The text analyses the role of poems in the structure of Jan Kurowicki’s monodrama Pan Kepler raczy umierać [Mr Kepler Deigns to Be Dying]. It inspires reflection on the way the read manifests in the written. The category of silva is related to the intellectual profile of the author. Pan Kepler raczy umierać is presented as a turning point in Jan Kurowicki’s literary career. It also indicates how the monodrama interrelates with different areas of the author’s creative output.
Tekst analizuje rolę wierszy w budowie monodramu Jana Kurowickiego Pan Kepler raczy umierać. Stanowi inspirację do refleksji nad sposobem, w jaki przeczytane przejawia się w napisanym. Próbuje odnieść kategorię sylwiczności do sylwetki intelektualnej twórcy. Pokazuje Pana Keplera raczącego umierać jako punkt zwrotny w twórczości Jana Kurowickiego. Podejmuje trud określenia interferencji tego monodramu z różnymi polami aktywności twórczej autora.
The article presents the image of the East in historical novels by Kazimierz Korkozowicz, including the works of the author of Jeźdźcy apokalipsy (Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse), published in the period between 1970–1990. It refers the notion of the East to Eastern Europe and analysesthe use of historical‑philosophical myth of the East by the writer. The paper also includes the interpretation of the novel, using the category of culture as an ideology of social groups, bearing in mind the fact that culture, including literature, is a tool of ideological impact on society by means of Althusser’s ideological state apparatuses. It examines the cognitive capabilities of various literary methodologies towards analyzed works. It describes the profile of the author of Przyłbice i kaptury and refers to the ongoing discussion about his works.
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