Research background: Entrepreneurship and migration are top priorities on many national and international agendas. As a result, entrepreneurship is one of the most popular strategies immigrants use to avoid unemployment in a host country. However, studies lack to discuss causal relationships among key barriers to immigrant entrepreneurs. Purpose of the article: This study attempts to fill the knowledge gap and investigate the causal relationship between the primary obstacles faced by Asian immigrant entrepreneurs in Germany. Methods: A predesigned questionnaire was used in face-to-face interviews with Asian business owners in Germany for the study, and the Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) method of data analysis was used. Findings & value added: The findings reveal that lack of sufficient financial resources to establish a business, high market competition, and a lack of knowledge of the local language of the host country are the most significant barriers, among others, which may severely hamper Asian immigrant business performance and have a considerable impact on their entrepreneurial decision. At the same time, lack of professional knowledge & skills, problems with rules & regulations, and cultural differences are among the least essential obstacles for Asian immigrant entrepreneurs. The findings show that unfamiliarity with the local language, problems with rules and regulations, cultural differences, and lack of international business experience are associated with the causer category. However, lack of enough capital to establish a venture, lack of professional knowledge and skills, difficulty in access to financial resources, and high market competition relate to the receiver category. This research generates value for policymakers, particularly those participating in migration studies. One of the study's novelties is using the DEMATEL framework for decision-making on barriers to immigrant entrepreneurship in the European context.
Research background: Demand forecasting helps companies to anticipate purchases and plan the delivery or production. In order to face this complex problem, many statistical methods, artificial intelligence-based methods, and hybrid methods are currently being developed. However, all these methods have similar problematic issues, including the complexity, long computing time, and the need for high computing performance of the IT infrastructure. Purpose of the article: This study aims to verify and evaluate the possibility of using Google Trends data for poetry book demand forecasting and compare the results of the application of the statistical methods, neural networks, and a hybrid model versus the alternative possibility of using technical analysis methods to achieve immediate and accessible forecasting. Specifically, it aims to verify the possibility of immediate demand forecasting based on an alternative approach using Pbands technical indicator for poetry books in the European Quartet countries. Methods: The study performs the demand forecasting based on the technical analysis of the Google Trends data search in case of the keyword poetry in the European Quartet countries by several statistical methods, including the commonly used ETS statistical methods, ARIMA method, ARFIMA method, BATS method based on the combination of the Cox-Box transformation model and ARMA, artificial neural networks, the Theta model, a hybrid model, and an alternative approach of forecasting using Pbands indicator. The study uses MAPE and RMSE approaches to measure the accuracy. Findings & value added: Although most currently available demand prediction models are either slow or complex, the entrepreneurial practice requires fast, simple, and accurate ones. The study results show that the alternative Pbands approach is easily applicable and can predict short-term demand changes. Due to its simplicity, the Pbands method is suitable and convenient to monitor short-term data describing the demand. Demand prediction methods based on technical indicators represent a new approach for demand forecasting. The application of these technical indicators could be a further forecasting models research direction. The future of theoretical research in forecasting should be devoted mainly to simplifying and speeding up. Creating an automated model based on primary data parameters and easily interpretable results is a challenge for further research.
Research background: Comparing to larger businesses, SMEs encounter more problems in their operations. Since innovativeness enables SMEs to be more competitive against their rivals, having more innovative activities might make SMEs overcome these issues. Nevertheless, depending on businesses-founders/owners' characteristics, SMEs' innovativeness in organizational, local, and global extents might differ. Purpose of the article: This research explores differences in family-owned SMEs' innovativeness regarding the age of their founders/entrepreneurs, legal form, and succession of these businesses. Methods: The researchers used a questionnaire survey. Data collection process was completed in 2020. The research sample includes 343 family-owned SMEs that operate in Czechia. The normality test result directs the authors to perform an Independent sample T-test to find differences between selected variables. Findings & value added: According to the obtained results, global innovativeness does not differ depending on firms-owners/entrepreneurs' characteristics. However, limited liability firms perform better in local innovativeness than other firms structured in different legal forms. Moreover, the organizational innovativeness of SMEs with successors is greater than firms without successors. While organizational innovativeness does not differ depending on entrepreneurs/founders' age and legal structure of businesses, local innovativeness does not differ depending on entrepreneurs/founders' age and successors' existence in these businesses. The educational level of entrepreneurs/founders, sector, and SMEs' location might be reasons for similarities and differences between SMEs' innovativeness. From the policy perspective, based on the obtained results, the authors suggest creating industrial zones. Furthermore, policymakers' collaborations with other essential players in the market might stimulate innovative attitudes among businesses. This paper's main contribution to the existing literature is to fill the gap regarding organizational, local, and global innovativeness of family-owned SMEs by providing detailed and empirical results about entrepreneurs' and firms' characteristics. Thus, this paper might draw businesses, policymakers, academicians, and international readers' attention concerning family-owned SMEs' innovativeness.
Research background: SMEs' concern for the digital literacy of their workforce, their interest in increasing digital literacy among employees, and securing their digital platforms, have been major issues in their digital transformation process. To reduce those obstacles, the dynamic capabilities of SMEs included in the Resource-based View (RBV) might be an effective solution since they help companies be more competitive and proactive against the threats they face in the digitalization process. Purpose of the article: This research aims to investigate whether SMEs' dynamic capabilities positively contribute to their digital transformation process. Methods: In line with the proposed relationships, this paper analyzes SMEs from Czechia by running Ordinal Logistic Regression analyses. The research sample is created by stratified random sampling and purposive sampling methods. The research data is collected via telephone surveys. Findings & value added: This research does not find a positive relationship between the dynamic capabilities of SMEs and the digital transformation process. While the results related to digital literacy are negatively associated with digital transformation, no significant relationship exists between security actions and the digital transformation of SMEs. This paper extends the scope of RBV on the digital transformation of SMEs by analyzing various dynamic capabilities of SMEs that have not been included in a sole study. Moreover, the perceptions of SME executives are considered by this research to provide effective solutions for the problems they face in digital transformation. Having a joint venture agreement with well-experienced IT companies, having a network with partner firms, looking for funding opportunities in the EU, participating in some practical training, and providing internships for bachelor students might enable SMEs to hit their targets in digital transformation.
Research background: Because of enabling a greater amount of money circulation and addressing the needs of individuals in specific regions, local and digital currencies have become more important for local economic and sustainable development, especially in last decade. However, their awareness by potential users have become one of major constraints to their extensive usage. In this regard, discount have been used to increase the awareness of individuals. Purpose of the article: As discount is used as an effective promotional tool. This study pays regard to this indicator and aims to investigate whether the discount rate is positively associated with local and digital currency awareness of potential users. Moreover, this research also includes job positions and age of the respondents into the analyses due to potential existence of differences in the awareness of people regarding their characteristics. Methods: The research employs a questionnaire survey and acquires data from 407 workers of a local business in Cieszyn Silesia region of the Czech Republic. The researchers run Binary Logistic Regression analyses in IBM SPSS Software to examine the relationship between these specified variables. Findings & Value added: The research substantiates the fact that potential users who demand more discount rates are more likely to be aware of local and digital currencies. Moreover, potential users who work in lower job positions and demand more discounts are more acquainted with these currencies. Although the existence of a relationship between age and local currency awareness is not proved, older people who demand discounts with higher percentages are more informed about digital currencies than younger individuals. Higher elasticity in discount demand, mutual interactions and relations, such as social media and internet usage of potential users, might be the reasons of these results. This study makes significant contributions to the literature by confirming the significance of individuals' ages and occupational statuses in the awareness of local and digital currencies and the positive relationship between their discount propensity and awareness.
Research background: Immigrant entrepreneurship remains a key issue for researchers, politicians, and policymakers. It has been widely discussed from different angles among various researchers in recent studies ? particularly in Europe. However, there is a lack of studies to present the motivation of the causal relationship between immigrant entrepreneurs. Purpose of the article: This study aims to fill the gap and analyze the causal relationship between the motivations of Asian immigrant entrepreneurs in Germany. Methods: The study was conducted through a face-to-face interview using a predesigned questionnaire from Asian business owners in Germany and the Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) approach was applied to analyze the data. Findings & value added: The results show that capital acquisition, employment, financial problems in the family, and existence opportunities in the market are the factors that have higher priority, and may highly impact the Asian immigrant entrepreneurial decision. On the other hand, relatives or social networks remain the lowest priority factor that encourages Asian immigrants towards self-employment. The study has also found that entrepreneurship in the family, the state support policy for immigrants, low level of education, unfamiliarity with the local language, and dissatisfaction with the previous job belong to the cause group. However, some of the motivating factors relate to the effect group, such as capital acquisition, opportunity in the market, immigrant community ties or social networks, unemployment, and financial problems in the family. The most affected factor among the effect group is unemployment, while immigrant community ties or social network is the least affected factor. This study includes a novel interpretation of the DEMATEL approach that researchers have not yet addressed; therefore, it is highly relevant for policymakers, especially those interested in migration studies. Finding out the main driving forces behind Asian immigrant entrepreneurs in a developed European nation like Germany and how these drivers affect cause-and-effect interactions between them are the contributions that add value to the field.
Research background: Export activities are crucial for SMEs' growth and income since they enable businesses to expand abroad. However, SMEs encounter some export impediments, including legislative, tax-related, and cultural-linguistic differences, which increase their export risk. Moreover, since different legislative, tax-related, and cultural conditions affect SMEs' export activities, SMEs' perceptions regarding export obstacles might also differ. Purpose of the article: This paper aims to determine whether the SMEs' perceptions of export barriers in selected Visegrad countries differ. Methods: The researchers employ a random sampling method to create the research sample and create an Internet-mediated questionnaire to collect the re-search data, including 408 SMEs from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary. The researchers ran ANOVA analyses with the Gabriel Post Hoc test to find differences between those SMEs. Findings & value added: The results reveal that the perceptions of Czech and Slovak SMEs differ regarding legislative and tax-related export barriers. On the other hand, the perceptions of SMEs from various countries do not differ concerning cultural-linguistic export barriers. Unfortunately, there is a lack of studies comparing the perceptions of SMEs from Visegrad countries regarding legislative, tax-related, and cultural barriers. Thus, evaluating this topic from an international perspective brings novel findings and fills this research gap. Therefore, policymakers, SMEs, governments, public institutions, and academicians might gain benefits from the results of this unique research.
Research background: The executives of SMEs that have higher innovativeness, risk taking, proactiveness, competitive aggressiveness and autonomy dynamize the strategic posture of SMEs, thus, those firms can reach better financial and economic conditions. However, existence of many differences among countries, such as cultural values and market conditions, can cause variations in EO of these executives. Therefore, this fact can be one of the reasons why the performance and financial power of SMEs differ in various countries. Purpose of the article: This study aspires to find out the differences in entrepreneurial orientation (EO) of younger and older, female and male, and more and less educated executives of SMEs from various countries. Methods: 1141 Czech and 479 Turkish executives were analyzed separately by the Mann-Whitney U test, to find out the differences in EO. The researcher ran the analyzes by SPSS Statistical Software. Findings & Value added: The results indicate that risk-taking and competitive aggressiveness of the executives differ regarding their gender, while innovativeness, proactiveness and autonomy do not. While there are significant differences between proactiveness, autonomy and innovativeness of older and younger executives, no differences exist in risk-taking and competitive aggressiveness. Regarding educational status, more educated executives perform better in innovativeness, proactiveness and autonomy, while less educated executives have higher propensities in risk taking and competitive aggressiveness. Masculinity, fear of failure, perception of obstacles, motivation of SMEs' executives and location of businesses might be the reasons of these results. By including the survey respondents from different countries and all dimensions of EO into the analyses, this study finds similarities and differences in gender, age and education levels and of SMEs' executives and their EO. This research also suggests some policies for governments and institutions to close the gap between EO of the executives. These facts not only make this research to unique, but also constitute a valuable addition to the literature.
SMEs make a major contribution to the growth and employment in the EU. In today’s fierce competition in the market economic activities the SMEs had gradually developed into a major force for national economic and social development in every country of world. The aim of this article is to examine the approach to innovativeness and competitive aggressiveness between males and females in the segment of small and medium-sized enterprises. Based on the results of the questionnaire which was conducted in May 2015 in the Czech Republic we tried to test four hypotheses on the relationship between the gender of entrepreneurs of SMEs and their attitude to innovativeness and competitive aggressiveness. The results of our research have pointed out some differences between genders. Men-entrepreneurs who do business in the segment of SMEs in the Czech Republic are slightly more innovative and are significantly more aggressive in regard to competitors than women, as they apply aggressive approach and their companies are perceived as aggressive.
Research background: SMEs encounter more survival impediments than larger businesses. Innovativeness is a crucial attribute for smaller firms to overcome these barriers since it positively influences their performance, competitiveness, and capability to operate in the long term. However, depending on firm characteristics, the innovativeness of SMEs might differ. Purpose of the article: This research investigates whether the innovativeness of family-owned SMEs differs depending on their size, sector, area of activity, and succession on the sample of 350 family-owned SMEs that operate in Czechia. Methods: The data collected in the Czech Republic in 2020 through the structured self-administered questionnaire were analyzed using Skewness-Kurtosis and Levene's normality tests and Independent Sample T-test to find the differences in SMEs innovativeness depending on their selected characteristics. Findings & value added: According to the results, SMEs' innovativeness differs depending on their size, industry, and area activity. On the other hand, the analyses confirmed the nonexistence of the differences in SMEs' innovative-ness concerning succession involvement. The region of SMEs' operation, the scope of their activities, and firms' executives' age might be crucial arguments to explain the differences and similarities in these enterprises' innovativeness. Even though the research focuses only on the SMEs located in Czechia, the similarity of the issues all SMEs face when competing with the larger firms worldwide, especially if we take into consideration the countries with a similar level of development and overall institutional business conditions, allows for generalizing our results and might draw readers' attention to this paper. Policymakers, universities, international institutions, and financial institutions might cooperate to create industrial zones, encourage research centers, and provide education and financial support to stimulate SMEs' innovative activities.
Research background: The existence of new technologies and increase in the extensive usage of the internet by individuals, forces governments, local authorities and practitioners to create alternative payment methods such as digital currencies. However, some of the individuals are concerned about trusting these currencies since they negatively perceive their security. Moreover, some people with low income have the willingness to use these currencies in case of receiving some financial benefits. In this regard, security and benefits have been used as tools to increase the trustworthiness of digital currencies. Purpose of the article: The goal of this study is to investigate and to examine the influences of security and benefits of a local digital currency on potential users' trust in this currency. This paper also considers the age and work experience of prospective users and investigate these variables' effects on stated relationships. Methods: This paper is based on a case study that includes 413 respondents who are workers of a large company in Cieszyn Silesia region of the Czech Republic. A questionnaire survey was employed by researchers to determine the perceptions of potential local currency users. Binary logistic regression analyses were performed to examine the relationships between selected variables. Calculations were made using SPSS Statistics software. Findings & Value added: The results of this paper confirm the positive influences of security and provided benefits on the trust of a digital currency. Regarding characteristics of potential users, perceptions of younger and less experienced users regarding the security and financial benefits are more positive to trust this currency comparing to older and more experienced respondents. Trade freedom of a country, long term orientation and individualistic characteristics of potential users might be reasons for the positive relation-ships between security, benefits and trust in a local digital currency. On the other hand, the income of prospective users, new technology curiosity, and experience of users might be mounting pieces of evidence to explain the differences in the perceptions of potential users regarding security, benefits and trust to a local digital currency. This paper also proposes some policy implementations to users, practitioners, local authorities and governments to make them cope with the security and trust issues of these currencies.
Research background: Bank credit access plays a determining role in enterprises’ financial growth, competitiveness, and internationalization. However, most entrepreneurs are afraid of being rejected from their credit applications due to financial disadvantages that reduce their probability of receiving credits. To minimize credit access concerns, their entrepreneurial behaviors that are included in the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), such as personal attitude (PA), perceived behavioral control (PBC), and subjective norm (SN), might be a good solution. However, depending on cultural differences, their attitudes regarding these factors might change, which also causes changes in firms’ probability of receiving credit. Purpose of the article: This research aims to examine whether the impact of PA, PBC, and SN on credit access of enterprises differ depending on the countries where they do their business. Methods: The researchers investigate 1367 enterprises from different countries. These firms are selected using a purposive sampling method, and then an online questionnaire is sent to the survey respondents. Binary Logistic Regression analyses are performed for analysis purposes. Findings & value added: The results indicate that while the impact of PA on bank credit access does not differ depending on the countries where firms are located, international differences exist in the impacts of PBC and SN on the credit access of enterprises. This paper finds international differences in the impact of RBV’s intangible assets (PA, PBC, SN) on a tangible asset of RBV (financial capability) and explains these results with the factors (economic, political, legal systems) included in Institution-based View, and brings all components of both theories RBV and Institution-based View in a unique research. Financial and educational support from governments and universities for fresh graduate individuals can stimulate entrepreneurial attitudes and financing abilities of prospective entrepreneurs to overcome credit access obstacles.
The aim of this article was to define, quantify and compare the significant attributes of business risk for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the selected regions of Slovakia. The data was collected through a questionnaire. The whole research was conducted in the Bratislava region on a sample of 102 SMEs, in the region of Trencin on a sample of 105 SMEs and in the Zilina region on a sample of 168 SMEs. Thus we compared important factors of business risk in the most economically developed region of the Slovak capital to the average regions of Trencin and Zilina. On the basis of the results of our research, we can conclude that the most important business risk is market risk in all regions. The average value of perceived market risk was higher than 50%. For this reason entrepreneurs have indicated the existence of negative trends in performance and profitability of their companies.
Research background: Due to having lack of financial power and low amount of revenues, most of SMEs' major concerns are bankruptcy and low financial performance. Those issues are risky situations for SMEs when making for their exporting activities. Therefore, depending on their performance and bankruptcy risk, they might more intensively perceive export barriers and this fact might determine their export decisions. Purpose of the article: This paper examines whether financial performance and bankruptcy concerns of SMEs affect their perceptions of export obstacles or not. Methods: This research performs random sampling method and directs an internet-mediated questionnaire to the selected respondents who are the executives of 408 Czech, Slovakian and Hungarian SMEs. To examine the influences of firm performance and bankruptcy on the perceptions of export impediments by SMEs, this paper employs Ordinal Logistic Regression Test. Findings & value added: The results show that SMEs having less healthy financial conditions less intensively perceive cultural-linguistic export barriers in comparison with SMEs having better financial performance. Moreover, firm performance is not a predictor variable in the perceptions of export costs, legislative and tax-related barriers by SMEs. On the other hand, while SMEs having more bankruptcy concerns more intensively perceive tax-related and cultural-linguistic barriers, bankruptcy concerns of SMEs do not influence their perceptions of export costs and legislative differences. Although many studies have investigated the impacts of financial conditions of SMEs on their internationalization and exporting decisions, they are isolated with only a market or only with a financial issue. The limited extents of those studies cause a partial investigation of export and financial issues of SMEs and make readers having a narrow perspective in this specific area. By focusing on various export obstacles and financial issues that SMEs face in different markets, this research offers a detailed understanding of SMEs' perceptions regarding their financial conditions and export barriers, from a comprehensive perspective. In this regard, this is the research gap that this paper aims to fill.
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