The paper deals with fatigue crack propagation from notches in plates made of FeP04 steel and AA 356-T6 aluminium alloy. The tests were performed under different stress ranges by keeping constant the nominal load ratio (R=0.1). The specimens were weakened by nearly-sharp and blunt two-sided notches. The results of the fatigue tests are reanalysed here in terms of J-integral range including the notch influence. It was observed that the blunter notches are, the higher fatigue crack growth rate is.
The paper deals with the problem of fatigue crack propagation from notches in plates made of FeP04 steel and AA356-T6 aluminium alloy. The tests were performed under different stress ranges by keeping the nominal load ratio (R=0.1) constant. The specimens were weakened by nearly sharp and blunt two sided notches. The results of the fatigue tests were then reanalysed in terms of the J-integral range including influence of the notch. It was observed that the blunter notches are, the higher fatigue crack growth rate is.
W pracy przedstawiono propagację pęknięć zmęczeniowych, w próbkach płaskich z karbami, wykonanych ze stali FeP04 i stopu aluminium AA356- T6. Badania wykonywano przy różnych zakresach naprężeń i stałym współczynniku asymetrii cyklu (R = 0.1). Próbki były osłabione przez dwustronne ostre i łagodne karby. Wyniki badail zmęczeniowych opisano za pomocą zakresu całki J z uwzględnieniem wpływu karbu. Stwierdzono, że im łagodniejszy karb, tym większa prędkość wzrostu pęknięć zmęczeniowych.