Wprowadzenie do systemu polskiego prawa postępowania kompensacyjnego (art. 225 - 229 ustawy - Prawo ochrony środowiska ), umożliwia jedynie szeroko rozumiany handel emisjami w oparciu o władczą metodę funkcjonowania administracji publicznej. Uwzględniając powyższy stan regulacji prawnej, należało podjąć próbę rozważenia kwestii odpowiedzialności uczestnika postępowania kompensacyjnego, któremu pozwolenie na emisję gazów lub pyłów zostało cofnięte bądź ograniczone. Sytuacja prawna wskazywanego podmiotu jest w tym zakresie zbieżna z odpowiedzialnością podmiotu eksploatującego instalację bez wymaganego pozwolenia bądź z przekroczeniem wielkości przyznanej w nim emisji. Zaznaczenia wymaga przy tym, iż ramy poniższego opracowania pozwoliły jedynie na zasygnalizowanie przedmiotowej materii. Wskazane zatem zostały wybrane regulacje prawne ustawy Prawo ochrony środowiska, normujące kwestię odpowiedzialności uczestnika postępowania kompensacyjnego, któremu pozwolenie na emisję zostało cofnięte bądź ograniczone. Rozważaniom poddane zostały trzy obszary odpowiedzialności, czyli cywilna, karna i administracyjna.
The introduction of the compensatory proceedings (Articles 225-229 of the Act of Environment Protection Law) into the Polish legal system allows only the emission trade in the broad meaning of the word on the basis of the dominant method of public administration functioning. Taking into consideration the above mentioned state of legal regulation, the issue of the responsibility of the participant of compensatory proceedings, who had his gas or dust emission withdrawn or restricted, should be discussed. The legal situation of the subject at issue within the sphere is identical to the responsibility of a subject exploiting the installation without the required permit or with the exceeding of the quantity of the emission allowed in it. It should be emphasized that the frameworks of the present paper allow only signaling the subject matter. Thus, selected legal regulations of the Environment Protection Law Act, regulating the responsibility of the participant of the compensatory proceedings, who had his gas or dust emission withdrawn or restricted, are indicated. Three spheres of responsibility, i.e. civil, penal and administrative, are discussed.
By virtue of Directive 2004/35/EC on environmental liability, and with regard to the prevention and remedying of environmental damage, the European Community has developed a legal framework for liability for threat of environmental damage or the occurrence of environmental damage. Its provisions have also determined the duty of the Member States concerning the implementation of regulations necessary to force through the provisions of the above-mentioned act of union law by 30 April, 2007. Such a state of affairs extorts actions, the aim of which is to settle contentious matters which will make the introduction of necessary legal changes possible. Due to the lack of consensus both among the academic representatives in Polish legal circles and other Member States as to the kind of responsibility (which was used by the EC legislator in the Directive), the issue undoubtedly belongs to the group of problems indicated above. On the other hand, the relevance of the issue for the process of effective realization of the aim of the legal act being established, the law unequivocally recommends that its settlement should have priority.
Properly conducted forest management is one of the essential conditions for the forests protection. The state of the natural element in Poland is affected, in various scale, by a number of factors, including those causing the formation of unfavorable changes in the forests condition. In this study, we would like to focus on a group of anthropogenic factors, whose negative impact, in our opinion, can be limited by the well−managed green public procurement policy. The aim of this study is to show the legal possibilities offered by the new EC directives on public procurement in relation to the protection of legal good which are forests, in order to stimulate the national legislator to proper implementation of these provisions into national legal order. Contents provided in this study are based on analysis of the provisions of normative acts and views expressed in the science of law on the ground of considered issues. At the same time, the analysis conducted in such a way allowed us to obtain the following results and conclusions. First of all, the environment protection, including forests, is becoming an increasingly important part of any modern economic policy of the state. Emphasizing the achievement of environment protection aims, including forests, through public procurement, requires the activity of the state, in particular the activation of particular groups of public entities. Only a coherent and integrated policy for public procurement in the state, can give the desired results. From our point of view, the President of the Public Procurement Office has a crucial role in the creation of public procurement environmental policy. At the same time, with the existence of legislation enabling the use of public procurement to protect the environment, including forests, the entities granting public procurement often do not benefit from these opportunities. In our opinion, there is some kind of mental barrier of people responsible for public procurement procedures that focus on the current cost of purchase, not interested in further operating costs and any maintenance and repair. It is therefore advisable to add more attention and care in the preparation of specification of terms of procurement, in order to take into account possible criteria relating not only to the current cost of purchasing, but also including subsequent operating costs. To this the new legislation contained in Directive 2014/24 EC and Directive 2014/25 EC should significantly contribute.
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