Rapidly growing global population, expanding domestic and global markets, institutional innovations in markets, finance, and collective action and revolution in information technology offer opportunities to use agriculture to promote development, instead of being an instrument for industrialization through structural transformations. The functions of rural areas for development may include growth, poverty reduction, food security and providing environmental services. Rural areas of South and East Asian countries remain home for a huge number of people living in extreme poverty. For this reason, it is crucial to focus on institutional conditions conducive to the creation of new jobs in agriculture answering the challenges and using opportunities given by globalization. The article outlines the issues facing Southeast Asian agriculture under the globalization and attempts to provide a useful framework to design a strategy for rural-based development constructed on green growth strategy recommended by OECD.
Takie zjawiska i procesy, jak dynamiczny wzrost liczby ludności na świecie, ekspansja krajowych i globalnych rynków, rynkowe i finansowe innowacje instytucjonalne, działania zbiorowe oraz rewolucja informatyczna, umożliwiają promowanie rozwoju także poprzez sektor rolny, który często stanowił jedynie instrument w procesie industrializacji osiąganej dzięki przemianom strukturalnym. Współcześnie obszary wiejskie mogą stanowić istotny element w procesie wzrostu gospodarczego, ograniczania ubóstwa oraz zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego. Obszary wiejskie Azji Południowo-Wschodniej są zamieszkiwane przez ogromną liczbę osób żyjących w skrajnym ubóstwie. Z tego też powodu, jak również w obliczu wyzwań i szans stwarzanych przez procesy globalizacyjne, kluczowego znaczenia nabiera stwarzanie instytucjonalnych warunków sprzyjających tworzeniu nowych miejsc pracy w rolnictwie. Celem artykułu jest wskazanie uwarunkowań globalizacyjnych rolnictwa Azji Południowej i Wschodniej, jak również przedstawienie ramowej strategii dla rozwoju opar-tego na rolnictwie. Podstawą zaproponowanej strategii jest „Strategia zielonego wzrostu” opracowana przez OECD.
In the article the economic effectiveness was described, paying special attention to its static and dynamic take and meaning for the appropriate description of the economic reality. The article critically presents a conception of static effectiveness and the welfare economics based on this concept. Essential dilemmas associated with the measurement and the evaluation of the economic effectiveness were shown. Moreover it is underlined, that the economic effectiveness in the dynamic take is an essential determinant of the efficiently functioning economic system.
In conditions of diverging from the model of the permanent employment we can find in the Spanish economy a successfully operating cooperative corporation Mondragón. - even in the period of economic recession. One of the main goals the corporation aspires to achieve, besides the maximization of the profit, is rising the level of the job security and creating new places of employment. The article discusses the most important characteristics of the model of employment in Mondragon Cooperation. In the article a hypothesis was constructed that solutions in the employment accepted in the Basque cooperative corporation support the rise of level of the job security even in the period of an economic crisis. In the result of conducted research the assumption was confirmed.
The article presents an overview of the Spanish trajectory in budgetary reforms, especially in the area of fiscal stability and discipline and their theoretical premises. The reforms are connected with a tendency observed in many high developed countries, which resign from traditional administration of public sector and adopt rules of New Public Management. The aim of undertaken actions is to increase an efficiency and effectiveness of the fiscal policy through such instrument as long-term budget planning, system of fiscal rules and performance budget. The article reports changes to budget process and resources management, particularly in central government of Spain since the second half of the 1970s. Finally, discussion turns to an evaluation of the main outcomes of the reforms attempted in the area of budgeting process. Spain has followed a long path of incremental budgetary reforms comprising of attempts to rationalize spending decisions. The conclusions suggest that the process is not yet accomplished and budgetary system is still vulnerable to external factors.
Competitive neutrality is an important factor of the efficiency of mixed markets. Despite the general consent of the governments of OECD countries on the necessity to ensure a level playing field between private and public copanies on mixed markets, in practice, only a few of them take the operation of a complex. Moreover, across countries there are important differences in terms of scope and nature of the instruments used to ensure competitive neutrality. These differences have a negative impact on competition in global markets in terms of internationalization of public enterprises, and when these markets include public companies from countries that are not signatories of good practices on competitive neutrality.
: Concept of developmental capitalism and developmental state have been subject to the theoretical debate regarding the division of tasks between public institu¬tions and the market in the process of economic growth and development. This debate takes place in the context of constant prospecting of solutions which will increase the ef¬fectiveness of the economy. The paper contemplates the role of the state in the process of the economic growth stimulation with particular reference to factors determining effectiveness of applied in¬struments. The beginning part of the article is a brief overview of developmental state theory and basic characteristics of developmental capitalism. Then, the analysis focused on indicators used to describe the nature of economic systems of countries recognized as representatives of developmental capitalism. The final section contains main conclusions.
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