Sustainability is now an inseparable part of urban and spatial planning. However, mutual relations among elements of settlement structures are not yet fully understood. The best way to design sustainable urban concepts is still open to question. The aim of this article is to analyse sustainability by means of a description of urban planning parameters in the context of a residential zone and, subsequently, to examine the relations among these parameters. The study analysed ten selected parameters and came to the conclusion that it is of key importance for sustainable urban planning concepts of residential zones that the context of functional/spatial relations is complemented by a definition of appropriate intensity of housebuilding. It is evident that more specific environmental aspects and the creation of public space are matters for more detailed levels of documentation of buildings and public space.
Udržateľnosť sa stala neodmysliteľnou súčasťou urbanizmu a územného plánovania. Vzájomné vzťahy medzi jednotlivými prvkami sídelnej štruktúry však ani v súčasnosti nie sú plne pochopené. Otázkou teda zostáva, ako vlastne navrhovať urbanistickú koncepciu tak, aby bola udržateľnou. Cieľom článku bolo rozobrať problematiku udržateľnosti prostredníctvom predstavenia urbanistických parametrov udržateľnosti v kontexte obytnej zóny a následne skúmať ich vzájomné vzťahy. Analýzou vybraných desiatich parametrov štúdia dospela k záveru, že pri tvorbe udržateľnej urbanistickej koncepcie obytnej zóny je kľúčové, popri sledovaní širšieho kontextu funkčno-priestorových vzťahov v rámci sídla, definovať vhodnú intenzitu zástavby. Práve intenzita totiž do veľkej miery ovplyvňuje ostatné parametre a súčasne na ne aj citlivo reaguje. Na druhej strane sa javí, že riešenie špecifických environmentálnych aspektov a aspektov stvárnenia veřejného priestoru možno ponechať na riešenie v podrobnejšom stupni dokumentácie objektov a verejného priestoru.
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The paper deals with the issue of graphic representation in urban design as an artistic and technical field that is symbiotic to the field of architecture. The basic expression instrument of urban design (spatial planning) is the projection of 2D. The ability of an urban designer or urban planner to adequately present a design is, therefore, an element of the creative process that should be acquired during higher education. The aim of the research was to reveal the key parameters influencing the resulting effect of graphic processing of a masterplan drawing and a perspective drawing from a human perspective, as a typical urban expression element. The paper focuses more closely on examining the differences between hand based and computer graphic processing. A set of categories for a masterplan drawing and perspective views has been summarized for the purposes of research, which has been used to evaluate a sample of student works. The key research methods of data evaluation are comparison and correlation analysis. The results of the research summarize the advantages and the disadvantages of the hand based and computer graphic processing and the key graphic mistakes made in urban design students proposals.
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