Archidiecezja Warmińska po osiemdziesięciu latach przeżyła zwieńczenie kolejnego synodu diecezjalnego. Inicjatorem, a następnie zwołującym synod był bp Józef Glemp. Po jego odejściu na stolicę prymasowską synod został zawieszony. Dopiero w 2006 r. abp Wojciech Ziemba dekretem wznowił i polecił kontynuować prace synodalne. Prace te trwały przez 6 lat. Swoim zasięgiem poza komisjami ogólnodiecezjalnymi docierały w formie zespołów synodalnych do parafii i dekanatów. Zaangażowało się w synod bardzo wielu ludzi z ożywionym poczuciem odpowiedzialności za Kościół. Owocem tych prac są statuty regulujące całokształt życia Kościoła lokalnego. Integralną częścią statutów są aneksy doprecyzowujące poszczególne unormowania.
The Warmia Archdiocese, 80 years down the road, entered the crowning of the subsequent diocesan synod. Cardinal Joseph Glemp was the one who initiated and then convoked the synod. Following his nomination as a Primate of Poland, it was suspended later on. Only after 2006 archbishop Wojciech Ziemba resumed and ordered its works to be continued. It lasted consecutive 6 years and covered the whole diocese through its diocesan and vicariate forane teams. There were numbers of people involved in its works in the animated sense of responsibility for the Church. As a result of the synod there were declarations and decrees issued regulating the entirety of the local Church’s life. An integral part of the decrees constitute the annexes which specify individual regulations.
The study brings closer the hierarchical constitution of the church and shows the position of the collegial body within that constitution. To effectively and fruitfully serve within the church, the supreme church authority employs single persons and teams called to deal with specific issues. The mutual dependence of the teams mentioned above deserves special attention: it works both ways: dependence of the persons holding an office on the collegial bodies and vice versa.
The subject of this presentation is celebrating of the sacrament of confirmation. There are two canons only at the Code of Canon Law referring to this sacrament: 880 and the following. What is enclosed by the Legislator at the Code does not exhaust the whole matter, as at the canon # 2 of CCL there already appears an explicit reservation: “For the most part of the Code does not define the rites which are to be observed in celebrating liturgical actions”. That is why the basic second resources of this analysis are the norms included in Confirmation rite applied to the customs of the dioceses in Poland. What needs to be paid attention at in celebration of this sacrament is individual imposition of the hand with simultaneous words prescribed in the approved liturgical books and anointing with chrism on the forehead of the candidate.
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