiej przepuszczalności i znacznej miąższości, okazuje się być efektywną metodą zwiększania sczerpania zasobów złoża. W szczególności ten sposób eksploatacji złóż jest skuteczny w warunkach skomplikowanej budowy geologicznej oraz w przypadkach węglowodorów o ponadnormalnych reologicznych właściwościach (ciężkie ropy naftowe). Głównym problemem przedstawionym w artykule są interakcje złoża o niskiej przepuszczalności z warstwą o wysokiej przepuszczalności, eksploatowanej przy użyciu odwiertów poziomych, określenie wydajności odwiertu dla racjonalnej eksploatacji zasobów.
The COC PGD technology allows formation breakdown by the impulse power excitation of light-end combustion products of solid rocket and liquid combustion-oxidative compounds (hereinafter COC). By mechanism of action on the formation and resulting picture of flaw formation this method doesn't have analogues and significantly differs from practically using methods such as breakdown, shock-and-vibration action, electro hydraulic discharge, electromagnetic and acoustic fields etc. General advantage of the method is that it allows in a wide range changing the dynamics of rock weighting and making stress condition in the formation with the rate (10/1-10/6) MPa/s. The most perfect breakdown systems provide rates of rock weighting not larger than 1 MPa/s. It was found out that for effective initiating of flaw formation in oil and gas mains the value of the mentioned parameter should be not less than (10/2-10/4) MPa/s. In Kazakhstan the COC-PGD technology firstly has been used at the Zhetybai deposit. Results of 5 wells development using this technology give the grounds to conclude the effectiveness of using complex technology COC-powder generator for stimulation of marginal wells, which producing horizons are represented by low-permeable, mudded reservoirs of the terrigenous type
Technologia COC-PGD umożliwia odprężanie górotworu przez zastosowanie naboju z wybuchową cieczą (COC). Metoda ta różni się w sposób istotny od metod stosowanych w praktyce takich, jak metody wstrząsowe, wibracyjne elektrohydrauliczne, elektromagnetyczne czy akustyczne. Umożliwia ona oddziaływanie na skały będące źródłem naprężeń w zakresie (10/1-10/6) MPa/s. W Kazachstanie technologię COC-PGD po raz pierwszy zastosowano na złożu Zhetybai. Wyniki, jakie uzyskano z zastosowaniem tej technologii do 5 otworów, potwierdzają skuteczność tej metody do stymulowania produkcji w otworach na obrzeżu złoża, gdzie horyzonty produkcyjne charakteryzują się niską przepuszczalnością i mulistymi warstwami pochodzenia lądowego
At present, a number of methods of improvement of reservoir recovery are well--known: 1) thermal method of effect on productive horizon; 2) formation hydro-breakdown and application of combustible gas energy for organizing of blast in a borehole; 3) acid treatment of wellbottom zone etc. The most common is the first method, which maintains not only producing energy, but due to improvement of rheological characteristics increases oil fluidity. However, this method is applied with large consumption of facilities at pumping and heating of heat carriers. Hydro-breakdown with application of combustible gas energy requires delicate management and may lead to uncontrolled process that is fraught with dangerous situations. The third method generally is suitable for bottomhole formation zone. The method of radial drilling, when reservoirs with high permeability are made for oil withdrawal from strata with low conductive characteristics and extensive dimensions (of high thickness) - is one of effective methods improvement of reservoir recovery. This task is of large interest due to involving in treatment strata with complicated geological structure and for rehabilitation of deposits with abnormal rheological characteristics of oil. The problem is to determine interaction of low-permeable bank of high thickness with high-permeable reservoir, produced by radial drilling method, and find required oil withdrawal for rational exploitation of deposit. The Report presents results of calculation-theoretical study of reservoir recovery using the method of radial drilling. 1. Mathematical model of oil filtration in the bed with high-permeable reservoir, formed in the result of radial drilling, has been developed. High-permeable reservoir represents itself porous medium with filtration characteristics, much exceeding coefficients of permeability of ambient block of high power. In high-permeable reservoir pressure decreases due to fluid withdrawal that leads to fluid influx from ambient low-permeable block. Using representation of mechanics of interpenetrating continuums the process may be described by single equation with different filtration characteristics. Generalized mathematical model of filtration allows automatically meeting conditions of continuity of pressure and mass flows when passing the interface of porous mediums. 2. Obtained calculation data of pressure field and velocity vector illustrate the picture of filtration flow, regularities of interaction between porous block and high-permeable reservoir, and value of fluid influx through the interface depend upon order parameters. 3. The developed mathematical model allows assessing ratios of coefficients of permeability, piezoconductivity of the block and high-permeable reservoir, required for optimal consumption of withdrawing fluid for efficient development of the field with low permeability and higher power.
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