Celem badań było uzyskanie informacji od Prezesa NiOL Spółki z o.o. na temat rozwoju systemu rowerowego w Szczecinie oraz jego wpływu na jakość życia mieszkańców. Metodą wybraną do badań była metoda sondażu diagnostycznego, techniką − wywiad. Uzyskane dane posłużyły do charakterystyki rozwoju systemu rowerowego w Szczecinie ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem wpływu na poprawę jakości życia mieszkańców. System Bike_S został uruchomiony w sierpniu 2014 roku w odpowiedzi na wnioski mieszkańców Szczecina, którzy obserwując powstawanie podobnych systemów w innych miastach chcieli korzystać z takiego rozwiązania również w Szczecinie. Pierwszy etap budowy systemu zakładał 33 stacje, na których można było korzystać łącznie z 342 rowerów. Obecnie system składa się z 82 stacji rozlokowanych zarówno na lewobrzeżnej, jak i prawobrzeżnej części miasta, a do dyspozycji użytkowników oddano ponad 700 rowerów. Z uwagi na podwojenie liczby stacji rowerowych oraz rowerów wzrosła również dzienna liczba wypożyczeń rowerów, a liczba zarejestrowanych użytkowników sięga prawie 30 000.
The aim of the study was to obtain information from the President of the Company NiOL on the development of the cycling system in Szczecin and its impact on the quality of citizens’ life. The method chosen for the study was the method of diagnostic survey while the technique - an interview. The obtained data were used to characterise the development of the cycling system in Szczecin, with a particular emphasis on the impact on improving the quality of citizens’ life. The Bike_S system was launched in August 2014 in response to requests of Szczecin citizens who, observing the emergence of similar systems in other cities, wanted to use such a solution also in Szczecin. The first phase of construction of the system included a performance of 33 stations where one could use a total of 342 bicycles. The system currently consists of 82 stations located both on the left bank and the right bank part of the city, and there are available for use more than 700 bikes. Because of the doubling of the number of stations and bicycles, the daily number of rentals also increased and the amount of registered users now reaches almost 30 000.
Цель изучения заключалась в получении информации от председателя NiOL, ООО, о развитии велосипедной системы в Щецине, а также о ее влиянии на качество жизни населения города. Методом, избранным для исследований, был диагностический зондаж, техникой же – интервью. Получен- ные данные послужили для характеристики развития велосипедной системы в Щецине, с особым учетом влияния на повышение качества жизни жителей. Система Bike_S начала действие в августе 2014 г. в ответ на предложения жителей Щецина, которые, наблюдая возникновение похожих систем в других городах, хотели пользоваться таким решением также в своем городе. Первый этап формирования системы предполагал наличие 33 стоянок, на которых можно было пользоваться в общей сложности 342 велосипедами. В настоящее время система состоит из 82 стоянок, расположенных как в левобережной, так и правобережной части города, а в распоряжение пользователей переданы свыше 700 велосипедов. Ввиду удвоения числа велосипедных стоянок и велосипедов возрос также ежедневный прокат велосипедов, число же зарегистрированных пользователей достигает почти 30 000.
Health care of children and young people is part of a system of care of the so called “developmental age population.” In this system, prevention plays a key role. The aim of the study was, basing on the obtained results, to develop guidelines for the regional pro-family policy in care of a rural child. The study included children and young people of school age, from 14 to 19 years of age. Overall the analysis included 6,971 children and adolescents and 6,971 parents. Organization of health care of children and school adolescents depended on the solutions approved by individual founding bodies of Health Care Units and Regional Patients’ Funds. The withdrawal of nurses from school was observed. The tasks of prevention character performed previously by nurses employed at schools began to be implemented within the framework of primary health care in the child’s place of residence. For proper implementation of the tasks of school nurses and the proper development of school hygiene, it is important to establish a uniform and maximum number of pupils per one nurse, taking into account all circumstances, and to develop standards of care for the student, taking into account the age of the student, school type, and the region.
The global COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in restrictions in most countries. One of them was to replace traditional education in schools with online learning. Such a change could provoke a build-up of negative feelings due to insecurity and loneliness. In addition, reducing daily physical activity and closing sports venues can have a detrimental effect on health. The article presents the results of the study of the impact of distance learning on the daily physical activity and condition of physical education teachers in Poland, as well as the subjective perception of physical and mental health in this professional group. Google forms were used to collect the data. The research tool was a questionnaire. The analysis showed that distance learning had a significant negative impact on the physical and mental health of the study group. The impact of distance learning on physical and mental health is gender independent. Teachers more often negatively assessed their physical and mental health compared to the studies in previous years. Daily physical activity of the subjects decreased, and most of them increased their body weight. Less than 3% of the surveyed teachers during the blockade felt happy and full of life.
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