In recent years more and more attention is paid to the role of social workers not only in diagnosing problems, identifying the needs and providing effective assistance to people in the need of help, but also in activating and organizing local communities. This article is based on personal experiences of people involved in the “Improving Access to Community-Based Services for Older People Living at Home” project. Potential benefits, opportunities and threats in the cooperation between representatives of the local community and social workers, employed in local social services center were presented. Some elements essential for satisfactory cooperation between social workers and older people were also indicated.
W ostatnich latach coraz więcej uwagi poświęca się roli pracowników socjalnych nie tylko w diagnozowaniu problemów, identyfikacji potrzeb oraz zapewnianiu skutecznej pomocy potrzebującym, ale także aktywizacji i organizacji społeczności lokalnych. Odwołując się do doświadczeń uczestników projektu „Zwiększenie dostępu do środowiskowych form opieki dla osób starszych, mieszkających w gospodarstwach domowych”, w artykule zaprezentowano potencjalne korzyści, szanse i zagrożenia wynikające ze współpracy przedstawicieli środowiska lokalnego z pracownikami socjalnymi, reprezentującymi ośrodek pomocy społecznej. Wskazano również niektóre elementy istotne dla satysfakcjonującej współpracy pomiędzy pracownikami ośrodka pomocy społecznej a osobami starszymi.
Objectives: This paper aims to assess the relationship between the determinants of the psychosocial work environment, as expressed in terms of JDC or ERI models, and all-cause mortality in older individuals. Materials and Methods: The baseline study was conducted on a cohort comprising a random sample of 65-year-old community-dwelling citizens of Kraków, Poland. All of the 727 participants (410 women, 317 men) were interviewed in their households in the period between 2001 and 2003; a structured questionnaire was used regarding their occupational activity history, which included indexes measuring particular dimensions of their psychosocial work environment based on Karasek's Job Demand-Control model and Siegrist's Effort-Reward Imbalance model, as well as health-related quality of life and demographic data. Mortality was ascertained by monitoring City Vital Records for 7 years. Analyses were conducted separately for men and women, with the multivariate Cox proportional hazard model. Results: During a 7-year follow-up period, 59 participants (8.1%) died, including 21 women (5.1% of total women) and 38 men (12%) (p < 0.05). Significant differences in the number of deaths occurred regarding disproportion between physical demands and control in men: those with low physical demands and low control died three times more often than those with high control, regardless of the level of demands. The multivariate Cox proportional hazard model showed that significantly higher risk of death was observed only in men with low physical demands and low control, compared to those with low physical demands and high control (Exp(B) = 4.65, 95% CI: 1.64-13.2). Conclusions: Observed differences in mortality patterns are similar to the patterns of relationships observed in health-related quality of life (HRQoL) level at the beginning of old age; however, the relationship between efforts and rewards or demands and control and mortality was not fully confirmed.
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Demographic changes of the European societies cause the great enlargement of the needs for care services in the elderly population. The development of the care counseling services is therefore essential. The international project “Improving Access to Community-Based Services for older People Living at Home” was launched to help elderly people and their caregivers to find the appropriate health care services and to encourage them to take advantage of such services. Testing of the access strategies to care counseling targeted at older people enabled to prepare specific recommendations. The recommendations stressed among other the role of mediators during informing process and the necessity to tailor the services to the expectations of older people.
Przemiany demograficzne społeczeństw europejskich powodują, że znacznie wzrasta zapotrzebowanie na usługi opiekuńcze w populacji seniorów, stąd bardzo istotną sprawą jest rozwój poradnictwa w tym zakresie. Międzynarodowy projekt „Zwiększenie dostępu do środowiskowych form opieki dla osób starszych, mieszkających w gospodarstwach domowych” miał za zadanie uświadomić osobom starszym i ich opiekunom dostępne formy pomocy oraz zachęcić ich do korzystania z nich. Testowanie różnych strategii dostępu do poradnictwa ukierunkowanego na osoby starsze pozwoliło na wypracowanie zaleceń zawartych w rekomendacjach, które zwróciły uwagę na rolę pośredników w przekazywaniu informacji i konieczność dostosowywania oferty świadczeń do potrzeb osób starszych.
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