Wstęp: Wyniki referowanych badań wpisują się w szeroki nurt dyskusji nad korelatami mobbingu. Głównym celem badań było uzyskanie odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy płeć pracownika, jego pozycja zawodowa w firmie oraz stresogenność środowiska pracy różnicują narażenie na mobbing pracowniczy. Materiał i metody: Badania przeprowadzono z udziałem 1313 pracowników spółki transportowej. Analizowano relacje między płcią, zajmowanym stanowiskiem oraz poziomem stresu a narażeniem na mobbing (w tym na różne rodzaje działań mobbingowych, z uwzględnieniem ich sprawców). Oceny poziomu narażenia na mobbing dokonano na podstawie wyników Kwestionariusza MDM, a oceny stresu w pracy z użyciem Kwestionariusza do Subiektywnej Oceny Pracy. Wyniki: Z przeprowadzonych analiz wynika, że kobiety były bardziej narażone na mobbing (Z = –1,999; p < 0,05). Częściej od mężczyzn doświadczały też zachowań mobbingowych ze strony kolegów (Z = –2,712; p < 0,01), w tym działań godzących w wizerunek (Z = –2,922; p < 0,01) oraz relacje społeczne (Z = –3,004; p < 0,01). Kierownicy częściej od swoich podwładnych doświadczali mobbingu ogólnie (Z = ‑2,762; p < 0,01), mobbingu ze strony współpracowników (Z = –0,014; p < 0,05) oraz działań kolegów, które negatywnie wpływały na relacje społeczne w pracy (Z = –2,260; p < 0,05). Ponadto okazało się, że osoby bardziej zestresowane częściej doświadczały zarówno mobbingu ogólnie (Z = –8,171; p < 0,001), jak i mobbingu ze strony kolegów (Z = –7,114; p < 0,001) i szefów (Z = –6,716; p < 0,001) oraz wszystkich poszczególnych rodzajów zachowań (p < 0,001). Wnioski: Porównując otrzymane wyniki z danymi literaturowymi wydaje się, że konstelacja stwierdzanych związków i zależności odzwierciedla zarówno kontekst kulturowy, jak i specyficzną sytuację firmy oraz że trudno mówić o pewnych indywidualnych predyktorach mobbingu. Med. Pr. 2013;64(3):283–296
Background: The results of our research broaden the knowledge concerning the correlates of mobbing. The study is aimed at finding out whether an employee's gender, his/her occupational position and level of occupational stress are related to bullying experience. Material and Methods: 1313 employees of a transport company participated in the study. The relationships between gender, occupational position, the level of stress and bullying were analysed. Bullying was measured by the use of the MDM Questionnaire, while work environment was assessed using the Subjective Assessment of Work Questionnaire. Results: It was found that women were generally more exposed to bullying than men (Z = –1.999; p < 0.05). Women experienced more bullying by their colleagues than men did (Z = –2.712; p < 0.01), in particular: bullying by colleagues that destroys the worker's image (Z = –2.922; p < 0.01) and bullying by colleagues that destroys social relations (Z = –3.004; p < 0.01). Individuals with managerial jobs experienced overall bullying (Z = –2.762; p < 0.01), bullying by colleagues (Z = –0.014; p < 0.05) and bullying by colleagues that destroys social relations (Z = –2.260; p < 0.05) more often than the individuals with non-management positions. The results of the study also indicated that employees with higher level of stress in comparison with less stressed co-workers reported more incidents of bullying behaviour (overall bullying – Z = –8.171; p < 0.001, bullying by colleagues – Z = –7.114; p < 0.001, bullying by supervisors – Z = –6.716; p < 0.001, all types of behaviour – p < 0.001). Conclusions: Comparing the results of our study to the previous research, it seems that the pattern of relationships between individual characteristics and bullying is rooted in the wider cultural context, the specificity of the company, its organisational culture as well as its situation. Therefore it's difficult to talk about irrefutable individual correlates of bullying at work. Med Pr 2013;64(3):283–296
Objectives The study has aimed to identify the relations between the supplementary person–organization fit (P–O fit) and the perceived stress among managerial staff, with special regard to the mediating role of the effort–reward balance. Material and Methods The study sample consisted of 715 middle-level managers, aged 25–64 years old, employed in large companies. To measure the selected variables, the authors used the Questionnaire of Effort–Reward Imbalance (ERI), Perceived Stress Scale – 10 (PSS-10), and Person–Organization Fit Questionnaire. Results The regression analysis revealed that the perceived effort–reward imbalance partially mediated the negative relationship between the supplementary person–organization fit and stress. Conclusions The results suggest that even when the characteristics of the manager and organization are highly congruent, the managers will experience stress if their work involves heavy effort or when this effort is not compensated properly. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2017;30(2):305–312
Objectives Polish Labour Code provides employees with a range of solutions (benefits) supporting them in achieving balance between work and private life. This paper was aimed at indicating availability and the use of legal benefits supporting work-life balance (WLB) among Polish workers of small and medium enterprises. Material and Methods The study sample included 219 respondents, aged 22–64, working in small and medium enterprises and employed on the basis of employment contracts for at least a year. The respondents completed a questionnaire on availability and the use of benefits guaranteed by the Polish Labour Code, referring to their current workplaces. Results Most frequently the studied employees took sick leave because of one’s own illness and leave on demand. In our sample, 45% of the women took maternity leave and 26% of the men took paternity leave. The respondents took educational and parental leave the least frequently. More than half of the respondents (58%) did not return to the same position after leave devoted to childcare, even though they had such a possibility. Conclusions In fact, most of work-life balance benefits guaranteed by law were available to the employees of small and medium enterprises, regardless of their gender. Availability and the use of the majority of benefits were similar among the women and men. Availability of benefits depended on the specificity of industry and a profession, thus, future research on work-life balance policy should control for variables related to the character of work.
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