On 1-st of January 2015 we celebrate 50-th anniversary of the entry into force of the Polish Code of Civil Procedure Act adopted on 17-th of November 1964. This anniversary is an excellent opportunity to analyze changes to the nature of the civil proceedings in terms of its inherent characteristics, which is a procedural formalism and, more precisely - changes in the degree of formalization of civil procedure. The examination leads to the conclusion that during last 50 years we can distinguish three stages in the evolution of formalism of Polish civil procedure. The first stage falls for the years 1965-1996. This stage is characterized by a reduced degree of formalization of the procedure (moderate procedural formalism), which was connected with then existed the social model of civil procedure. The second stage (1996-2009) was a period of significant increase of degree of procedural formalism, which was related to the reconstruction of the model of civil procedure in a liberal direction. The end of this stage was mainly caused by the Constitutional Court, which in the case law of the years 2007-2009 contested the legislative solutions and the practice of the Supreme Court and common courts in the field of procedural formalism. The last stage (2009 - nowadays) is characterized by reduction of the degree of procedural formalism, both by the legislature, as well as legal practitioners.
Elevated helipads at hospitals offer the possibility of rapid transport and assistance to persons injured in accidents or severely ill. Such helipads may have a diverse structure and location-depending on the possibilities of the hospital environment, including the vicinity of other buildings. Vibroacoustics Laboratory of the Institute of Aviation performed the measurement of the vibration properties of several helipads of varying degrees of construction. These tests were intended to determine the vibration properties of the helipads as well as the building, as an attempt to access the impact of the vibrations induced during a helicopter's landing and take-off on the construction of the helipad, the building and its equipment. This paper presents the tests and some results of the measurements made with a modal hammer, carried out on two new elevated helipads, built on the building's roofs and an estimation of the impact of the helicopter on its construction at the stage of design and construction of the helipad.
The need to quickly provide assistance to victims of accidents or seriously ill has created the need for the construction of helipads at selected hospitals. Their operation and the conditions of use are governed by regulation of the Ministry of Health on Hospital Emergency Ward (SOR) and rules required by the Civil Aviation Authority. The direct vicinity of the helipads causes impact of landing and departing helicopters on buildings, people and hospital equipment as well as the construction of the airfield. This article presents vibroacoustic impact of helicopters on helipads’ measurement methods and the results of the preliminary measurements to estimate the impact of Helicopter Air Rescue (LPR) on adjacent buildings and surroundings.
Potrzeba szybkiego udzielania pomocy poszkodowanym w wypadkach lub ciężko chorym stworzyło potrzebę budowy lądowisk przy wybranych szpitalach - ich działanie i warunki eksploatacji reguluje Rozporządzenie MZ w sprawie szpitalnego oddziału ratunkowego (SOR) oraz przepisy wymagane przez Urząd Lotnictwa Cywilnego. Bezpośrednie sąsiedztwo lądowisk powoduje oddziaływanie lądujących i startujących śmigłowców na budynki oraz na ludzi i sprzęt szpitalny a także na konstrukcję lądowiska. W artykule przedstawiono czynniki oddziaływania wibroakustycznego śmigłowców na lądowiskach wyniesionych, metody pomiarowe oraz wyniki wstępnych pomiarów mające na celu oszacowanie wpływu śmigłowców Lotniczego Pogotowia Ratunkowego (LPR) na sąsiadujące budynki i otoczenie.
A helicopter landing and taking off on an elevated helipad is a source of noise that affects the environment and causes vibrations of the landing pad or the building infrastructure. Vibrations are also excited by the air stream flowing through the main rotor and transferred to the landing pad by contact of the helicopter chassis. Vibrations are transferred to the building through the structure of the helipad. Depending on the damping properties of the structure and the vibro-isolating elements used, vibrations can be felt in rooms used by people and also transmitted to devices located in the building. The subject of the study described in this paper is the vibroacoustic effects of an EC-135 helicopter on an elevated landing pad during landing, standstill with the propulsion system engaged and take-off. Measurements of vibrations and noise were made at points located both on the landing pad and in the building. The paper presents selected results of measurements in various phases of flight and helicopter manoeuvres. The frequency analyses of the fragment of the measurement data for the flight phase, in which the highest levels of impact were recorded, were also performed and included. The results are presented as graphs and annotated.
The article presents an experimental method of determining the geometric properties of jet engine rotor airfoils based on modal vibration testing. The procedure is based on adjusting the results of analytical calculations to the laboratory outcomes. Experimental tests were carried out on a set of 20 jet engine fan blades made of AL7022-T6 aluminium alloy. Each blade differed in weight and geometric dimensions within the accepted design tolerance. Numerical analysis of five airfoils that differed in thickness was performed. Modal vibration test results were summarised and compared with the results obtained by the numerical method. The comparison revealed a high similarity of the frequency and form of vibrations acquired by numerical simulation for each of the blades in relation to the executed vibration testing. Based on the verification of the theoretical model with the results obtained through experimental testing, conclusions were drawn about the object’s dynamic behaviour and its technological quality and geometric properties, whereby each of airfoil was probably thinned.
Polish Medical Air Rescue helicopters facilitate the rapid transport of patients to large hospitals. The requirements of the space around the helipad and the safety of flight operations mean that hospitals closer to city centers create more elevated helipads than ground-based helipads. The helipads can vary in the way they are constructed and located - depending on the possibilities offered by hospital buildings and their surroundings. Vibroacoustics Laboratory of the Institute of Aviation measured the vibration properties of some elevated helipads. The goal of this research was to determine the vibration properties of the helipads itself and the transmission of vibrations to the construction of the helipads, the building and its equipment caused by the landing and taking-off of a helicopter. This article presents some of the results of measurements of vibrations of steel constructed elevated helipads with the use of a modal hammer and while landing and taking-off of a helicopter, as well as comparison of the vibration properties concerning various elevated concrete helipads.
Śmigłowce Lotniczego Pogotowia Ratunkowego (LPR) ułatwiają szybki transport pacjentów do dużych szpitali. Wymagania przestrzeni wokół lądowiska jak i bezpieczeństwo wykonywania lotów powodują, że przy szpitalach położonych bliżej centrów miast powstaje więcej lądowisk wyniesionych niż naziemnych. Lądowiska wyniesione mogą mieć różnorodną konstrukcję oraz usytuowanie ‒ w zależności od możliwości jakie stwarzają zabudowania szpitalne i ich otoczenie. Laboratorium Wibroakustyki Instytutu Lotnictwa wykonało pomiary właściwości drganiowych kilku lądowisk wyniesionych. Badania te miały na celu określenie właściwości drganiowych samego lądowiska oraz przenoszenia się drgań wzbudzanych przez lądujący i startujący śmigłowiec na konstrukcję lądowiska, budynku oraz jego wyposażenie. W artykule przedstawiono niektóre wyniki pomiarów drgań lądowisk o konstrukcji stalowej wzbudzonych młotkiem tzw. modalnym a także przez lądujący i startujący śmigłowiec oraz porównanie ich właściwości drganiowych z lądowiskami o konstrukcji betonowej.
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