W artykule omówiono projekt rewitalizacji poprzemysłowej dzielnicy Neapolu – Bagnoli, która leży w strategicznej lokalizacji na wybrzeżu Zatoki Pozzuoli. Autorka nawiązuje do historii przemysłu na tym obszarze – od jego prężnego rozwoju w okresie powojennym, przez kryzys lat 70., po całkowite zamknięcie fabryk w 1991 r. Od czasu zamknięcia fabryk obszar ten pozostawał nieużytkowany ze względu na konieczność ponoszenia ogromnych nakładów finansowych na rekultywację gleby. Pomimo wielu propozycji zagospodarowania, dopiero po 16 latach podpisano stosowne porozumienia i zaakceptowano projekt rewitalizacji i zagospodarowania dzielnicy Bagnoli. Projekt ten obejmuje m.in budowę plaży, obiektów infrastruktury turystycznej i sportowej, obiektów mieszkalnych i uniwersyteckich, portu pozwalającego na szybkie połączenia z wyspą Nisida oraz stacji kolejowych ułatwiających komunikację. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie możliwości rozwoju regionu Kampania, a w szczególności jego stolicy Neapolu, właśnie dzięki realizacji projektu „Bagnoli Futura”. Jest to jedno z największych przedsięwzięć, jakie w najbliższych latach zostanie zrealizowane na południu Włoch, co stworzy ogromne możliwości dla rozwoju gospodarczego nie tylko samego Neapolu, ale też dla całego regionu Kampania. Jego zakończenie przewidziano na rok 2024.
The article presents the project of revitalisation undertaken in the post-industrial district of Naples – Bagnoli – situated strategically by the Gulf of Pozzuoli. The author focuses on the industrial development of the region, starting with its booming times during the post-war period, through the crisis of the 1970s, followed by a complete shutdown of factories in 1991. Since then, the area remained unused due to the great financial investments that would be needed to re-cultivate the land. Despite a lot of proposals to develop the land, it took 16 years to sign appropriate agreements and accept the project to revitalise the Bagnoli district. The project includes, among others, the creation of a public beach, tourism and sports infrastructure, housing estates and university campuses. It also includes building a harbour, which will enable a quick and convenient connection with the Nisida island and railway stations facilitating communication in the region. The aim of the article is to present the possibilities of development of the Campania region, focusing mainly on its capital. The ‘Bagnoli Futura’ project is one of the biggest ventures that will be carried out in the south of Italy in the upcoming years. It will provide great possibilities to develop not only the city of Naples itself, but the whole Campania region as well. Completion of the project is scheduled for 2024. The article presents the project of revitalisation undertaken in the post-industrial district of Naples – Bagnoli – situated strategically by the Gulf of Pozzuoli. The author focuses on the industrial development of the region, starting with its booming times during the post-war period, through the crisis of the 1970s, followed by a complete shutdown of factories in 1991. Since then, the area remained unused due to the great financial investments that would be needed to re-cultivate the land. Despite a lot of proposals to develop the land, it took 16 years to sign appropriate agreements and accept the project to revitalise the Bagnoli district. The project includes, among others, the creation of a public beach, tourism and sports infrastructure, housing estates and university campuses. It also includes building a harbour, which will enable a quick and convenient connection with the Nisida island and railway stations facilitating communication in the region. The aim of the article is to present the possibilities of development of the Campania region, focusing mainly on its capital. The ‘Bagnoli Futura’ project is one of the biggest ventures that will be carried out in the south of Italy in the upcoming years. It will provide great possibilities to develop not only the city of Naples itself, but the whole Campania region as well. Completion of the project is scheduled for 2024. The article presents the project of revitalisation undertaken in the post-industrial district of Naples – Bagnoli – situated strategically by the Gulf of Pozzuoli. The author focuses on the industrial development of the region, starting with its booming times during the post-war period, through the crisis of the 1970s, followed by a complete shutdown of factories in 1991. Since then, the area remained unused due to the great financial investments that would be needed to re-cultivate the land. Despite a lot of proposals to develop the land, it took 16 years to sign appropriate agreements and accept the project to revitalise the Bagnoli district. The project includes, among others, the creation of a public beach, tourism and sports infrastructure, housing estates and university campuses. It also includes building a harbour, which will enable a quick and convenient connection with the Nisida island and railway stations facilitating communication in the region. The aim of the article is to present the possibilities of development of the Campania region, focusing mainly on its capital. The ‘Bagnoli Futura’ project is one of the biggest ventures that will be carried out in the south of Italy in the upcoming years. It will provide great possibilities to develop not only the city of Naples itself, but the whole Campania region as well. Completion of the project is scheduled for 2024. The article presents the project of revitalisation undertaken in the post-industrial district of Naples – Bagnoli – situated strategically by the Gulf of Pozzuoli. The author focuses on the industrial development of the region, starting with its booming times during the post-war period, through the crisis of the 1970s, followed by a complete shutdown of factories in 1991. Since then, the area remained unused due to the great financial investments that would be needed to re-cultivate the land. Despite a lot of proposals to develop the land, it took 16 years to sign appropriate agreements and accept the project to revitalise the Bagnoli district. The project includes, among others, the creation of a public beach, tourism and sports infrastructure, housing estates and university campuses. It also includes building a harbour, which will enable a quick and convenient connection with the Nisida island and railway stations facilitating communication in the region. The aim of the article is to present the possibilities of development of the Campania region, focusing mainly on its capital. The ‘Bagnoli Futura’ project is one of the biggest ventures that will be carried out in the south of Italy in the upcoming years. It will provide great possibilities to develop not only the city of Naples itself, but the whole Campania region as well. Completion of the project is scheduled for 2024. The article presents the project of revitalisation undertaken in the post-industrial district of Naples – Bagnoli – situated strategically by the Gulf of Pozzuoli. The author focuses on the industrial development of the region, starting with its booming times during the post-war period, through the crisis of the 1970s, followed by a complete shutdown of factories in 1991. Since then, the area remained unused due to the great financial investments that would be needed to re-cultivate the land. Despite a lot of proposals to develop the land, it took 16 years to sign appropriate agreements and accept the project to revitalise the Bagnoli district. The project includes, among others, the creation of a public beach, tourism and sports infrastructure, housing estates and university campuses. It also includes building a harbour, which will enable a quick and convenient connection with the Nisida island and railway stations facilitating communication in the region. The aim of the article is to present the possibilities of development of the Campania region, focusing mainly on its capital. The ‘Bagnoli Futura’ project is one of the biggest ventures that will be carried out in the south of Italy in the upcoming years. It will provide great possibilities to develop not only the city of Naples itself, but the whole Campania region as well. Completion of the project is scheduled for 2024. The article presents the project of revitalisation undertaken in the post-industrial district of Naples – Bagnoli – situated strategically by the Gulf of Pozzuoli. The author focuses on the industrial development of the region, starting with its booming times during the post-war period, through the crisis of the 1970s, followed by a complete shutdown of factories in 1991. Since then, the area remained unused due to the great financial investments that would be needed to re-cultivate the land. Despite a lot of proposals to develop the land, it took 16 years to sign appropriate agreements and accept the project to revitalise the Bagnoli district. The project includes, among others, the creation of a public beach, tourism and sports infrastructure, housing estates and university campuses. It also includes building a harbour, which will enable a quick and convenient connection with the Nisida island and railway stations facilitating communication in the region. The aim of the article is to present the possibilities of development of the Campania region, focusing mainly on its capital. The ‘Bagnoli Futura’ project is one of the biggest ventures that will be carried out in the south of Italy in the upcoming years. It will provide great possibilities to develop not only the city of Naples itself, but the whole Campania region as well. Completion of the project is scheduled for 2024. The article presents the project of revitalisation undertaken in the post-industrial district of Naples – Bagnoli – situated strategically by the Gulf of Pozzuoli. The author focuses on the industrial development of the region, starting with its booming times during the post-war period, through the crisis of the 1970s, followed by a complete shutdown of factories in 1991. Since then, the area remained unused due to the great financial investments that would be needed to re-cultivate the land. Despite a lot of proposals to develop the land, it took 16 years to sign appropriate agreements and accept the project to revitalise the Bagnoli district. The project includes, among others, the creation of a public beach, tourism and sports infrastructure, housing estates and university campuses. It also includes building a harbour, which will enable a quick and convenient connection with the Nisida island and railway stations facilitating communication in the region. The aim of the article is to present the possibilities of development of the Campania region, focusing mainly on its capital. The ‘Bagnoli Futura’ project is one of the biggest ventures that will be carried out in the south of Italy in the upcoming years. It will provide great possibilities to develop not only the city of Naples itself, but the whole Campania region as well. Completion of the project is scheduled for 2024. The article presents the project of revitalisation undertaken in the post-industrial district of Naples – Bagnoli – situated strategically by the Gulf of Pozzuoli. The author focuses on the industrial development of the region, starting with its booming times during the post-war period, through the crisis of the 1970s, followed by a complete shutdown of factories in 1991. Since then, the area remained unused due to the great financial investments that would be needed to re-cultivate the land. Despite a lot of proposals to develop the land, it took 16 years to sign appropriate agreements and accept the project to revitalise the Bagnoli district. The project includes, among others, the creation of a public beach, tourism and sports infrastructure, housing estates and university campuses. It also includes building a harbour, which will enable a quick and convenient connection with the Nisida island and railway stations facilitating communication in the region. The aim of the article is to present the possibilities of development of the Campania region, focusing mainly on its capital. The ‘Bagnoli Futura’ project is one of the biggest ventures that will be carried out in the south of Italy in the upcoming years. It will provide great possibilities to develop not only the city of Naples itself, but the whole Campania region as well. Completion of the project is scheduled for 2024.
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