In response to current economic theories, a special emphasis is put on the need for continuous acquisition of knowledge. The stock of knowledge, however, is growing very dynamically, which leads to shifts in the scientific process. There are shifts in individual innovative productivity, which is manifested by the fact that the contribution of young scientists to science is getting smaller and – as a result of deepening of specialization – the dominance of teamwork increases. These two fundamental changes taking place in science should imply changes in the approach to science policy. In the face of “ageing” of innovators, policy makers should put more emphasis on creating incentives for young people to enter scientific careers (higher wages in science, more attractive grants at the peak of scientific career; contrary to popular beliefs, grant systems should not be created specifically for young people). A measure increasing the interest in scientific careers could also be a shortening of education which, however, is difficult to achieve. A response of science policy to the increasing dominance of teamwork should be (1) implementation of changes in the remuneration system for researchers, which should evolve from individual-oriented rewarding to team-oriented rewarding, as well as (2) implementation of changes in the evaluation system, which should be aimed towards team evaluation.
Ze względu na fakt, że wysoko wykwalifikowanych imigrantów uważa się za źródło cennego know- -how i rozprzestrzeniania się wiedzy, artykuł skupia się na korzyściach wynikających z międzynarodowej mobilności wynalazców z perspektywy innowacyjności polskiej gospodarki, która mierzona jest liczbą wynalazków. Na podstawie analizy międzynarodowych zgłoszeń patentowych stwierdzono, że 12% produktu wynalazczego Polski z lat 2004–2018 stanowiły rozwiązania techniczne tworzone przez cudzoziemców, głównie obywateli Niemiec, a w dalszej kolejności Francji i Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki.
Due to the fact that highly skilled immigrants are considered to be a source of valuable know-how and knowledge diffusion, the paper focuses on the benefits of international mobility of inventors from the perspective of innovation in the Polish economy, which is measured by the number of inventions. Based on the analysis of international patent applications, it was found that 12% of Poland’s inventive product from 2004–2018 were technical solutions created by foreigners, mainly German citizens, followed by citizens France and the United States of America.
Due to the fact that clusters should implement the idea of an open innovation model, the paper focuses on the role of Lower Silesian clusters in promoting knowledge flow between enterprises and other network participants, which are measured by the numbers of joint inventions and patent citations. On the basis of the analysis of national and international patent applications, it has been found that few inventions of enterprises are created in cooperation with other cluster members as well as that enterprises refer to the knowledge of other cluster members in their patent descriptions to a limited extent, which in general does not support the thesis that cluster membership contributes to the intensification of knowledge-diffusion processes.
Since knowledge was recognized as a key for innovativeness and consequently for the growth of countries and regions, policies of particular countries have emphasized stimulation of processes of knowledge generation and diffusion. Universities, in particular, have been recognized as a significant source of valuable knowledge whereas cooperation between science and industry as a key for the inventiveness of enterprises. The aim of this paper is to determine to what extent innovations generated by enterprises patenting in Poland base on academic knowledge and whether enterprises which make greater use of stocks of academic knowledge when creating their inventions are also more innovative (i.e. they can boast a greater number of patents). The co-called patent-citation method has been used to determine the extent to which the inventiveness of enterprises is based on knowledge originating from the area of science and it consists in an analysis of patent documents for the location of sources of knowledge that these enterprises cite. More precisely, knowledge sources have been investigated which inventors from enterprises patenting in Poland referred to in their patent descriptions, with the focus on whether the cited knowledge belonged to the stock of university knowledge. An analysis of 389 patent applications of 20 enterprises patenting in Poland in 2005-2011 for the origin of knowledge that was used by these enterprises to make an invention allowed for the formulation of several basic conclusions. Firstly, out of the total stock of knowledge that was used by enterprises while making their own inventions, only 15.03% were stocks of academic knowledge, with the inventiveness of enterprises based to a larger extent on Polish than foreign knowledge stocks of science. Secondly, the extent to which the inventiveness of enterprises was based on knowledge coming from public laboratories of scientific units was rather differentiated over the course of the period covered by the analysis, without showing neither upward nor downward trend. And lastly, the innovativeness of enterprises as measured by the number of obtained patents did not depend on neither whether or to what extent enterprises made use of scientific achievements during the creation of inventions. It is so because on the one hand the inventiveness of only few of the most innovative enterprises included in the analysis was based on knowledge originating from the area of science to a larger extent than usually. On the other hand, the use of only academic knowledge in the process of generation of inventions does not have to translate into success in the form of a large number of patents.
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Due to the fact that clusters should implement the idea of an open innovation model, the paper focuses on the role of Lower Silesian clusters in promoting knowledge flow between enterprises and other network participants, which are measured by the numbers of joint inventions and patent citations. On the basis of the analysis of national and international patent applications, it has been found that few inventions of enterprises are created in cooperation with other cluster members as well as that enterprises refer to the knowledge of other cluster members in their patent descriptions to a limited extent, which in general does not support the thesis that cluster membership contributes to the intensification of knowledge-diffusion processes.
Znaczenie wynalazków dla procesów rozwojowych jest tym większe, im częściej wykorzystywane są one przez innych podczas generowania nowej wiedzy. Mając to na względzie, celem artykułu było określenie stopnia, w jakim polskie wynalazki ulegają dyfuzji w gospodarce światowej - który był mierzony częstotliwością ich cytowania - oraz wskazanie czynników leżących u podstaw tego zjawiska. Przeprowadzona analiza regresji wielorakiej na próbie 426 podmiotów oraz 986 międzynarodowych aplikacji patentowych pokazała, że polskie wynalazki mają niewielki wpływ na działalność badawczą innych podmiotów, jako że w niewielkim stopniu są cytowane przez innych, choć wynalazki z fizyki cechuje większa skłonność do cytowania. W toku badań ujawniono także, że spośród czynników branych pod uwagę jedynie większa liczba obcokrajowców w zespole wynalazców przełożyła się na większą liczbę cytowań uzyskiwanych przez polskie wynalazki. Pozostałe czynniki miały albo negatywny wpływ na siłę dyfuzji polskiego know-how (różnorodność etniczna wśród zgłaszających wynalazek do ochrony patentowej, różnorodność etniczna wśród wynalazców, obecność jednostki publicznego sektora B+R wśród zgłaszających), albo nie obserwowano zależności między nimi a liczbą cytowań.
The importance of inventions for development processes is all the greater the more often they are used by others when generating new knowledge. With this in mind, the aim of the article was to determine the extent to which Polish inventions diffuse in the global economy - which was measured by the frequency of their citation - and to indicate the factors underlying this phenomenon. A multiple regression analysis conducted on a sample of 426 entities and 986 international patent applications has shown that Polish inventions have little impact on research activities of other entities, as they are cited by others only to a small extent, although inventions in physics are characterized by a greater propensity to be cited. The research also revealed that among the factors taken into account, only a larger number of foreigners in the team of inventors translated into a larger number of citations received by Polish inventions. The other factors either had a negative impact on the strength of diffusion of Polish know-how (ethnic diversity among applicants for patent protection, ethnic diversity among inventors, the presence of a public sector R&D unit among applicants) or no relationship was observed between them and the number of citations.
The paper presents the theoretical study of the effectiveness of R&D consortia in promoting the companies’ innovation. The examples of USA , Japan and Europe show that, under certain conditions, the R&D consortia, have a positive impact on innovation and productivity growth.
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