Common awareness of threats and dangers, which has become an integral part of nature and mankind, has caused the situation when determination to guarantee safety makes this value timeless. According to H. Kissinger the notion of safety is nowadays ‘the foundation of every human action’. That is why, in literature, one can see a very wide scope of safety categories in its defining. The aim of the article is the attempt to explain the notion and to show the essence of safety. Taking into consideration ambiguity of the notion of safety, attention has been directed to its description as the state. At the same time, safety has been described as a process where the state of safety and its organization are subjects of dynamic transformations proportionally to changes in safety conditions. Importance of geopolitical evolution and the progress of science and technology in the last decade of 20th century for transformation of views concerning creation of contemporary national security has been stressed. Realities of 21st century cause that safety of society depends mainly on global and national security. That is why the synthesis of contemporary description of national security has been presented, taking into consideration social category, functional and structural meaning. The attempt of theoretical presentation of the term of safety leads to fundamental conclusions. Firstly, safety undergoes the laws of social systems movements. Secondly, the phenomenon should be analysed thoroughly, noticing its subjective, objective and spatial diversity.
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie, że współczesna cywilizacja postępu technologicznego, medycznego, strukturalnego i światopoglądowego determinuje negatywne zmiany w strukturze rodzin oraz wzrost populacji osób starszych. Wśród postawionych hipotez badawczych w szczególności wskazać należy na fakt, iż współczesna polityka rodzinna powinna uwzględniać kontekst prokreacyjny, jak i rodzinny z udziałem starszego pokolenia, jako konsumenta i uczestnika usług rynkowych. Wnioski, które proponują autorki dotykają szeregu rozwiązań w zakresie polityki społecznej. Niekorzystna sytuacja demograficzna w Unii Europejskiej wyłania określone wyzwania dla polityki społecznej i demograficznej, wśród których wskazać należy na zmiany w postawach i zachowaniach indywidualnych wobec kwestii zawierania małżeństw i zakładania rodziny, zmiany w postawach prokreacyjnych, podnoszenie jakości życia wszystkich pokoleń, zapewnienie aktywnego uczestnictwa wszystkim pokoleniom w rozwoju demograficznym i społeczno-ekonomicznym kraju. Artykuł powstał z wykorzystaniem następujących metod badawczych: opisowej, porównawczej i analizy historycznej.
The aim of the article is to show that the modern civilization of technological, medical, structural and world-view progress determines the negative changes in the structure of families and the growth of the elderly population. Among the research hypotheses, in particular, it should be pointed out that the modern family policy should take into account the procreative context, as well as the family context with the participation of the older generation, as a consumer and participant in market services. The conclusions proposed by the authors concern a number of solutions in the field of social policy. The unfavorable demographic situation in the European Union raises specific challenges for social and demographic policy, among which, we should point out the changes in attitudes and individual behavior towards marriage and starting a family, changes in procreation attitudes, improving the quality of life of all generations, ensuring active participation of all generations in the demographic and socio-economic development of the country. The article has been written using the following research methods: descriptive, comparative and historical analysis.
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