For a long time, experts have been emphasizing that we are in an era, in which dangerous climatic changes are getting more and more notable. We have been witnessing large climatic changes, caused by greenhouse gases, for several years. The question is no more “Are there climatic changes or are there not?”, nor “Are they being accelerated by human actions or are they not?” The fact is, the climate is changing more and more rapidly and that extreme weather conditions are becoming a daily matter. Furthermore, even if we stopped polluting the atmosphere immediately, the processes triggered by human-caused pollution would be going on for several decades. Modern logistic systems cannot operate without means of transport which enable the realization of transport. They form a transport system that makes the function of other economic systems possible. The use of different ways of transport has a bad influence on the environment in which we daily live and work. The damage of transportation has a bad influence on human health and nature, too. For that reason, we cannot treat the safety of the transportation means only through the technical impeccability of the devices which make possible direct execution of particular technological phases in different traffic subsystems. Ecological impacts of particular traffic subsystems are very complex, they have a long-term impact on our everyday existence and despite that we still do not devote enough attention to this. We have been aware that traffic, especially road and air traffic, is one of the largest sources of emissions of harmful exhaust gases of combustion engines and particles into the environment. The environmental impact of traffic is especially large due to greenhouse gases, which are part of exhaust gases being produced by internal combustion engines. In addition to that, there are many more toxic components in exhausted gases.
Ze względu na wagę polityki transportowej i strategii rozwoju Republiki Słowenii koleje słoweńskie muszą brać pod uwagę rozwojowe i strategiczne cele kolei europejskich. Perspektywa postępu jest zdeterminowana przejęciem europejskiego systemu zarządzania ruchem kolejowym. Technologia i organizacja systemu ruchu kolejowego przedstawiają sumę wszystkich elementów oraz procesów technologicznych i organizacyjnych. Pojęcie systemu jest definiowane z matematycznego punktu widzenia jako całość, która jest zwykle skomplikowana, dlatego też system kolejowy jest również złożony i z tego powodu musi być precyzyjnie zarządzany. W węższym sensie zarówno technologia, jak i organizacja pracy obejmują różne środki i procedury w celu realizacji podstawowej działalności, którą może być proces przewozu pasażerów i towarów w systemie transportowym.
Due to the valid traffic policy and development strategy of the Republic of Slovenia, the Slovenian Railways have to consider the developmental and strategic aims of European railways. The perspective of progress is basically determined by skimming the European system development, by taking over the European system and managing the railway traffic in the connection with the European railway system. Technology and organization of the railway traffic system present the sum of all technological and organizational elements and processes that takes part in providing aims of the system. The aims are defined as solving transport problems in railway system. The term system is defined, from the formal mathematical viewpoint, as a whole that is usually complicated or even very much complicated. Therefore, the railway system is complex as well, and that is why it has to be managed precisely. In the narrow sense of meaning, technology and work organization both comprises a variety of means and procedures to realize basic activity that can be seen as a perfect unit, and that can be the process of passengers and freight transport in a transport system. Because of the prompt development of microelectronics and computer engineering, a new generation of electronic signal-safety devices appeared. Because of the prompt development of microelectronics and computer engineering, a new generation of electronic signal-safety devices appeared. All these changes from the past few years that have been introduced into railway technology, enable railway to become attractive and competitive to other means of traffic. Therefore, the Slovenian Railways have to follow novelties in traffic technology development and gradually modernize its railway network.
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