In present study the essential oils composition and antioxidant activities of the essential oils as well as methanolic extracts of leaves, fruits and roots of Biebersteinia multifida were evaluated. The GC-MS analysis of the essential oils resulted in the identification of 36 compounds. Thymol (16.5–38.4%), β-caryophyllene (9.8–15.5%), 1,8-cineol (5.8–18.4%), α-pinene (0.9–14.3%) and β-pinene (2.3–12.4%) were the main components. The samples were subjected to screening for their possible antioxidant activity by using DPPH and β-carotene-linoleic acid assay. In the first case, the radical scavenging activity of the essential oil and methanolic extract of fruits were superior to all other essential oils and extracts (IC50=16.7). In the case of the linoleic acid system, oxidation of the linoleic acid was effectively inhibited by essential oils and extracts of different parts. The fruit extracts showed 95.4±2.15% inhibition, which is comparible to synthetic antioxidant BHT, curcumine and ascorbic acid.
W niniejszej pracy badano skład i właściwości przeciwutleniające olejków eterycznych, a także wyciągów metanolowych z liści, owoców i korzeni Biebersteinia multifida. Analiza GC/MS olejków eterycznych pozwoliła na identyfikację 36 składników. Główne z nich to tymol (16,5–38,4%), β-kariofilen (9,8–15,5%), 1,8-cyneol (5,8–18,4%), α-pinen (0,9–14,3%) i β-pinen (2,3–12,4%). Próbki zostały poddane skriningowi na ich możliwe właściwości przeciwutleniające za pomocą testu DPPH i testu β-karoten-kwas linolenowy. W teście DPPH aktywność jako zmiatacza wolnych rodników dla olejku eterycznego i wyciągu alkoholowego z owoców była wyższa niż dla innych olejków eterycznych i wyciągów (IC50=16,7). W przypadku testu z kwasem linolenowym utlenienie kwasu linolenowego zostało efektywnie zahamowane przez olejki eteryczne i wyciągi z różnych części rośliny. Wyciągi z owoców powodowały zahamowanie o 95,4±2,15%, a więc porównywalne z syntetycznym antyoksydantem BHT, kurkuminą i kwasem askorbowym.
Essential oils from the leaves, stems and flowers of Postia puberula at the flowering stage were analyzed using GC and GC/MS. The results showed that leaves are abundant of cis-3-hexenyl benzoate (10.75%), benzyl benzoate (8.16%) and caryophyllene oxide (8.12%). The main compounds of stems were benzyl benzoate (21.92%), E-nuciferol (11.58%) and dibutyl phthalate (7.08%), while major components of flowers were benzyl benzoate (9.99%), caryophyllene oxide (8.14%) and E-nuciferol (8.13%). The antioxidant activities of methanol extract were evaluated by DPPH and β-carotene/linoleic acid assays. The results showed that in both methods, leaves had stronger antioxidant activity than other organs.
The use of ‘proper energy computation system’ is the best method to investigate the problem of energy deficiency, since energy consumption in computational resources is proportional with the work load in the applied program. Also, the best method to improve the use of resources and decrease in energy consumption is dynamic integration of virtual machines which can be a base for the integration of resources in independent systems through virtualization technology, so that it is possible to use resources and equipment for long time and consequently assuring quicker return of investment. Today, grid computation is a new technology connecting heterogeneous computational resources to each other; thus, this structure operates as an individual and integrated virtual machine. Then, it is possible to implement very complex applied programs requiring high processing capacity and huge amount of input data on this virtual machine. In this regard, the purpose of this study is to present an approach for resource management in grid environments using PSO and Genetic algorithms, and also ants colony to find the location of virtual machines.
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