In the second half of the 19th century and until the Second World War, Lviv was one of the most important book production centers and publishing movement. Książnica-Atlas, being an extension of the Publishing Administration of the Higher Schools Teachers Association in Lviv, has equipped one school in Poland with wall maps and atlases to teach geography and history, in schoolbooks, school readings, encyclopaedias, dictionaries, gave teachers methodical guides, and the administration was given cabinet maps. The Książnica-Atlas offer was mostly directed at adolescents, but it also contained children books. One of the many publishing series of the Książnica-Atlas directed at a younger reader was the “Biological Library”. The aim of the notebooks published within this series was to provide high school students and teachers with the monographically developed biological issues.
W artykule przedstawiono ogólną specyfikę i działalność dydaktyczną Pedagogicznej Biblioteki Wojewódzkiej w Krakowie (PBW). Biblioteka jest partnerem nauczycieli i wszystkich osób realizujących proces nauczania, a także ambasadorem nowoczesnej edukacji. PBW wspiera pracę szkół i placówek oświatowych. W każdym roku szkolnym przygotowywana jest oferta edukacyjna dostosowana do potrzeb odbiorców i aktualnych wymagań środowiska. Mając na uwadze siłę i skuteczność oddziaływania przez social media Biblioteka promuje swoje działania na stronie internetowej oraz na wybranych portalach społecznościowych.
The article presents the general characteristics and the didactic activity of the Pedagogical Provincial Library in Krakow (PBW). This library is a partner of teachers and all persons implementing the teaching process, and it is also an ambassador of modern education. PBW supports schools and educational institutions. In every school year, an educational offer is prepared, tailored to the needs of recipients and current environmental requirements. The Library promotes different activities on its website and in selected social networks.
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