Long-lasting neighborhood of Kashubians and Germans influenced the language spoken in the region. The article deals with lexical Germanisms in the region of Gochy (southern part of Kaszuby) in everyday communication and in printed texts. German borrowings are mostly found in lexical fields connected with man, farming and house and are adapted to linguistic local system.
The feeding deterrent activity of 1% alcohol solutions of farnesol and its synthetic derivatives against larvae L3 and adults of Leptinotarsa decemleneata Say was studied. In laboratory bioassays 24 h choice and no-choice tests at 24°C under a 16L:8D photoperiod were used. Among compounds tested farnesol and trans-3,7,11-trimethyl-3-vinyldodeca-6,10-dienoic acid were good antifeedants against adults. A strong antifeedant effect against larvae showed farnesol, its acid derivatives and unsaturated γ-lactone. These compounds had an inhibitory effect on the growth and development of L. decemlineata larvae. Especially strong effect on the feeding, growth and mortality of larvae showed farnesol.
Nootkatone is a natural sesquiterpene ketone that shows insecticidal activity against insects and ticks. The deterrent activity of (+)- nootkatone (1) and six products of its biotransformation: (+)-9α-hydroxynootkatone (2), (+)-13-hydroxynootkatone (3), (+)-11,12- epoxy-9α-hydroxynootkatone (4), (+)-11,12-epoxynootkatone (5), (+) 11,12-dihydroxynootkatone (6), (+)-7,11,12-trihydroxynootkatone (7) to the peach-potato aphid (Myzus persicae Sulzer) was investigated in the current study. The deterrent activity of compounds studied (1−7) was evaluated using an infesting bioassay, in which the aphids were offered a choice between treated (with tested compound) and control leaves. If aphids settled mainly on the control leaves (p < 0.05; Student’s t-test), the tested compound in the respective choice test was stated as a deterrent. The most active compounds are (+)-nootkatone (1) and three products its biotransformation: 11,12-dihydroxynootkatone (6), (+)-7,11,12-trihydroxynootkatone (7), (+)-9α-hydroxynootkatone (2). The deterrent effect of these compounds was relatively strong and stable. It was observed for at least 24 hours after treatment, i.e., until the end of experiment.
Nootkaton to naturalny seskwiterpenowy keton wykazujący właściwości owadobójcze w stosunku do owadów i kleszczy. W prezentowanej pracy badano aktywność deterentną (+)-nootkatonu (1) i sześciu produktów jego biotransformacji: (+)-9α-hydroksynootkatonu (2), (+)-13-hydroksynootkatonu (3), (+)-11,12-epoksy-9α-hydroksynootkatonu (4), (+)-11,12-epoksynootkatonu (5), (+)- 11,12-dihydroksynootkatonu (6) oraz (+)-7,11,12-trihydroksynootkatonu (7) w stosunku do mszycy brzoskwiniowej (Myzus persicae Sulzer). Aktywność deterentną badanych związków (1−7) oceniano za pomocą testu zasiedlania, w którym mszyce miały wybór pomiędzy badanymi (z badanym związkiem) i kontrolnymi liśćmi. Jeśli mszyce zasiedlały głównie liście kontrolne (p < 0,05; test t-Studenta), to badany związek, w odpowiednim teście wyboru, był określany jako deterent. Najbardziej aktywne związki to (+)-nootkaton (1) i trzy produkty jego biotransformacji: 11,12-dihydroksynootkaton (6), (+)-7,11,12-trihydroksynootkaton (7), (+)-9α-hydroksynootkaton (2). Działanie deterentne tych związków było stosunkowo silne i trwałe. Obserwowano je przez co najmniej 24 h, czyli do zakończenia eksperymentu.
The behavioural effect of trans,trans-farnesol and its structural derivatives on M. persicae was evaluated. The incorporation of carboxy group into the molecule did not alter the strong deterrent activity of farnesol. The lactonization and the epoxidation of farnesol caused the delay in expression and the loss of deterrent activity, respectively. The ester, product of Claissen rearrangement of farnesol and iodolactone did not exhibit significant biological effect.
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